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[ Diary Of A Slave ] - My second RPG Maker game!
Old September 26th, 2016, 02:28 PM   #1
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Default [ Diary Of A Slave ] - My second RPG Maker game!

Download Here: https://www.mediafire.com/file_premi...-v1.0.zip/file
Source Here: https://www.mediafire.com/file_premi...oject.zip/file
Patreon Here: https://www.patreon.com/godspeak

v0.1 - 9/26/16: First Build
v0.2 - 9/28/16: Initial bugfixing pass
v0.3 - 6/8/17: Huge update, lots of content changes and fixes
v0.4.4 - 6/27/17: Another big update with plenty of bugfixes, content added to Norbermark, and a new world map screen!
v0.5.2 - 12/30/17: Big update, new town, new quests, Patron Content added
v1.0 - 10/30/18: Game completed
vSource - 10/12/20: Project files released

-----Original Post--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hey everybody, it's been a long time, but I am back, and bearing gifts.
I downloaded RPG Maker MV about 3 months ago and set about making a new game for you all. This time, taking into account a year's worth of video game design experience to create something much better than before.
To answer the question about the other game, I will be frank with you. It is dead. I have no intention of finishing it and if anyone would like to have a go, you have my blessing.

This new game however, is a project with a clear end goal that I believe I can reach. As of right now, there is about 20 give or take a few minutes of gameplay with more on the way. There are 3 different base spankers/spankees at the moment that you can spank/be spanked by at any time (provided you have the skills), plus several other story-beat spankings. There is a sort-of combat system in as well that I'm not sure how I want to use yet, but you can check it out if you want to. I plan to add at least 3 other base spanker/spankees with all of the fixings and character development as well in future builds. I also want to add more special events that occur on certain days, right now there are 3.

If you have any recommendations for anything, or any bugs that you found, feel free to reply here.

Thanks for reading, and enjoy the game!

UPDATE - 1/18/17: I'm not dead! School started right about the time I released the first build of this, so I was pretty swamped with stuff. I'm happy to say that I've had my winter break, and I started working on this project again, taking in your feedback to try to make the biggest and best game I possibly can.

Some stuff I've done or am doing:
I now have a clear end goal for the game, a win-state if you will: To pay off your bounty! (I know it's cliche, but what do you want?)
I have reworked the spanking system entirely, implementing a rep system instead, and making the scenes where you're the spanker more scripted (with a special building block style randomizer, so the spankings are varied).
I have added a new location, and am working on a quest that will take you there.
I fixed the bugs. (mostly)

I will try to get a build out sooner or later, but I've only just put the new rep system in for one out of seven characters and that took nearly 20 hours, but I'd be willing to release a build with just the one if you folks want to see it.
Thanks for waiting guys, you're awesome!

UPDATE - 6/8/17:

Buncha new stuff in this one for yous guys. FYI, there is a sample of the randomizer system I've been working on in for Aya, but you can't have sex with her yet, only spankings. Also the day event content ends after day 32 at the moment, so if you get that far, that's all I got.


UPDATE - 12/30/17

New Build:
Added content for days through #45.
Added some Patron Rewards.
More detail is included in the changelog in the game files.

The portal spell is a skill, and must be used from the skill menu.
The portal spell can only be used in the world map.
Phase crystals are consumed when you create a portal, so unless you want to buy more at your destination, collect a lot!
The penance goddess can be found by exploring the southernmost meadow tile to the west of Kanro on the world map.
The special event content ends after day 45, so if you get that far, that's it for now!

UPDATE - 10/30/18

Version 1.0!

As of now, Diary of a Slave: Part 1 is feature complete and done! Over these next few weeks I will be most likely tweaking the game as I do bugfixing and stuff, so sorry if it's a bit rough around the edges. Hopefully I'll have the game pretty much completely ironed out in the next few weeks. Enjoy!

UPDATE - 10/12/20

With this, I officially put a bookend on DOAS 1. Above you will find the project source files that you may edit and learn from as you wish. Sorry that they're pretty messy, but that's what you get for digging around in the backend of a 4 year old project!

My only stipulations are that anything you make with this source code be released here for free and that you credit me.

Have fun!
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Last edited by Godspeak; July 23rd, 2023 at 06:53 AM. Reason: Fixing Broken Links
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Old September 26th, 2016, 02:53 PM   #2
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Greatness returns!
I can't wait to try this out, I'm gonna make sure to give some strong feedback as well.
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Old September 26th, 2016, 04:58 PM   #3
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I played a bit,and I must say...it would be a pity if you sold it,cause then as I live on Brazil I won't be able to buy it and keep playing! It's awesome! I also appreciate you give the option to have just the spankings to those like me who aren't into the heavier sexual things. ^_^

I like the "Mother",and the Drow like demoness.Finnaly got Osha to punish me,too! ^_^

The spanker system is awesome,but if it is like your last game I risk overdoing it and getting the character mad at me,so I'll only go the spankee route for this game.Don't get me wrong,it's a realist system and I like it,but TBH I prefer the spanker system like the spankee one,and let the computer do the spanking. Ya know,like the only options being to bare or use implement,but the computer does the spanking for me so that I know the character will spank the right way instead of me risking overdoing it. I'm not that good with complex systems,lol. ^_^;

I liked to get the scope,and to beat someone by being submissive,lol. Let me see if I get it right,to get punished your submission must be higher tham the character's dominance?

Ultra Lil' Bro Apprentice of Galactic Kids Next Door, Numbuh 001(Joseph)'s bro and Numbuh Omega's apprentice/adopted son!
Numbuh Omega is a gentle mommy, and don't like to spank me, but she will if it's needed...
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Old September 26th, 2016, 06:35 PM   #4
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Wow, 1.1GB of content, this is going to be awesome!
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Old September 26th, 2016, 06:45 PM   #5
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I must be playing something wrong, because I haven't experienced too much yet.
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Old September 26th, 2016, 06:56 PM   #6
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You actually can't overdo the spankings at the moment because of the nature of the system in this one. Most of them will always respond positively, no matter how hard you go, so long as it's not a punishment.

Yes, your sub score needs to be higher than the opponent dom score in order to succeed.

Thanks for your input on the selling thing, I will definitely take that into consideration.

---------- Post added at 06:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:46 PM ----------

Originally Posted by invader-yor View Post
I must be playing something wrong, because I haven't experienced too much yet.
What kind of problems are you having?
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Old September 26th, 2016, 06:57 PM   #7
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Alright, I'm pretty sure I've milked what you've done so far of all it's content.

First, the bad news: The caning scene with "mother" is broken as it repeats itself after ending, eventually your character breaks down and the day will end however. Second, the story event with that one jerky girl is also broken, it treat is as the quiet girl's event for some reason yet it uses the jerky girl's model. A more minor issue is with the tower, you can enter the tower without talking to your friend, and she is still on the ground when you enter. Also related to that, when you exit after dealing with the demoness she will be outside even after saving her. As a male character, I started with female garb and underwear, but besides that the gender detection seems okay.

Secondly, some things I think could be improved: When you enter a room, you start on the exit event that takes you out of it, so you have to move up then down if you want to leave. Also, it would be nice in future versions for a little speech box to appear when the last special event appears so the player doesn't spend time just grinding days away with nothing coming of it. To be honest, the whole day cycle got old pretty quickly. What would make it better is if you don't have to switch your tools every time. I know that you use the pickaxe for the cave down below, but maybe you could make it so you switch tools automatically at the work site, and use the shed to hold the tools for the side stuff?

Lastly, what I like about it. The idea of being a slave for the entire game is really creative and I think there will be a lot of work to it. Your submission and dominance stats are also good ideas, and I like how building one stat doesn't lower the other, and lets you access any of the content you want. One thing i hope is that there will be a way in the future to increase each of the stats without randomly hoping on an event to take place while working. A basis on how each stat scales would be nice, like what the maximum would be. I like how everything is pretty compact too, it makes navigation really easy. The characters all seem interesting, and seeing how your stats interact with them is appealing too. The lack of music was weird at first, but it built a sense of ambiance. Speaking of which, I think there were a few times in the town where even after you enter a building you still hear the bird noises.

All in all, a promising start, and I hope for more asap!
Edit: Just a question, you can't get spanked by the shy girl right? Just like you can't spank the tough girl. I felt I tried everything at least.
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Old September 26th, 2016, 07:12 PM   #8
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Thanks for the input Bagool. I was hoping I had gotten all of the game breakers out, but I guess I missed a few. I'll make sure to fix them.

You made some very good points about the tedium of the work and stuff. I will try to look into ways to make it better.

You can actually spank the mean girl and be spanked by the shy one, but their stats are really high in each of those traits. I think it's 70 or 80 for each.
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Old September 26th, 2016, 07:27 PM   #9
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Yeah, it's always something we forget right before an upload finishes, lol.
I guess I'll go try that then, thanks!

One more minor bug I forgot about, the back button when talking to the other slaves usually always triggers the "other" talk, you'll need to set it to the exit choice .
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Old September 26th, 2016, 08:55 PM   #10
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Is there any ABDL content yet or am I just overlooking it? Btw this looks quite promising so keep up to good work
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