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June 21st, 2009, 03:03 AM
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Nerdking14 is offline
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"Well, that's not too bad. Still, let's see if I can show you some more damaging spells. Carrwyn, mind helping us?"
"Anything for you." she said, giggling again before she got up. "What do you need?"
"Just stand in the middle of the room." Miralon said. "Now Aries, try to gather some shadow magic in the palm of your hand."
Sorry to everyone on here I'm rping with, or said I'd rp with, but apparently hit the busy part of my job as I now have to work 55 hours a week. I'm going to try leaving replies to my stuff when I have time, but bear with me if replies take a few days.
June 21st, 2009, 03:04 AM
Wanna-be Roleplayer
Aries (mastercfire) is offline
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"yeah like this?" Aries said as he focused shadow magic into the palm of his hand easily
June 21st, 2009, 03:11 AM
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Nerdking14 is offline
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"Okay, now try throwing it at her." Miralon said calmly.
"WHAT?!" Carrwyn asked. "You've got to be kidding me! I'm supposed to stand here and get pummeled?"
"I'll heal you when it's over. Besides, I thought you'd enjoy a bit of pain."
"When I'm your toy, not a practice dummy." she said under her breath.
Sorry to everyone on here I'm rping with, or said I'd rp with, but apparently hit the busy part of my job as I now have to work 55 hours a week. I'm going to try leaving replies to my stuff when I have time, but bear with me if replies take a few days.
June 21st, 2009, 03:14 AM
Wanna-be Roleplayer
Aries (mastercfire) is offline
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aries did as he was told and throw the ball of shadow at her
June 21st, 2009, 03:19 AM
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Nerdking14 is offline
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Miralon was surprised to see Aries had great accuraccy. The bolt hit her a little below her right shoulder. Her hand wet over where she got hit "Ouch."
"Not bad. Try shooting a few more." As he said that, she looked at the two of them and gave them a death glare.
Sorry to everyone on here I'm rping with, or said I'd rp with, but apparently hit the busy part of my job as I now have to work 55 hours a week. I'm going to try leaving replies to my stuff when I have time, but bear with me if replies take a few days.
June 21st, 2009, 03:25 AM
Wanna-be Roleplayer
Aries (mastercfire) is offline
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"Aries you sure?" Aries asked feeling a bit bad for carrwyn
June 21st, 2009, 03:28 AM
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Nerdking14 is offline
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"Almost any succubus wil enjoy pain to some extent." he explained. "She's probably just a bit upset that I'm not the one doing. Besides, didn't I just say a moment ago I was going to heal her afterwards?"
Sorry to everyone on here I'm rping with, or said I'd rp with, but apparently hit the busy part of my job as I now have to work 55 hours a week. I'm going to try leaving replies to my stuff when I have time, but bear with me if replies take a few days.
June 21st, 2009, 03:34 AM
Wanna-be Roleplayer
Aries (mastercfire) is offline
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"alright." Aries said he sent another one right at her then one to follow up but then paused to wait
June 21st, 2009, 10:32 AM
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Nerdking14 is offline
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"Ow! Master, how much longer do I need to let this punk hit me?" She whined.
"Don't worry. I'll heal you pretty soon." he answered.
Sorry to everyone on here I'm rping with, or said I'd rp with, but apparently hit the busy part of my job as I now have to work 55 hours a week. I'm going to try leaving replies to my stuff when I have time, but bear with me if replies take a few days.
June 22nd, 2009, 07:05 PM
Wanna-be Roleplayer
Aries (mastercfire) is offline
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Posts: 10,428
Aries chuckled a bit at himself he hadnt been called a 'punk' in a few night
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