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The Heir and The Pride... captured! (For Aries (mastercfire)) |
August 31st, 2011, 01:54 AM
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Acobrate is offline
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The Heir and The Pride... captured! (For Aries (mastercfire))
It was a cold night in the Adae Kingdom. It seemed peaceful, but in the homes, it was all but. Tonight was the night of the Grande Ball, but something was very very wrong; Not right. The Castle was dark, the gates were closed, and not a single person roamed the streets, aside from the kingdoom guards, half frozen in the winter air. News Spread fast in this town, and all knew. The mighty tragedy that befell this night hadn't happened ever. The Nature of the problem, Class 1, Sect 2, Code Red, was very serious. The heir to the throne, Aries, the Queen's son, and the Pride, Chane, The Queen's daughter, had been captured. Only select few in the Royal Castle knew where they had been taken too. The Queen, and the selected Guard to go save them, Guard Code 900, Name: Jeremie. He was a young guard, of only 17, and was already being forced to go out and do such a task. Being chosen was the scariest thing that had happened in his lifetime, so far. He was sent out on a horse, in a black heavy tunic with matching pants, under a large dark blue robe. He knew where they were, and he knew where he was headed.
Meanwhile, Chane sat next to her Frateral twin brother, in her long green dress that dragged 3 feet behind her. She was locked in a large chant-house, No way to escape, but the pad-locked door. No way out. She stared out the door. "Do you think someone is coming to save us, brother?" The ten year old asked. "A Class 1 Code Red has never happened. Do you think they will know what to do?" Her terrified face pressed against the doors, puffing out her left cheek as she leaned her head against it. Her Orange hair looked a mess, as she twiddled her shaking fingers.
(( *Grande Ball- A large ball, that only happens when a Royal Child turns 10. The Royal Child, turning ten, has their first dance here, to signify growing. In this case, The Prince and the Princess are Fraternal twins, so they would both have their dance at the same Grande Ball.
* When Emergencies are at hand, Guard(s) are chosen at random to do the job, showing why such a young guard was chosen.
* Chant-house - A small barn-like building with doors that usually had padlock holes in them; Used for prisoners of war in older times of the Adae Kingdom. ))
Last edited by Acobrate; September 16th, 2011 at 09:31 PM.
August 31st, 2011, 02:26 AM
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Aries (mastercfire) is offline
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aries sat calmly in his green and gold tunic. He was confused and furious how could this be allowed. how could his mother had neglected to keep them safe. but he didn't want his sister to worry. "Be calm sister help is on its way now I know it"
Hippy is an establishment label for a profound, invisible, underground, evolutionary process. For every visible hippy, barefoot, beflowered, beaded, there are a thousand invisible members of the turned-on underground. Persons whose lives are tuned in to their inner vision, who are dropping out of the TV comedy of American Life.
-Timothy Leary (The Politics of Ecstasy) 1967
August 31st, 2011, 02:39 AM
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Chane rubbed her eyes with her hands, sniffling. She heard footsteps outside. Heavy footsteps. She glanced through the small crack in the door. It was one of the adviser's mercenaries. She stood up and ran away from the door, clear to the other end of the nearly empty chant-house. She did not like this. Tonight was supposed to be the most special night of her life, not the night she got kidnapped! "How do you know though?" she asked quietly, her reply quite a bit delayed.
Jeremie had tied up his horse, it being hidden in the bushes, outside the base of where the Royal Children were being held. He scouted around the sides quietly, looking for where the children were. He looked everywhere, and concluded they were most likely in the brown vacant-like chant-house. He saw a mercenary going for the door. He reached into his hidden robe pockets, feeling his hand around the handle of his knife. If he saw ANYTHING that might look like pain coming to the heir and the pride, he would jump in and stab the mercenary.
August 31st, 2011, 02:52 AM
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Aries (mastercfire) is offline
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"I just know sister" Aries reassured his green eyed fixed intensly into his sisters he grabbed a flimsy wooden chair and broke off a leg making a quick shank. he stood ready by the door. He had the courage of his ancestors and wasn't affraid to take a mans life to protect his own or his sisters.
A few other mercenaries. stood aways away from the shack they wherent mear scum off the street mercs they where experienced and extremely ruthless.
Hippy is an establishment label for a profound, invisible, underground, evolutionary process. For every visible hippy, barefoot, beflowered, beaded, there are a thousand invisible members of the turned-on underground. Persons whose lives are tuned in to their inner vision, who are dropping out of the TV comedy of American Life.
-Timothy Leary (The Politics of Ecstasy) 1967
August 31st, 2011, 02:59 AM
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Chane frowned, not re-assured by her brother's calm words and quick thinking. She watched as the door was opened by the mercenary. He glared at the kid, holding the chair leg. "What are you doing, you little runt?" He asked in a quick voice, with a think Russian accent.
Jeremie watched, glancing around. He noticed the slightest movement in the bushes, then gasped. There were more. He didn't know if he could take them all, but he better be able to at ANY sign of danger. He watched intently, his eyes fixed on the door.
August 31st, 2011, 03:13 AM
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aries didn't say a word he swiftly jabbed out aiming at the mans gut."Die!" he instinctively yelled
the other mercs all turn to keep an eye on that cabin but didn't move they started talking loudly though giving there position away to number 900
Hippy is an establishment label for a profound, invisible, underground, evolutionary process. For every visible hippy, barefoot, beflowered, beaded, there are a thousand invisible members of the turned-on underground. Persons whose lives are tuned in to their inner vision, who are dropping out of the TV comedy of American Life.
-Timothy Leary (The Politics of Ecstasy) 1967
August 31st, 2011, 03:36 AM
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The Merc's eye twitched as he grabbed his stomach, but he made no noise. He then grabbed the wooden chair leg, forcing it out of Aries's hand, before raising his arm, it in his hand. And then, his eyes were suddenly wide.
Chane stared, wondering what was wrong.
Jeremie was behind the Merc, the dagger in his back. He slid it out soundlessly, The Merc letting out a loud grunt, before Jeremie suddenly stabbed him in the heart with his left hand. He then turned around, jumping at where the first hidden professional was.
Chane's eyes looked like the Merc's. That was a Royal Guard! "They sent help!" She said in a whispering shocked voice. She ran over beside Aries, grabbing his hand. "Brother, They sent help!" She said, slightly louder this time.
August 31st, 2011, 03:47 AM
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Aries (mastercfire) is offline
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"ssshhhh." aries said sharply he picked a knife off the dead gaurds body and started to cut chanes dress shorter. " don't cry now your dress is far too long to escape in." he explained. Aries was a smart boy he uad a lot of pressure on him as the hier and but the more pressure he had on him the harder he worked to do his best. " quickly guard there are many others we need to escape." Aries said quietly to jeremie
Hippy is an establishment label for a profound, invisible, underground, evolutionary process. For every visible hippy, barefoot, beflowered, beaded, there are a thousand invisible members of the turned-on underground. Persons whose lives are tuned in to their inner vision, who are dropping out of the TV comedy of American Life.
-Timothy Leary (The Politics of Ecstasy) 1967
August 31st, 2011, 03:54 AM
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Chane gasped. "N-Noo, my dresss...!" She said quietly. She frowned. It was her favourite dress. "B-But..." She sniffled.
Jeremie nodded. "I know." He said almost soundlessly. He nodded his head to the side, toward the fence. "Can you climb?" He looked back at the children.
Chane shook her head no, her eyes showing fear.
August 31st, 2011, 04:09 AM
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Aries (mastercfire) is offline
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"yes you can." aries told her sternly as he grabbed her hand and pulled her to the fence. aries could get over the high garden walls in the palace so he knew he would be able to get over the fence
Hippy is an establishment label for a profound, invisible, underground, evolutionary process. For every visible hippy, barefoot, beflowered, beaded, there are a thousand invisible members of the turned-on underground. Persons whose lives are tuned in to their inner vision, who are dropping out of the TV comedy of American Life.
-Timothy Leary (The Politics of Ecstasy) 1967
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