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K.Birk Art Appreciation & Illustrated Short Stories Thread
Old January 31st, 2025, 05:02 AM   #1
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Default K.Birk Art Appreciation & Illustrated Short Stories Thread

Comprehensive thread for praise, appreciation and posting of “approved by artist” short stories, all based on the artworks of KBirk, KBirk1951.

I plan to edit this first post with direct links for the shorts if/when it goes beyond the first page. Posting only short stories requested or approved by the artist KBirk.

Thank you! -Scuba

---------- Post added at 05:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:53 AM ----------

Illustrated Short Story based on Art from K.Birk.

Based on this artwork: https://animeotk.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=87706

Where Comfort Meets Convenience: Motel Road Trip

"Mommy, are we there yet?" Jimmy's high-pitched voice echoed through the car, interrupting the static-filled radio.

"Jimmy, I've told you a hundred times, we're almost there!" His mother, Betty, clenched the steering wheel tightly, her knuckles turning white. The Chevy Bel Air's engine hummed along the desolate highway, the sun beating down on its shiny red exterior.

The motel, a beacon of neon in the distance, grew closer. Jimmy's curiosity was finally piqued by the thought of the pool, its blue water glimmering invitingly. "Can I go swimming after we settle in?" Betty sighed, her knowing eyes never leaving the road. "We'll see, Jimmy. First, we need to get cleaned up and have some dinner."

Once they had unloaded the luggage from the trunk and entered their room, the tension grew palpable. Finally out of the heat and dressing down a bit. Jimmy's father, Bill, set the suitcases by the bed while his mother took him aside, a stern look etched on her face. She bent down, her fabric rustling, to whisper something in his ear. Firmly scolding quietly.

"But Mommy, I didn't mean to be bad," he protested not whispering, his voice trembling.

"You know the rules, Jimmy," she said firmly, pulling a wooden hairbrush from her suitcase. "You've been a naughty boy on this trip so far, and now it's time for your spanking."

Jimmy's eyes widened in fear as she led him to the bed in the corner of the room. His heart raced as she instructed him to stand between her legs and she unbuckled his belt. She pulled down his shorts and underwear, roughly bending him over one knee. Securing his arm and securing his legs (clamped and immoblized). The cool motel air brushed against his bare skin, heightening his anticipation of the punishment to come. With a firm grip on the hairbrush, Betty began to spank his little bottom. The sound echoed through the room, a sharp staccato punctuating the silence. Jimmy's cheeks burned with each smack, the pain shooting through his body and making his eyes water.

"Mommy! Ow!" he yelped, squirming to escape the relentless smacking. "You've been naughty all day, interrupting us, not listening, and making a mess," Betty scolded, her voice stern but calm. "This is what happens when you don't behave." Bill, who had been quietly watching from the sidelines, stepped in to offer his support. "Your mother's right, Jimmy. You need to learn to behave on trips like these."

The spanking continued, each smack more painful than the last. Jimmy's bottom was now a deep shade of red, and the smacking sounds grew louder with each hit. Despite his protests, Betty didn't let up, ensuring he felt the full brunt of her maternal disappointment.

Finally, with a last firm smack, it was over. Jimmy's bottom was hot and sore, and he knew sitting in the car the next day would be a painful reminder of his misbehavior. His mother helped him pull up his clothes, her touch gentle despite the firmness of her earlier scolding.

"Remember this feeling, Jimmy," she said, her voice softening. "Next time, think before you act." The little boy nodded, tears streaming down his cheeks, and he wrapped his arms around her waist, feeling the warmth of her. Betty hugged him back tightly, whispering words of comfort. "I love you, but you must learn to listen and behave." Bill, who had been quietly unpacking the prepared dinner, called them over to the small table. "Let's eat," he said, his voice carrying a hint of finality to the situation.

Jimmy took his seat, his bottom still stinging. He knew better than to ask for dessert; tonight, his spanking was the only thing sweet he'd be getting. As they ate, the family talked about the next day's adventure, the promise of fun and the unspoken understanding that good behavior would be expected. Jimmy vowed to himself to be the best boy he could be, hoping that maybe, just maybe, he'd be allowed to play in the pool before bed.
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Mrs.Irwing & Tommy : Pull over at the Picnic Grounds
Old February 19th, 2025, 04:51 PM   #2
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Arrow Mrs.Irwing & Tommy : Pull over at the Picnic Grounds

Illustrated Short Story based on Art from K.Birk.

Based on this artwork: https://animeotk.com/gallery/showpho...tommy/cat/1076

Colorized Version by Tua : https://animeotk.com/gallery/showpho...tommy/cat/1076

Mrs.Irwing & Tommy : Pull over at the Picnic Grounds

Mrs. Irwing's grip on the steering wheel tightened as she bit her tongue. She thought of the purse-sized hairbrush in her bag with a shiver down her spine. It was a tool she had become all too familiar with recently, thanks to Mrs. Tanner's enlightening advice. Tommy's behavior had been pushing the boundaries of what she considered acceptable, and she knew she had to act firmly. All day Tommy has been disobeying. As she drove the gleaming blue Studerbaker Hawk through the quiet neighborhood streets, she felt a growing resolve to nip his tantrums of today in the bud. Tommy grew restless again, kicking the bottom of the seat. “Tommy, I WILL pull this car over!” she warned, her voice echoing in the cabin. Bratty Tommy didn’t take her words seriously, continuing his fussy behavior, his now squeaky voice piercing the air with demands.

The picnic area emerged from the tree-lined horizon, a quaint throwback to simpler times. With a deep breath, Mrs. Irwing swung the car into the parking lot and slammed the gearshift into park. Tommy's eyes went wide as saucers when she turned to face him, the stern look on her face unmistakable. “Get out of the car, young man,” she instructed, her voice firm and unwavering. Tommy’s legs remained glued to the seat, his eyes welling with tears as he begged, “Mommy, no! I'll be good!” But Mrs. Irwing had had enough. She unbuckled her seatbelt and opened her door with a swift click and a dramatic sigh, Mrs. Irwing stepped out of the car, her full skirt swaying gently. She walked around to the passenger side, her heels clicking on the stones. Tommy had unbuckled himself and was trying to scurry away, but she was too quick for him. She scolded. "You know the rules, young man," she said, her voice stern. “How many times did I warn you??” Mrs.Irwing inquired maternally.

The spring air rushed in as Tommy, sensing the seriousness of the situation, began to protest with more vigor. His cheeks flushed as he squirmed in his seat, his eyes searching for an escape from the inevitable. Mrs. Irwing reached in, her hand wrapping around Tommy's wrist with surprising strength. “I've told you enough times today, Tommy. You're going to learn to listen and behave!” She pulled him out of the car and onto the patchy grass, his short legs stumbling to keep up with her determined stride. The other Mommies in the park cast furtive glances, whispering to each other as they observed the unfolding scene. Speaking with their own tykes. Tommy's face burned with embarrassment, his knees threatening to buckle beneath him as his mother's grip tightened. It was a very short walk from blue Studebaker Hawk the to the nearby bench, but it felt very long for knowing Tommy. Oh, if he had only listened!!

With a firm hand, Mrs. Irwing sat down on the bench, her plump bottom squeaking against the dry wood. She tugged Tommy closer, his resistance futile against her newfound resolve. As she quickly unbuckled his shorts. “Bend over my knee, young man. It's time you felt the sting of your consequences!” Tommy's eyes searched hers, behind the cat eyed frames, desperately seeking mercy, but all he found was a steely maternal gaze. He didn’t know not to argue further, his voice a trembling whisper as he pleaded, “I dont want consequences! I dont want consequences!” But Mrs. Irwing had made up her mind, she has little patience for bratty tykes. “Don’t you sass me Tommy!” With a gentle but firm nudge, she positioned him over her knee, tugging down his waistband till his bare bottom was sticking right out. He squirmed and whimpered, his hands trying to cover his exposed bottom. Mommy retrived the small but mighty hairbrush from her pink purse. Remembering what Mrs.Tanner taught her, she held the hairbrush in the air, showing it to Tommy.

Recently, Mrs. Irwing had become quite the disciplinarian since their neighbor, Mrs.Tanner, had shared her own method of keeping her son, Rodney, in line. Tommy’s eyes watered as he knew all too well. Looking back Tommy’s eyes could see the hairbrush raised in Mommy’s hand.

Tommy felt the cold, hard backed brush against his skin before the first smack came down. It was swift and stinging, leaving a bright red mark where it had made contact. He squealed and kicked, his plump cheeks clenching tightly. The brush swished through the air again, and this time, it landed with a crack that echoed through the picnic area. The other two mommies watching from a distance couldn’t help but gawk. Mrs. Irwing’s arm rose and fell in a rhythmic pattern, each smack growing harder and louder than the last. Tommy’s bottom turned a shade of pink that grew deeper and more alarming with every whack. He squirmed and bucked, trying to escape the burning pain, but his mother’s grip was like a vise. The picnic area grew quiet, the birds silenced by the sound of the brush meeting bare flesh and the other . Mrs. Irwing’s face remained calm, a look of determination etched into her features as she continued the spanking. She knew that a lesson had to be taught, and she wasn’t going to let her little man go without learning it. He is spoiled! She paused just to adjust her glasses then continued correcting with the small hairbrush. Oh if only Tommy had listened! He wouldn’t be facing the ‘consequences’!
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appreciation, art, illustrated, kbirk, kbirk1951, short, stories, story, thread

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