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April 7th, 2009, 08:36 PM
Rmonster is offline
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Simba sighed but continued. SMACK SMACK "what would i have done if SMACK SMACK SMACK something happned to you SMACK SMACK in only doing this SMACK SMACK becasue i love you SMACK i dont want to lose you SMACK SMACK" He was still scolding her but it was alittle lighter
 Spank happy AND obssesed with Phantom of the opera and im proud of it!!!
April 7th, 2009, 10:41 PM
Uncle Bill's Naughty Girl
AnimeFan23 is offline
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Kiara cried out at very swat her father made against her now stinging backside "I'm sooooorry daaaaddy I won't do it again I promise" the little cub cried as she stared down at the ground tears streaming down her cheeks "I'm sorry daddy"
Wondering how many times I can misbehave in a day before my bottom gets numb and I can't sit down
April 7th, 2009, 10:43 PM
Rmonster is offline
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Then simba stoped, he was satisifed. He smiled and removed his paw from her back and gently picked her up off the rock. He gently sat her on the ground and nuzzled her "Shhh" he purred, "its over now, shhh"
 Spank happy AND obssesed with Phantom of the opera and im proud of it!!!
April 8th, 2009, 01:01 PM
Uncle Bill's Naughty Girl
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When the painful smacks to her bottom finally stopped Kiara was bawiling as she layed over the stone she had never been spanked before which made it hurt soo much more untill now her parents had only scolded her put her in timeout or taken her to the den and put her to bed early an hour or so before sunset. The little cub layed flat against the stone as her father and removed his paw from her back releasing her tail fell right down, she layed there as she then felt her father slowly pick her up by the scruff of the neck and lifted her up off the stone and set her infront him. Feeling his cheek nuzzling against hers felt good especially as she heard him pur until she leaded back and tried sitting down having her tender backside press against the ground "ssshh owwie." Kiara quickly stood up and moved closer to his chest nuzzling against this time keeping her bottom up in the air.
Wondering how many times I can misbehave in a day before my bottom gets numb and I can't sit down
April 8th, 2009, 10:51 PM
Rmonster is offline
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Simba smiled and licked her while he still nuzzled and purred to try and sooth her. "You understand why i had to do that right?" he asked gently
 Spank happy AND obssesed with Phantom of the opera and im proud of it!!!
April 10th, 2009, 12:11 PM
Uncle Bill's Naughty Girl
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Kiara stood close to her father's chest lightly crying as he licked her, the little cub could barely stand up as her legs were all shaking but she couldn't sit down because of her tender red backside. She looked up at her father tears still in her eyes as he asked her if she understood why he had to spank her, Kiara looked down alittle and rubbed her head against his chest "b...because I didn't listen to you daddy and put my...*sniff* myself in danger by following you when you said to stay home." she answered buring her face in his mane.
Wondering how many times I can misbehave in a day before my bottom gets numb and I can't sit down
April 13th, 2009, 02:20 AM
Rmonster is offline
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Simba smiled warmly and licked her agan. "thats right kiara, i dont want to lose you" He purred and nuzzled her more trying to sooth her. When she was alittle calmer, he gently picked her up by her neck and carried her into the den. He gently layied her down. He nuzzled her and licked her "Why dont you take a nap kiara, when you wake up we'll play together" he purred and nuzzled more "I love you"
 Spank happy AND obssesed with Phantom of the opera and im proud of it!!!
Last edited by Rmonster; April 13th, 2009 at 01:04 PM.
April 13th, 2009, 01:35 PM
Uncle Bill's Naughty Girl
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Kiara was nuzzling against her father's mane when he picked her up by the scruff of her neck and started walking to Pride Rock and then up to the lion's den. As they entered Kiara was relieved that no one else was around, all the lioness including her mother had gone out to lay in the sun and relax while some went out to hunt for dinner. She was glad her father didn't decide to put her in the corner for a time out the cube would have been so embarrassed with her glowing backside on display to whomever came walking in, as he layed her down and licked her cheek the little cub did the same to her father's big furry face as she began purring cutely. He told her that she needed to have a little nap and she didn't disagree as she put her head down "Okay daddy I love you too" she then closed her eyes and fell asleep for her nap.
Wondering how many times I can misbehave in a day before my bottom gets numb and I can't sit down
April 13th, 2009, 01:46 PM
Rmonster is offline
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Simba sat and watched her for a few minutes. He loved his little cub dearly..sure she was a handfull at times but he still loved her. He recalled he was a little trouble maker at times himself, he thought she must get it from him, casue she certiontly didnt get it from her mother. He watched her sleep, she looked so cute and innoncent when she slept. He smiled at her one last time then went and stood on pride rock, watching the rest of the family.
 Spank happy AND obssesed with Phantom of the opera and im proud of it!!!
April 13th, 2009, 03:57 PM
Uncle Bill's Naughty Girl
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After an hour or so Kiara opened her eyes and yawned as she stretched and started licking her paw before she stopped to look around, the den was completely empty not even her dad was there. "Daddy?" she said alittle pouty as she stood up and started to head outside however wincing when her backside made contact with the hard ground when she sat up "sssh ow who's idea was it that it was comforatble to sleep on rocks maybe if I ask really nice daddy will set me up a bed out of soft leaves tonight" she said as she peaked outside. She wasn't grounded but it felt weird since she normally didn't take a nap in the middle of the day, the cub looked around for her father.
Wondering how many times I can misbehave in a day before my bottom gets numb and I can't sit down
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