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A New Perspective
Old October 20th, 2024, 06:04 PM   #1
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Default A New Perspective

Jacob Anderson sighed heavily as he closed the bedroom door, before he did, a rather plain room was revealed but with all the essentials like bed, dresser, bookshelves, closet, desk were within the room, all sized for a child. The color of the walls were white, wooden floors and plain curtains on the one big window.

*A child....*

Came the thought for the umpteenth time.

Picking up the cleaning supplies, the tall and sturdy man ambled down the steps.

His three bedroom-two full bathroom country house with wrap around porch was pretty big for one person and a dog, but he was about to get another member for a while.

You see, Jacob was very loyal to family, even if they were not loyal back, he cared about them and their lives even in distance or strain. So, he would be helping a distant cousin who needed somewhere for her child to go for the summer.

"And here we are now..." Putting the cleaning items away, he closed the closet and cabinets before running a hand through his short yet always slightly tussled black hair. Dark blue eyes wondered to the clock.

"About.... an hour left."

"Take about twenty minutes to get to the airport."

Draining the rest of his coffee, he rinsed it in the sink and grabbed his keys.

Coming out of the house, he whistled and a brown and white beagle came bounding over.

"Alright boy, I'll be back and then.... we will have ourselves a child for a while, hmm." straightening up from petting the little happy tail wagging dog, he got in his black four seat truck. Backing out, he started down the road, watching Buster bound after him a bit, then head back to property, a ghost of a smile came to his face before he concentrated on driving.

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Old October 24th, 2024, 05:11 PM   #2
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In the airport the petite figure of Mia Bevan disembarked from the plane and made her way skittishly towards the first security checkpoint.

This had been her first time travelling by air and while she wasn't afraid of flying per se, the sheer complexity of the process was overwhelming and more than a little intimidating. Especially since, as an unaccompanied minor, she found herself the subject of especial attention something she always sought to avoid.

Bypassing the baggage claim for now (she knew from the boarding process that she couldn't hope to carry her suitcase more than a few feet), Mia made her way towards the foyer to look for her cousin, Jacob.

The problem was, she had absolutely no idea what he looked like. Would he know her if he saw her?
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Old October 24th, 2024, 05:53 PM   #3
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(Can you remind me of Mia's appearance?)

Jacob got there on time and maneuvered around the consistent traffic at an airport, he quite disdained crowed ever moving places like this. Getting to the foyer, it paid off being 6'2, as he peered along the many.

*I should have brought a board with her name on it.*

Jacob had this thought a little to late, he was already here. Why did he not request a picture? Why did the parents not think to send one, he did have a cell after all.... and a mail box... damn. His face was collected and solemn despite his inner frustrations, he decided to just look for a girl that was alone...

Last edited by Creevon; October 24th, 2024 at 10:53 PM.
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Old October 24th, 2024, 10:18 PM   #4
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(Mia is a 9 year old girl she's pretty scrawny, but has a certain wiriness to her build. Her eyes are green and her chestnut brown hair is shoulder length and very frizzy (more from lack of proper care than natural inclination. She like to keep it in a ponytail in an attempt to disguise the fact that it hasn't been cut or washed in some time... - copy/paste from our negotiation. Let me know if you have any particular questions)

Mia gazed out into the churning sea of bodies, deftly avoiding being trampled by the crowd of summer travellers as she looked for anyone who *didn't* look like they were going somewhere, but even ruling out the women and those bearing signs clearly meant for someone else it was still a pretty big group...

Last edited by chaos; October 25th, 2024 at 11:16 AM.
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Old October 26th, 2024, 10:42 PM   #5
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After some moments of looking out, he did see a skittish scrawny little girl, moving and stumbling out of peoples way only to end up in someone else's way. "Excuse me." he mumbled a few times as he made his way through, the foyer was not clearing up, it only seemed to get busier. So approaching the small child, he would not help but think she nearly looked like a street urchin. He stopped and looked down upon her, "Mia? Mia Bevan?" he questioned raising his voice among the loud socializing and airplane noises, it sounded somewhat annoyed not because of her in particular and also a bit judgemental mostly because of her and her appearance.

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Old October 28th, 2024, 07:34 PM   #6
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"Y-yeah..." the girl replied, turning to face him and looking him up and down suspiciously.

"Are you my cousin?" She asked. It might seem like a silly question, but for all she knew Jacob might have asked someone else to collect her from the airport in his stead.

In any case, despite her poor relationship with her parents, she knew better than to get into a car with someone she didn't know. It's not like she had a lot of choice at the moment, but still...
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Old November 2nd, 2024, 12:41 PM   #7
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Jacob grunted in a small approval, so she may have some wits about her after all. Though none of that reflected in his features. "Here look."

Taking out his phone, he went to his call information. The short call her had with her mother last week number was on there, Mia's home phone number, that would have to do for proof.

He held it out for her to view then stuck it back in his denim jeans, he also wore a nice button up short sleeved brown shirt, with standard country man boots.

"C'mon, let's get your luggage."

At least he hoped she had luggage, he assumed it was too heavy to carry.

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Old November 4th, 2024, 08:58 PM   #8
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Satisfied with the proof that Jacob had offered Mia consented to go with him to the baggage claim to collect her luggage from the carousel...

"Yeah, OK..." she replied in a dry tone that probably would have come across as rude if it weren't so.... apprehensive or maybe scared?

(We've established that she did pack a suitcase, but if you'd like for the airport to have lost or at least temporarily misplaced her bags, we can go that route too)

Last edited by chaos; November 5th, 2024 at 11:54 AM.
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Old November 16th, 2024, 03:36 PM   #9
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(That is okay, it was just some inner wondering by Jacob, he can already tell she is not well taken care of and wondered if his cousin packed her anything, in a judgement way)

Jacob heard both meanings in her tone, but decided to let the dryness go in favor for the worry and fear in it, but if she started giving him lip, he would not stand for that. Seeing the luggage that Mia pointed out to him, he easily retrieved it all and carried it effortlessly.

"C'mon, keep close." her ordered and led her through the busy airport, once they were out, he was a little less tense. Going to his truck, he put her luggage in the back, then opened the passenger seat for Mia,

"Get on in." he grunted and it was quite a step up to get in. Jacob let her figure that out on her own though and rounded getting in the drivers seat and starting the car.

Jacob focused purely on getting the hell out of the maze that was the airport parking lot.

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Old November 17th, 2024, 05:02 AM   #10
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Mia climbed into the seat and secured her seatbelt in silence staring ahead vacantly.

It was really happening. She'd be spending all summer with a stranger. On the opposite end of the country where she didn't know anyone...

It would have been a difficult situation for anyone let alone a little girl and she was feeling more than a bit overwhelmed, but it wasn't like she'd been given a lot of input into the arrangement and it there was nothing she could do about it...

Last edited by chaos; November 17th, 2024 at 04:48 PM.
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