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Old November 17th, 2024, 11:30 AM   #11
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Even after he got out of the airport, Jacob did not speak to Mia, at least she was not a loud mouth kid, he could do with some quiet. As the town airport left them, Mia could see them drive through a nice sized town that looked old in build but well taken care of and with much love, a lot of mom and pop shops even if a few cooperation's had sunk their claws into the little town, mostly a normal sized Walmart and some popular fast food chains. As they drove passed the town, Mai would see fields and farm houses with animals grazing and even a ranch with horses called Margo's Ranch Rescue.

"Hey girl."

Jacob grunted to get the child's attention.

"You frighten of dogs or anything?"

Came the gruff question as he eyed her out the corner of his eyes.

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Old November 18th, 2024, 04:38 PM   #12
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Suddenly being spoken to snapped Mia from out of her almost catatonic state.

"Oh uh umm well, what kind of dogs?" she asked, nervously playing with the fabric of her shorts.

Truthfully, she didn't know much about dogs. She sort of thought animals were neat, but she didn't like big mean ones that barked and bit people!
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Old November 25th, 2024, 12:10 AM   #13
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"Just a lil beagle nothing to be scared about." Jacob grunted as he made a turn towards the pathway to his property. "He'll jump on ya and lick ya to kingdom come but I will call him off." As they kept driving they could see the little brown and white beagle bounding towards the car but staying clear of getting hit, the little guy barked happily racing the car, tail wagging a mile per hour!

Jacob pulled into the drive and turned off the engine. "Alright, here we are." he told unlocking the car, he got out and went to the back to get Mia’s things.

The little beagle jumped around his legs but then came towards Mia sniffling her excitedly, tail wagging away.

Last edited by Creevon; November 25th, 2024 at 10:12 PM.
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Old November 25th, 2024, 07:44 PM   #14
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Mia took a series of awkard shuffling steps backwards away from the dog.

She wasn't scared of the little dog, per se, but he was in her way and seemed to her to be trying to prevent her from advancing.

"H-hey, what's it doing?!" She asked, not wanting to risk being mauled by the animal, but also unwilling to fight it if she didn't have to...
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Old November 26th, 2024, 11:21 PM   #15
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Jacob shut the back door, Mia's stuff in his hold, he could not resist rolling his eyes in exasperation but not at the girl at least, turning around, he blew out a whistle, "Buster, down, c'mere, you scaring the child." Buster instantly scampered over to Jacob and sat by his leg, wiggling excitedly, tug hanging out and yapping a few happy barks.

"See? He ain't any harm, he was just smelling you out is all." Jacob explained rather curtly before advancing towards the house, "C'mon, take your shoes off at the door, and I will show you, your room."

Following his own instructions, Jacob took his boots off at the door and set them aside on a long shoe mat by the door.

For Buster, he trotted along after Mia still sniffing at her feet, then when inside, he ran for his water bowl in the kitchen.

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Old November 26th, 2024, 11:53 PM   #16
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Mia fumbled with the knotted laces of her worn sneakers until she managed to slip them from her feet exposing her threadbare sock.

Initially unsure where to put her footwear, she decided to put them next to Jacobs before following him to the stairs...
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Old November 27th, 2024, 12:03 AM   #17
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Jacob did not take much notice in her appearance yet but led the way, he opened the door and stepped aside to allow the small child to pass into it. Then he came in next and set her belongs on the bed, "Well here ya are, why don't you unpack and then you want some lunch?" Jacob grunted out, looking the poor child up and down again, what a mess.... poverty -he assumed- was something he became more grateful he never experienced.

OOC: A good description of her room is in my first post

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Old November 27th, 2024, 11:52 PM   #18
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"Uh sure..." Mia replied quietly as she opened her luggage and began to unpack what few items she had brought with her.

As far as clothing went, since her parents sought to make a good impression most of what had been packed was a very poor person's idea of fancy clothes - brand names that had been popular a few years ago in outdated styles that didn't fit her - figuratively or literally.

Beyond that, she'd brought a few toiletries and a small number of toys...
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Old November 28th, 2024, 09:53 PM   #19
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"Alright, well come down when you are done." Jacob watched Mia for a few moments seeing it was not going to take her long to unpack. Shaking his head in abject pity, he went on downstairs and waited in the kitchen or her, after looking in the fridge to see what he had for lunch some sandwiches would do, but he had forgotten to go grocery shopping.

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Old November 29th, 2024, 01:23 AM   #20
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Once her things were put away, Mia collapsed dramatically on the bed - it was much nicer than the one at home which made her very nervous.

After a moment or two of luxuriating in its softness and warmth, the girl sat up and trudged down to the kitchen...
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