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Shika's Girls (For zenith)
Old November 13th, 2023, 12:32 AM   #1
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Default Shika's Girls (For zenith)

For someone who complained about everything being a drag, he sure liked to be one himself.

At least, that's what Ino had been thinking the past couple of days. She felt like she had tried every trick in the book to get Shikamaru to notice her, and to act upon her own fantasies. Wearing her shortest of skirts, stopping to bend over to pick up random things off the ground wayyyyy too close to her teammate and honestly, one of her best friends. She even went as far as to talk loudly with her other friends, Sakura, Temari, and Hinata, about the things she wanted to do with Shikamaru, or rather have done to her. To her surprise, her friends (sans Hinata) were incredibly vocal about how they wanted those things done to them as well...

Which posed a problem. And ended up staging a competition of sorts. Who could get Shikamaru to break first? What did they need to do to get him to notice them?

"You could just ask him, you know." Sakura snarked, the girls walking just a few paces behind the shadow nin.

"Shut up, Billboard-Brow!" Ino snapped back at her, a pout present on her face. "It's the man's job to initiate these kinds of things, not ours!"

"Sure, if you want to wait forever." Temari snorted, earning herself a glare from the blonde-haired kunoichi as well. Hinata remained silent, though a blush was present on her pale face.

They were heading to Lady Tsunade's office after a completed mission, which Shikamaru was heading. The mission itself had gone without a hitch. It was the chattering amongst the girls that most likely bothered Shikamaru the most. That was the only issue he had brought up to Lady Tsunade after the girls had been dismissed back to their own homes, and it was just the two of them.

Tsunade held an all-knowing smirk upon her face as Shikamaru explained the situation to her, embarrassment and all. Tsunade appeared to be assessing all of the information that he had given to her, along with the knowledge she already had possessed. She was close with her girls, Sakura of course in particular, and therefore she knew about the fantasies that had been brewing in their minds. These girls were much younger than her, had much more to discover about themselves.

Lady Tsunade cleared her throat. "As the leader of the group, it's your duty to deal with insubordination and other issues." She started. "Since you came to me for my advice, however, I'm going to instruct you on what to do." Her face remained untelling of her emotions. "You need to take control of the situation yourself. Discipline them, Shikamaru. They may act like this is something that they want, but that's when you take control and make the punishment stick. Does that make sense?" She mused.
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Old November 13th, 2023, 12:43 AM   #2
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Shikamaru was honestly starting to wonder if he had hears Tsunade correctly, He couldn't have imagined that she suggested that he simply take control of them? He looked at her and began to wonder if Naruto had turned into Tsunade to give this sort of advice, It was the kind of thing that Naruto would do. But, he remembered that Naruto was out of the village at the moment, so that wasn't at all likely. His clones couldn't exist that far from Konoha anyway, so that couldn't be it. He tried to do his best to explain why what Tsunade said made no sense whatsoever. How could anyone think that what she said was logical?

"Lord Tsunade, this is not a discipline issue, This is more of a...personal situation," he said, realizing that he wasn't going to get out of talking about this. At least the other girls weren't around in order to try ans seduce him now. Although he expected they were right outside the door...although he could be wrong about that. "They all want me to...to have my way with them," he said lamely, even though they didn't want anything that extreme. He supposed that it was lucky that they weren't asking him to pick between them and seemed content with sharing him.

"At any rate. What am I supposed to do? Just spank them whenever I feel like it? Have them fetch my slippers in the morning? Should I just go up to Tenten and give her a wedgie for no reason?" he asked. To be honest, part of his assumption was that the girls were dominant. He had never encountered a situation where someone was aggressively submissive and he wasn't sure how to handle such a thing. How did you handle someone who wanted to be dominated and insisted upon so? Such a thing was completely troublesome.

'I mean..." he tried to think of some comparison before he nodded his head. "Lord Tsunade, how would you like it if we were on a mission together and I ordered you to go fetch a stick?' he asked, figuring that Tsunade would hate that sort of thing. "ignoring the age gap," he added. He couldn't imagine Tsunade being the sort to like that sort of thing. Then again, he didn't think Temari would either. Although he didn't want to admit it, he kind of saw it with Hinata.
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Old November 13th, 2023, 12:52 AM   #3
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Tsunade listened intently to Shikamaru as he continued to voice his concerns and slight frustration. He explained that this was more of a personal issue, and that the girls wanted him to have his way with them. That made the older kunoichi chuckle. "I would think most men would kill to be in your shoes, Shikamaru Nara." She said, a smirk still on her face.

Shikamaru continued, asking her what she thought he was supposed to do. Asking if he should just spank them whenever he felt like it, have them fetch his slippers in the morning, that sort of thing. Tsunade snorted again. "Shikamaru, you are one of the most intelligent people I have ever met." She complimented him, before shaking her head. "So why are you acting so dumb?"

She leaned back in her chair clasping her hands in front of her. "I would expect you to deal with situations in an authoritative manner." She explained to him. "I don't intend you to randomly be giving girls wedgies, or to demean them in ways that seriously harms them physically or emotionally." She continued to clarify. "Perhaps Miss Yamanaka had been a bit too feisty, and is now grounded to your quarters. In that situation, yes, perhaps you could order her to fetch your slippers in the morning." She teased.

Then Shikamaru asked a hypothetical, and Tsunade just smiled even wider. "Ignoring the age gap." She echoed, before then leaning forward onto her elbows, closing the distance between them. She looked Shikamaru dead in the eyes. "Then I would wag my tail and fetch that stick for you immediately." After that took him by surprise, she then challenged him. "Do you understand my position on the matter, now?"
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Old November 13th, 2023, 01:01 AM   #4
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What Shikamaru wanted to tell Tsunade was that one woman was troublesome enough. Four women was way too much. He sighed and realized that he probably wouldn't tell her that. He didn't want the Hokage mad at him. He had a feeling that an angry Tsunade would be a bad idea. Worst case scenario, she would give him missions with other women who wanted this...and she might do that anyway.

He sighed. "I understand," he said with a blush, his face beet red. He didn't want to say it out loud, but he couldn't help but picture Tsunade on all fours, wagging her ass, and he found it appealing. And he had a feeling that Tsunade knew just what he was picturing. And that she probably wanted him to picture that. He gave a bow. "I will...make sure this isn't a problem," he promised.

As he walked outside, he gave a sigh. "How troublesome," he said. He really didn't know what he was going to do, until he understood Tsunade. It wasn't an official order, but he was expected to take charge of all four girls and make them into...well, some combination of girlfriend/housewife/pet/general submissive. He blushed. He moved his hand, and mimed spanking Temari, before it actually collided with the backside of a kunoichi!

Blushing, he quickly ran, hoping that whomever it was didn't notice what he did. And he didn't know what was worse; the fact that they hated it, or that they liked it. What he didn't realize was that Ten-ten almost certainly saw him run off...

Sighing to himself again, and thinking he was in the clear, he knocked on ino's door. He decided that he might as well start off with her. He guessed, if nothing else, she would want to be punished in private. He couldn't imagine she wanted any of this to be known commonly throughout the village.
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Old November 13th, 2023, 01:12 AM   #5
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Tsunade couldn't help but be proud of herself as the ususally stoic ninja began to blush. She certain did know exactly what he was picturing, and couldn't help but be a little bit satisfied to know that 'she still got it!' She watched him as he stood and bowed to her, assuring that this won't be a problem. "I have all the faith in the world in you, Shikamaru. You are dismissed." She responded, waving him out of her office.

Tenten had been walking through town on a couple of personal errands, when she saw Shikamaru walking through town like he was on a mission, yet somehow his head was still lost in the clouds. "Hey, Shika!" She greeted warmly, but the ninja seemed to not even hear her. Something must really be troubling him! She watched him as he continued on, before... before swatting a girl?! That seemed to snap Shikamaru back to life, his face turning red as he darted off. Tenten rose an eyebrow, completely confused at the events that just transpired. She couldn't help but feel a bit... jealous? She immediately tried to shake that thought out of her head, but it most certainly followed her throughout the day...

Ino had headed home after being dismissed from Tsunade's meeting. She had been feeling a bit annoyed with her teammates, so she told Sakura she was feeling a bit under the weather so she could go home without them following behind her. She had sighed in disappointment when she returned home, kicking off her sandals and padding straight to her bedroom. She stripped out of her outfit and put on something more comfortable, cute purple shorts and a floral purple tank top. She ran her hands through her insanely long hair, pulling her ponytail out.

She putzed around for a bit, making some tea and finding a very raunchy manga to read on her couch with a blanket. She would die if anyone saw her reading this! As soon as she thought that, she heard a knock on her door and she blushed in embarrassment, hiding the hentai under her blanket and jumping up to her feet. She went to the door and her eyes nearly popped out of her head when she saw her incredibly attractive teammate standing at her door.

"Shikamaru!" She gasped, not sure whether to feel sexy in the moment or surprisingly vulnerable. She tried to settle into sexy, opening her door wider for him. "Do you want to come inside?" She questioned, thankful she had just cleaned her home the night before.
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Old November 13th, 2023, 01:25 AM   #6
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Shikamaru assumed that nothing would come of spanking the girl in question. He certainly didn't realize that he would get another girl would be aggressively submissive with him. But that wasn't something that he would have to handle now at least. He was here to deal with Ino and he really hoped that this would be easy.

Shikamaru couldn't help but be a bit confused as he looked at Ino. It wasnt the shorts or the tank top that bothered him. It was her hair. He was used to seeing Ino with a ponytail and it took him a while for him to comprehend that her hair would naturally not maintain it's ponytail with the tie out. A bit ironic since he was wearing his hair in a ponytail right now!

"Of course," Shikamaru said as he couldn't help but be embarrassed by what he was about to do. He was about to tell Ino that Tsunade had ordered him to spank her when he realized that this was a bad idea. He should probably make it sound like he wanted to spank her and not that he was doing this because Tsunade had to more or less order him to do so. He closed the door behind him, not wanting anyone else to see what was about to happen and sat down on the couch, right next to the hentai manga.

"Ino..." he began, trying to find the appropriate justification to spank her. He supposed he probably could say, "Ino, you are very hot and i want to spank your butt," but he figured that Tsunade was being honest that he should take control of Ino. And he blushed again. This sounded sexual, no matter how much of it was based on discipline. "Ino, you were acting very inappropriately on our mission," he said. "You will be spanked now for that. And as further punishment, you are assigned to live with me until further notice," he said bluntly.

He knew this would sound like a reward. It was essentially saying that Ino would get what she wanted and she would get more opportunities to be punished, but he figured this was the easiest way to manage it. He held his breath and looked at Ino. Technically, they weren't on a mission right now and he didn't have the right to order Ino like this, but he doubted that she would mind.
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Old November 13th, 2023, 01:36 AM   #7
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Ino couldn't help but feel more vulnerable as Shikamaru's eyes studied her over, looking confused at her hair being down. She probably looked like an entirely different person. She wondered if he liked that, or not? She shook those thoughts out of her head and stepped out of the way so that Shikamaru could walk into her home after closing the door behind him. She watched him as he made his way over to her couch, her mouth opened to say something to stop him but she promptly closed it. It would probably make her look even weirder to try and stop him! She would have to admit to reading that kind of stuff, and she didn't want Shikamaru of all people to know she was into that kind of stuff! At least, not yet...

Shikamaru walked over and sat down on her couch, and Ino couldn't help but immediately think about what it would be like to be sprawled across his lap. She fidgeted then, shifting her weight from foot to foot, pausing when he tentatively said her name. "Shikamaru..?" She questioned, waiting for him to find his words. What he ended up saying both satisfied her deepest fantasies, and awakened a new sort of fear inside of her. Her jaw dropped, giving her the appearance of a fish out of water for a few good moments.

"E...E-Excuse me?!" She gasped, her cheeks burning red with embarassment. She wasn't sure how to react, this was something that she had been wanting but now that it was actually happening, she felt absolutely vulnerable and backed into a corner. She took a physical step away from him, the urge to run sweeping over her. Another feeling of drunk pleasure was starting to seep in as well, as she realized she was finally seriously getting her way! Why not drag it out a little bit? "I wasn't acting inappropriately at all!" She whined back to him.
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Old November 13th, 2023, 01:43 AM   #8
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It really said something about Shikamaru that Ino was obviously into what he was doing and was trying to have fun that Shikamaru didn't understand that she wanted him to spank her. He really didn't understand Ino. Then again, maybe it was because that she was into him? If she was into Sasuke or Naruto, he would have spotted it immediately. He was just a bit blind to himself.

He couldn't help but blush as well. "Ino, you are smarter than that. You, Sakura, Temari and Hinata have been trying to act, well, in a way not becoming of a ninja on a mission," he said firmly. "Ninja are supposed to be professionals at all times. Trying to seduce me on a mission is completely inappropriate. And none of you are Jiraiya. You could have easily waited until we were back in konoha," he said firmly. Deep down, he knew that he was saying garbage. A boy and several girls, alone in the woods? It was the perfect time to get away with all sorts of naughty things, and most guys would have been more willing. Besides, it wasn't like they tried in the middle of a fight or anything. "And i am surprised Ten-Ten hasn't been joining you all," he said, being honest about that one.

"So yes, you all will be confined to my house until further notice," he said. "If I have to punish you like this again, you will be confined to a dog house," he promised. He honestly didn't know if that was something they would want or not. "Now then Ino, if you don't get in my lap right now, I will have to.." he paused as he tried to think of a good threat. "I will have to spank you with your own shoe," he decided. That sounded about right to him.
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Old November 13th, 2023, 01:53 AM   #9
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Ino couldn't help but feel her heart flutter at Shikamaru's sort of compliment, saying that she was smarter than she was acting. She squirmed a bit in place, now not knowing whether she wanted to continue being a brat to him or if she should relent and be a good girl... Both options seemed good. She crossed her arms across her chest as he continued, saying their behavior had been inappropriate and that none of them were Jiraiya. She scoffed at that remark, rolling her eyes at him and then snorting when he said they could've waited until they got back to Konoha.

"So you're saying now that we're back in Konoha, now I can try to have my way with you?" She decided to tease him, smirking at the man. She couldn't help but narrow her eyes however when he made the comment about TenTen not joining them, making the girl huff. "As if any of them are in real competition with me, right?" She asked, her jealousy seeping through the cracks. She couldn't help it! She had always had a crush on Sasuke, but it seemed he was more into Sakura than her. She had her suspicions that Shikamaru was more drawn to Temari, but dang it! She deserved to be somebody's first choice, too!

Shikamaru continued, saying that they were all going to be confined to his house until further notice. He then threatened her by saying if she needed to be punished like this again, she would be confined to a dog house! The promise of that made her body tingle, but she tried to look disappointed with that decision. Shikamaru then ordered her to get in his lap, or he would spank her with her own shoe. "My shoe?!" She whined, resisting the urge to even stomp her foot a little.

Now she had to make a choice. She could walk over to Shikamaru and drape herself across his lap willingly, or she should make this more difficult for the both of them. She realized that she hadn't ever been punished in this way before, though, and decided it wasn't worth it to go for an insanely painful punishment right off the bat in case she might not like it as much as she thought she would. She swayed a bit in place before slowly dragging her feet and approaching the shadow nin, complaining the whole way.

"You can't be serious, Shika. You don't really want to do this, do you? C'monnnnnnn. I was just trying to get a rise out of you." She pouted. "I didn't think you'd take it so seriously. Plus, my butt is too cute to be spanked. Don't you think so?"
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Old November 13th, 2023, 02:04 AM   #10
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Shikamaru tried to think of the way to get through this. It really said something about him that spanking a cute girl wasn't something to be pursued, but to be avoided. It wasn't that he thought that Ino was ugly or anything. Far from it. He just didn't think that he would ever be in the position to be spanking her. His own fingers were squeezing against his thighs and he sighed. "Ino...yes," he admitted. He looked a bit defeated. "We are in konoha. You are free to try and seduce me any way that you like," he said bluntly. There was no point in denying that. And Ino would probably note that applied to the other girls as well.

"It is not a competition," he added to her sternly. He looked a bit confused actually as he raised an eyebrow. "Ino, you all have been acting wrongly and you all will be punished. I am not going to rank you on who is acting the best," he said firmly. "As far as I am concerned, you all need to be punished and collared." And then he blinked and tried to think of a save for that. "I mean metaphorically, you don't have to wear actual dog collars," he added quickly. "Especially in public," he added. That last bit was the only thing he said intentionally. He wanted to gauge what Ino was comfortable with everyone knowing. Did she want to be naked in public? Fetch in public? Be spanked with everyone watching? He did want to know.

"Yes, your shoe. People get spanked with shoes all the time Ino. Besides, I don't want to use things like switches or whips. I don't want you bleeding," he added to her. That did clue her in that he wouldn't be using her high heels and would probably be more interested in using her slippers.

"Oh, just kidding?" he asked as he assumed that she was lying. Even he wasn't that dense. And now he had to decide how to play along. "Well, if you have learned your lesson, then I am sorry for bothering you. You may go now Ino," he said as he pointed at the door. It took a moment for him to remember that this was her house and he was telling her that she could leave her own house. Well, maybe she would forget. But it was definitely Shikamaru playing hard to get. If Ino wanted to be spanked and made into a domestic submissive, she would have to, well, prove that she deserved it. In a way, Shikamaru wanted her to take the initiative as the aggressive submissive she was on the mission. She seemed to be more sure about this than he was.
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