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December 7th, 2023, 08:43 PM
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"Let... Go.... Gnnn!" Millie grunted, her tail swishing to-and fro like that of a cat who's about to scratch an annoying child.
Naomi caught on. "Elmira you stop that right now! My sister is NOT a toy to be played with!" She scolded the spoilt girl, who would not react well to that...
December 7th, 2023, 09:18 PM
Ultra-Supreme Lil Bro
mastervegeta is offline
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"You're NOT takin' the cute squirrel from me!" Elmyra scolded, accidently pulling on Millie's tail!

Ultra Lil' Bro Apprentice of Galactic Kids Next Door, Numbuh 001(Joseph)'s bro and Numbuh Omega's apprentice/adopted son!
Numbuh Omega is a gentle mommy, and don't like to spank me, but she will if it's needed...
December 7th, 2023, 09:20 PM
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Millie suddenly snarled and managed to smack Elmira in the face! "LET GO OF ME YOU LITTLE SHIT!" She shouted at her angrily!
The others gasped, as Elmyra did let her go and backed away a bit...
December 7th, 2023, 09:25 PM
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"Big sis!" Rodrigo gasped.
"Owwwie...b...bad squirrel! You need a spanking!" Elmyra said, slapping Millie's butt hard!
Most kids aside from Naomi seemed ready to run away...only for them to hear Rodrigo shout! "Hey! Stop fighting, you two!"
Rodrigo tried to get in between the girls, "C'mon, there's no need for t-" he began, however...

Ultra Lil' Bro Apprentice of Galactic Kids Next Door, Numbuh 001(Joseph)'s bro and Numbuh Omega's apprentice/adopted son!
Numbuh Omega is a gentle mommy, and don't like to spank me, but she will if it's needed...
December 7th, 2023, 09:37 PM
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"YOU HORRIBLE LITTLE BRAT!! WHY WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!!!" Millie was FURIOUS!!! She tried to grab onto Elmyra, but her lil' bro stood in the way! "Rodrigo get out of the way!!! I WANNA PUNCH HER UGLY MUG!!!"
"M-Millie!!! You stop saying those things this instant!!" Naomi shouted at her, shocked at her enraged state!
December 7th, 2023, 09:44 PM
Ultra-Supreme Lil Bro
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"No! No fight-" Rodrigo began, only to yelp, as Elmyra tried to spank Millie again and hit Rodrigo by accident!
As for the irate Millie...

Ultra Lil' Bro Apprentice of Galactic Kids Next Door, Numbuh 001(Joseph)'s bro and Numbuh Omega's apprentice/adopted son!
Numbuh Omega is a gentle mommy, and don't like to spank me, but she will if it's needed...
December 7th, 2023, 09:54 PM
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"DON'T YOU TOUCH MY BROTHER!!!" Millie growled, but in trying to pinch Elmyra's ear but instead she pinched Rodrigo's!
"STOP IT THIS INSTAAAAANT!!!" Naomi screamed as loud as she could! If there were no teachers at the school, she would spank them both herself!
December 7th, 2023, 10:00 PM
Ultra-Supreme Lil Bro
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"Owwie! C'mon, quit it, you two!" Rodrigo whined, yelping more!
He was caught on Millie's ear pull, and more spanks!
He kept trying to push the girls away from the other, but he kept getting his ear tugged, and his bum-bum kept being caught on spanks, and eventually...!
"......Stop...stop...stoooop..." the boy demanded, tearing up....
At this time, Lola Bunny arrived, and was shocked. Was Rodrigo trying to stop a fighting involving ELMYRA of all people instead of running away? She was amazed...
....but her amazement was replaced with a gasp as she saw what was happening to the poor boy!
"ENOUGH! Can someone tell me what is going on here?!" she demanded.

Ultra Lil' Bro Apprentice of Galactic Kids Next Door, Numbuh 001(Joseph)'s bro and Numbuh Omega's apprentice/adopted son!
Numbuh Omega is a gentle mommy, and don't like to spank me, but she will if it's needed...
December 7th, 2023, 10:26 PM
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Millie and Elmyra just pointed at one another and whined "SHE STARTED IT!"
Naomi actually went over and hugged Rodrigo, and she told Lola "I'll tell you the truth. Elmyra really annoyed Millie, squeezing her and pulling her ear and tail, until Millie slapped her and swore at her! And then Elmyra wanted to spank Millie, and Millie wanted to hit her back, and my poor prince got hit instead!" She was in tears she was so upset...
Millie gulped and put a hand on Naomi and Rodrigo's shoulders and looked them in the eyes. "Lil' sibs... I... I'm really sorry about this..." She told them, sobering up from her anger, feeling immense regret.
December 7th, 2023, 10:41 PM
Ultra-Supreme Lil Bro
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Rodrigo was still tearing up, silently sobbing, clearly trying to hold his crying in to not worry anyone!
"Oh, Rodrigo...." Lola sighed, gently telling him "It's bad for your sake to hold it in, you know? Let it all out, I'm sure you'll be comforted while I deal with these two..."
"...." Rodrigo teared more, and... "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" he bawled!

Ultra Lil' Bro Apprentice of Galactic Kids Next Door, Numbuh 001(Joseph)'s bro and Numbuh Omega's apprentice/adopted son!
Numbuh Omega is a gentle mommy, and don't like to spank me, but she will if it's needed...
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