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Spanking/Threats in Comics |
September 20th, 2014, 09:09 AM
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Wunderwiess is offline
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Spanking/Threats in Comics
Yeah yeah, I know two sites that have a gallery for that, but it is rarely (if ever anymore) updated. So actually thanks to Goombasa with the book thread, I thought we should have a thread for comics. Actual comics. For spanking scenes, threats, swats. I dunno, sounds interesting since I am willing to bet there are a lot of comic and comic book readers here.
I'll start out. There is a pretty good threat in Big Dog Inc(I hope I got the company name correct. lol)'s western version of The Wizard of Oz called The Legend Of Oz The Wicked West. A great comic and is even referenced to in Once Upon A Time. Now in this version, the lion is still a lion, but the 'Tin Man' is just an oldish man who is quite strong and can take a wallop, Dorthy goes by her last name and instead of ruby or silver slippers they are the Ruby Spers and guns, and Scarecrow is a female mute girl between Idunno, 12-15(?) and she and her kind resemble Native Americans. Now I bring all this up to give a quick description.
In the scene Gale and her friends are being led through what they believe to be the Emerald City which is underground. They are told by their guide (who is uncomfortable with thm being there) when Scarecrow takes off her green goggles. She sees something is amiss and tries to inform Gale. She then takes the goggles off Gale and Gale tells her she's gonna have to take a switch to her, but decides not too when she sees what Scarecrow tried to tell her.
September 20th, 2014, 10:26 AM
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Fenrir13 is offline
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Do you have a scan of that scene ? Great idea for a thread
In "Batman Eternal" Catwoman threatens to spank a street urchin called Jade for attacking her from behind, based on a rather creepy joke the girl made over the popularity of the soft toilet paper she sells to the inmates of Blackgate Prison: http://www.antifanboy.com/blog/wp-co...E-23-butts.jpg
Then there is an offpanel spanking in Sensation Comics featuring Wonder Woman: http://dccomicsnews.com/wp-content/u...2014/09/23.jpg
Oh, and lets not forget this scene from Worlds Finest, featuring Batmans Son, Damian Wayne:
Last edited by Fenrir13; September 20th, 2014 at 01:25 PM.
September 20th, 2014, 06:25 PM
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There's actually a very recent one (from Cyclops #4 which came out last month I think). The young Cyclops (whose been brought from the past into the present. Don't ask.) is stranded on an alien planet with his father, Corsair. They spend the issue being watched by a bunch of flying lizard-eel things. Corsair keeps suggesting that they shoot one or two down and eat them, insisting that they'll probably taste like chicken. Cyclops is grossed out, and thinks that's absurd.
Anyway, it's pretty clear that the flying eels are just waiting for a chance to attack them. So, in the climax of the issue, Cyclops lures the eels into attacking them, and the two kill them all off. Then, they clean a few and cook them over a fire.
We then have the following exchange, while the two are sitting around the fire eating cooked-eel:
Corsair: Verdict?
Cyclops: I'm not gonna say it.
Corsair: You've got to say it.
Cyclops: I do not.
Corsair: You're not too big to spank, you know that, right?
Cyclops: Tastes like chicken.
Now, obviously it's just some father-son banter, but there you go. Probably the most recent spanking reference in comic books.
September 20th, 2014, 08:55 PM
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September 24th, 2014, 06:36 AM
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Off the top of my head I remember a few, the most recent one i saw being from an old batman comic where alfred spanks catwoman off page, in the next scene dick asks if she would like a seat and she responds that she would prefer to stand obviously trying to hide the fact she was spanked.
You can track a few issues involving the subject using the respective wiki (DC or marvel) by searching for spank as the keyword.
September 25th, 2014, 07:59 AM
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An Italian ero-comic of the 70s and 80s, Ranxerox, had a few spankings n it, mostly implied by the artwork, but a few on-page.
September 26th, 2014, 08:57 AM
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