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May 14th, 2016, 04:38 PM
Naughty Demon Pony
Blazecraft is offline
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Location: FLORIDA (a.k.a Hot as Hell)
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Frisk noticed, and once he did he panicked. "C-Chara! Come back!" He wasn't worried about Chara doing anything destructive since she had lost all power to do so, but he knew if he didn't get her back before 3 Toriel would be mad.
Mettaton watched her carefully. "Um...I guess so..."
May 14th, 2016, 04:40 PM
Mist on its way
Salazar Hotel is offline
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Chara ran but in a short while she realized she couldn't run far and stopped panting,hand on her knees.
"ok then...close the door and come here",she said,smiling still.
A voice calls from the mist for you...seeking out lies,truths,love,and hate.
May 14th, 2016, 04:44 PM
Naughty Demon Pony
Blazecraft is offline
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Frisk was a lot more physically fit than Chara, so it didn't take long for him to catch up and grab her. "Chara, what do you think you're doing!? You could get hurt and Mom is going to be mad if we're not back by three!"
Mettaton kept his eye primarily on her as he did as she told him to, closing the door shut and walking back over to her.
May 14th, 2016, 04:46 PM
Mist on its way
Salazar Hotel is offline
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"i...huff...h....hate...hufff...you...!",she said,trying to sound menacing,but failed...though she looke dup and realized...she had just ran back home...the place she didnt want to go.
Undyne waited till he was right next to her and then bent him over,smirking,"ah you're a bit gullible arent you"/
A voice calls from the mist for you...seeking out lies,truths,love,and hate.
May 14th, 2016, 04:51 PM
Naughty Demon Pony
Blazecraft is offline
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Frisk sighed, some things never change...well, he would have to make them change. Filled with determination, he did something rather unexpected: He sat down in the grass, still holding on to Chara's hand so Chara was pulled down, and yanked her over his lap.
Mettaton yelped as he was suddenly pulled over her lap, squirming and trying to get away. "U-Undyne! W-What the hell are you doing!?"
May 14th, 2016, 04:53 PM
Mist on its way
Salazar Hotel is offline
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Chara eeked as she bent over Frisk's lap,"LET ME GO"!
Undyne smirked and patted his butt,'so you've ever heard of a spanking metta"?
A voice calls from the mist for you...seeking out lies,truths,love,and hate.
May 14th, 2016, 05:01 PM
Naughty Demon Pony
Blazecraft is offline
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Frisk shook his head. "No, Chara. You need to learn you can't run aroud destroying everything anymore." He was sad to do this, but he knew he needed to. With that he brought down his hand with a loud SWAT.
Mettaton blushed as his bottom was patted. "N-No! What are you talking about!? What are you DOING!? He continued to squirm and try to push off her lap, of course to no avail as the fish was a lot stronger than she looked.
May 14th, 2016, 05:03 PM
Mist on its way
Salazar Hotel is offline
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Chara let out an eep at that,"W-wait...can't we do this indoors"?!
Undyne sighed,"metta you need this",and with that she pulled down his pants and slaping his bottom.
A voice calls from the mist for you...seeking out lies,truths,love,and hate.
May 14th, 2016, 05:07 PM
Naughty Demon Pony
Blazecraft is offline
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Location: FLORIDA (a.k.a Hot as Hell)
Posts: 4,564
Frisk shook his head. "If we go inside and do it Mom's sure to hear it. You don't wanna be in trouble with Mom, do you?" He asked as he kept spanking.
Mettaton gasped as his pants were pull down to reveal hot pink panties with magenta lace trim, and yelped as Undyne started to spank him. "U-Undyne! Th-this isn't funny! Let me go! I've had enough! Let me go!"
May 14th, 2016, 05:09 PM
Mist on its way
Salazar Hotel is offline
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Posts: 28,296
"gh....but then people can see us...and can't we do this spanking later like when undyne comes or something?",she asked,wiggling her butt in an attmept to escape.
undyne raised an eyebrow,"panties....huh cute",she ignored whatever he said and continued to spank him.
A voice calls from the mist for you...seeking out lies,truths,love,and hate.
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