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Old June 19th, 2020, 05:10 PM   #1411
meruem2 is offline
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Originally Posted by Banjo View Post
1) Currently, no. There are three ways to get spanked taking the book (caught stealing, successfully steal and talk to Sophie, successfully steal and try to leave) but no way to avoid a spanking. Talking to her is the "lightest", if I recall. Thanks for reminding me, as I am hoping to add a "pure dom" soultion for every puzzle, meaning this one needs a "not spanked" path too.
2) Veena's panties are locked in a box inside someone's house in Oak Outpost. You'll need the lockpicking skill and a lockpick to solve the quest, but it should be completely solvable (with three "endings", as I recall). From memory, there are locked boxes in
Tawni's house, Luis' house, Kelly & Sasha's house and above the store.

---------- Post added at 01:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:33 AM ----------

Yup, that will get you the book. The alternative is:
learn the Sleight of Hand skill from the book Sophie sells, still get caught but get a different (worse) spanking from Sophie, buy a shovel from most stores, then dig in the Red Valley graveyard. Now, you can go down and get spanked by the ghost OR you can buy the Amulet of Warding from the old woman in the Oak Outpost inn (she's at the bar until Frostpoint unlocks, then she moves from Oak Outpost to the Howling Mountains bridge). The Amulet of Warding, when worn, will let you encounter the ghost and NOT get spanked (this is bugged in the current version, but will be fixed in 1.5.5).
After encountering the ghost, go back to Sophie and follow the rest of Remo1's guide.

---------- Post added at 02:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:38 AM ----------

Well, that's not entirely true... There is a LOT I want to add, certainly, and a few quests I'd like to allow multiple resolutions for that currently just have one way to finish them, but (barring bugs) every quest that appears in the Quest Log *should* be able to be completed. Below is the entire Quest Log, if you found every marked quest. Quests with a "*" are entirely new (not in the original game) and only available in DX Mode.

As for that particular quest: see above for the location of Veena's stolen panties. The pair you can find in her closet are a "generic" sexy pair that you can sell for cash... or wear yourself. A later quest *might* give another use for generic panties of various kinds, too (off the top of my head, there are normal "panties", "sexy panties" and super-rare "royal panties" to find).


"Secret Agent" - Aid your country (Shilva, Red Valley)
"Public Servant" - Perform your daily chores (Matron, Red Valley)
"Call of Duty" - Armei is late for guard duty (Shilva, Red Valley)
"Dagger Delivery" - Deliver a dagger to someone in Oak Outpost (Rocio, Red Valley)
"Book of Secrets" - Obtain the book The Revalations of Gla'aki (???, Coral Coast)
"Beneath Red Valley" - Discover the secrets beneath Red Valley (Sophie, Red Valley)
"Ritual Research" - Research the threat of the cult (Watz, Frostpoint Castle)
"That Masked Man" - Investigate the mysterious masked man (???, Frostpoint)
"Ceremony Access" - Exchange two Prize Tickets the Festival prize booth for a Ceremony Ticket (Gretel, Frostpoint Festival)

"Rocio's New Invention" - Test Rocio's Padded Underwear (Rocio, Red Valley)
"Tour Guide"* - Show Kyra around Red Valley (Kyra, Red Valley)
"Interlude with a Vampire" - Meet with Cosmina for a 'date' (Cosmina, Red Valley)
"Mirror, Mirror" - Investigate the strange patron in Cosmina's Inn (Cosmina, Red Valley)
"Avoiding a Tanning"* - Help a lady prevent sunburn (Pamalee, Coral Coast)
"Getting Tanned"* - Help a guy get a tan (Martyn, Coral Coast)
"Young at Heart"* - Restore your body to its real age (Kiki, Oak Outpost)
"Gender-Bender"* - Restore your body to its original gender (Watz, Frostpoint Castle)
"Panty Thief"* - Help Kal find his wife's missing panties (Kal, Oak Outpost)
"Family Heirloom"* - Find Cosmina's lost bracelet (Cosmina, Red Valley)
"You Dirty Rat"* - Find Mr Scabbers for Claire (Claire, Red Valley)
"Chaos Berries"* - Pick some Chaos Berries for Watz (Watz, Frostpoint Castle)
"Special Delivery"* - Deliver some packages for the post office (Numan, Frostpoint)
"Writer's Block" - Help Autori with ideas for her erotic novel (Autori, Frostpoint)
"Bored, Nothing to Do"* - Help the bored Coral Coast Lighthouse keeper's daughter (Mitzi, Coral Coast)
"Model Spankee" - Help an artist finish their masterpiece (Sorteggio, Coral Coast)
"Parenting Help" - Help Meredith to discipline her kids (Meredith, Coral Coast)
"Mom's Care Package" - Spank Zonda's daughter Teena (Zonda, Coral Coast)
"Stressed Student" - Help Tyler de-stress (Waldus, Coral Coast)
"The Art Collector"* - Find a rare art book for a collector (Yan, Coral Coast)
"Grand Theft Implement" - Replace the spanking implements you took from Frostpoint Castle nursery (Matilda, Frostpoint Castle)
"Princess Spanker" - Help Princess Anya with her spanking curiosity (Anya, Frostpoint Castle)
"Royal Treatment" - Get spanked by Queen Astania (Astania, Frostpoint Castle)
"The Royal Tour" - Receive a tour of Frostpoint Castle from Princess Angela (Angela, Frostpoint Castle)
"Maid to Please" - Help a masochistic maid scratch her spanking itch (Pandora, Frostpoint Castle)
"The Secret Shrine" - Find the hidden shrine and discover its secret (Pandora, Frostpoint Castle)
"To Catch A Thief"* - Find the thief from Frostpoint Castle (Frostpoint)
"Casino Catgirl" - Play against Miko at the casino in Frostpoint (Miko, Frostpoint)
"Casino Quickie" - Meet Dale in his room at the casino in Frostpoint
"The Guild"* - Become a member of the Adventurer's Guild
"Escape the Mansion"* - Escape from Birch Manor (n/a, Birch Manor)
"Guilded Rose" - Spank Lyra, the rookie adventurer (Lyra, Frostpoint)
"The Chessmaster" - Get spanked by Drummond, in Oak Outpost (Drummong, Oak Outpost)
"Girls Just Wanna Be Spanked" - Spank Sasha, in Oak Outpost (Sasha, Oak Outpost)
"Best Friends Forever"* - Help Kelly and Lidyr in Oak Outpost become friends (Kelly, Oak Outpost)
"Bribery and Corruption"* - Get past the guard blocking the Misty-Eyed Marsh (Gerry, Misty-Eyed Marsh)
"Rod Of Subjugation" - Find the five pieces of the Rod of Subjugation and assemble it (n/a, n/a)
"Runaround" - Find the items needed to trade with Alin for his artifact (Alin, Frostpoint)
"Zara's Game" - Play Zara the circus magician's game (Zara, Revival Basin)
"Sibling Rivalry" - Resolve the tension between Canute and Gudrid (Canute, Oak Outpost)

Note that there are "unmarked quests" and stuff you can do that's not on the quest log, of course, like kicking the ball into Wendy and then visiting Tawni's house, or selling certain items to Kiki or Tito, but those should all be "finish-able" too.

As far as stuff that's definitely NOT finished and you can't do:
* Once you access the swamp, there's nothing to do there yet.
* Nothing to do yet at the pixie ring in the Weeping Woods.
* The pub and new house in Frostpoint's slums are always locked.
* You can't do anything with the students in the Frostpoint Academy cafeteria yet.
* In v1.5.5, the Frostpoint Academy gym and locker rooms are empty.
* You can argue with the brutish man in the Coral Coast Inn, but that's all.
* In 1.5.5, saving the thirsty person in Scorch Desert moves him to the Coral Coast Inn, but once you talk to him, that's it for now.
* The Vermilion Reformatory quest is unmarked and cannot yet be completed (cut content from the original game that I've not finished re-adding yet).
* You can never get past the guard at the crossroads between the Crimson Hills Mine and the Weeping Woods (guard who mentions goblins).
* The Crimson Hills Mine never opens (future DLC location).
* Exploring the ice cave east of Frostpoint (hidden) is unfinished, you can't do anything once you get deep inside and find "someone" frozen (future DLC).
* The frozen grotto east of Frostpoint is empty.
* You can't ever climb in the windows of houses in Oak Outpost.
* You can steal Sil's Prism cards (Tawni's son in Oak Outpost), but can't do anything with them.
* Currently nothing to do in the Scorch Desert ruins except find the genie lamp (future DLC location).
* You can't access the Coral Coast docks (future DLC location).
* You can't visit the neko village that is mentioned (future DLC location).
* You can't ever visit the elf village (was cut from the original game and may or may not be added back in the future).
* You can't visit the "nettle forest" that is mentioned (another location cut from the original game, may or may not be added in the future).
* You can never do anything about the 'beauty contest incident' with Canute and Gudrid, despite dialog suggestions (this was the same in the original game)

Are all sidequests listed here in the dx version? I can't find a view of them, the tanning ones for example.
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Old June 22nd, 2020, 01:29 AM   #1412
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Originally Posted by meruem2 View Post
Are all sidequests listed here in the dx version? I can't find a view of them, the tanning ones for example.
The tanning ones are missable if I recall.
Certain events trigger time shifts in the day. Morning, Afternoon, and Evening. If I recall correctly the tanning missions have to be done in the Morning phase, because if you give them the wrong type of lotion, and then show up in one of the later phases of the day, they'll get mad and spank you.
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Old June 22nd, 2020, 01:46 PM   #1413
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Originally Posted by Wolfboy101 View Post
The tanning ones are missable if I recall.
Certain events trigger time shifts in the day. Morning, Afternoon, and Evening. If I recall correctly the tanning missions have to be done in the Morning phase, because if you give them the wrong type of lotion, and then show up in one of the later phases of the day, they'll get mad and spank you.

Found it, thanks.
Now I'm only missing
"Grand Theft Implement" and "The Royal Tour"

Any tips on those too?
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Old June 22nd, 2020, 04:22 PM   #1414
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Originally Posted by meruem2 View Post
Found it, thanks.
Now I'm only missing
"Grand Theft Implement" and "The Royal Tour"

Any tips on those too?
Royal tour, go visit a princess and look in her drawers to find pull ups.... GTI: See other princess and do her quests to get cane and paddle.. And get caught in it by Matilda....
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Old June 22nd, 2020, 05:30 PM   #1415
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Old July 1st, 2020, 03:34 PM   #1416
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Shame on me but i just cant find the Amulett you need to deliver it to that masked guy in the basement of the "InnInn"

I also dont know how to spank Sasha. o.o
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Old July 4th, 2020, 04:36 PM   #1417
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Default Choices

If you make the choice to help Meredeith in Coral Coast with her children by taking a spanking from her, is it then possible to do the quest were you spank Zonda's daughter Teena in Frostpoint? I haven't been able to find a way, but perhaps someone knows?
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Old July 4th, 2020, 08:31 PM   #1418
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Originally Posted by tomtecodding View Post
If you make the choice to help Meredeith in Coral Coast with her children by taking a spanking from her, is it then possible to do the quest were you spank Zonda's daughter Teena in Frostpoint? I haven't been able to find a way, but perhaps someone knows?
You have it reversed. Get spanked, get paid to get spanked. Give the spankings, get paid to give a spanking.
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Old July 5th, 2020, 01:51 PM   #1419
meruem2 is offline
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Originally Posted by tomtecodding View Post
If you make the choice to help Meredeith in Coral Coast with her children by taking a spanking from her, is it then possible to do the quest were you spank Zonda's daughter Teena in Frostpoint? I haven't been able to find a way, but perhaps someone knows?
get spanked for taking the artbook before getting spanked by Meredith, then you can still spank the daughter and do the stess relief quest as well
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Old July 5th, 2020, 02:31 PM   #1420
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Originally Posted by meruem2 View Post
get spanked for taking the artbook before getting spanked by Meredith, then you can still spank the daughter and do the stess relief quest as well
OK thanks, I'll try that. I want to cram in as many spankings as possible in one go.
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