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May 5th, 2018, 07:04 AM
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Banjo is offline
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Wow, that list is super helpful even to me, Magus Eternal! Thanks for taking the time to do that. My only suggestion would be to separate Frostpoint City, Frostpoint Castle and the Festival Grounds, as those are treated separately by the in-game codex I'm working on too. Switch as a category would be helpful too, I think. Regardless, this list really helps me look at what pairings need more balancing (spanker/spankee ratios, locations, etc.). Coral Coast is the place I've enhanced maybe the most, and it still lacks content compared to other places!
Su: retired daycare assistant in Coral Coast; can be spanked if you bring her a paddle.
Missing people:
Rada: nun at Oak Outpost (female dom)
Kyoka: Asura's mom at Festival who spanks you if you spank her daughter (female dom)
Missing names:
Pot smashing boy = Fritz
Diamond room adventurer (mage) = Syrella
Harpies = Uzo (green), Pappi (blue), Maz (red)
Festival dancers = Kimber (blue hair), Danni (blonde), Natalie (red hair) [have been thinking about revamping these three, though]
Mirror girls = Cherry, Blueberry, Lemonade (!)
For those interested, here's the characters changed by 'More Females' off the top of my head:
Brand: guard captain at Oak Outpost (m->f) [DX]
Vulkis: guard captain at Oak Outpost (m->f) [DX]
Jean: genie who can move in with you (m-f)
Yaran: strongman/woman at Revival Basin circus (m-f) [DX]
Valisi: vampire count/countess at Birch Manor (m-f)
Payne: torturer in Frostpoint Castle dungeon (m-f)
Warren/Wilma: guard captain at Frostpoint (m-f, renamed) [DX]
Kris: priest in Frostpoint slums church (m-f)
Tyler: student from Coral Coast living in Frostpoint (m-f)
Valys/Valyssa: 'hot' elf teacher at academy (m-f, renamed)
Shiran/Shirana: head of the Adventurer's Guild in Frostpoint (m-f, renamed)
Adventurer Guild Nurse: currently unnamed (m-f)
Gudrid: Frostpoint daycare manager (stays female, but new portrait)
Also, with 'More Females' on, in Oak Outpost, Tawni will spank you instead of Huris when you bully their daughter [DX]
Anything marked [DX] is a DX Mode only character.
Note: Grelod was referred to as both male and female in the original game dialog; I went with "female", but since I didn't like her original look, the 'More Females' mod changes her to be a bit more attractive IMO. I'm open to making her male without the mod, though?
There will likely always be a F/x slant, though, sorry. That's just because I'm a 99% F/m guy, though, so that will always be my "go-to" (it is always much easier to add/develop things I find personally a turn-on too!). I said from the start that since I was expanding on someone else's work that already had a fanbase, I would try to still add F/f (easier to do), M/f and M/m stuff, but that doesn't come as naturally to me so will always be a little deficient, I'm afraid. Sorry!
The "More Females" mod makes it hard work for me when adding someone like Valkis or Brand (having to do everything twice!) but it was my way to ensure that not every new spanker I add is female!
This goes fo ABDL too, which isn't my "thing" really (especially anything scat/toilet related). I've tried to make it so that those who like it can still get the content, but it's not something I'm drawn to adding more of. I have, however, tried to add alternatives so that those with it switched off don't feel they are missing out; the ABDL scene with Princess Angela, for example, now has a non-ABDL "path". I will do the same for the Academy nurse and possibly Birch Manor's nursery too (not sure what to do for the Manor, though). Note that "wet" is now a status, and could be used in later stuff if need be (including just "fall in the pond" or "swim fully clothed" scenes, etc).
Another thing I want to do (as I've said before) is allow you to do a 100% sub or 100% dom playthrough. I'm still looking at the remaining forced spankings (Sophie for stealing the book, others?) for this. Next update will have a way to steal the ring from Valisi without getting spanked, too. Shh!
The Coral Coast sunbathers quest is gender specific because the sunbathers are straight, so will only ask the opposite gender to rub lotion on them. However, that doesn't mean I'd be opposed to adding a F/f or M/m spanking scene for them. In fact, I just thought of a way that could be done...
The red-headed nurse (Nicol) is a favourite of mine too, and was fun to write! I felt a bit bad/sorry for the trainee nurse (Dawn) when I was writing her sub parts, but hope Dom players enjoy her.
Yup, the desert adventurer is "to be continued", as is the jerk at the bar you can submit/argue with and the tourist when she reaches Coral Coast.
For those wondering, Eris is the ghost beneath Red Valley.
Also: I'll try to make Su "unlockable" even if you miss getting spanked by Carrie at the daycare in Frostpoint!
Last edited by Banjo; May 5th, 2018 at 10:45 AM.
May 5th, 2018, 08:23 AM
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Hey Banjo, I wouldn't get too caught up on it being on you for the slant towards F/m or F/f depending on the gender we chose to play as. I say this because while it is true you've added a lot of content to the game even in the original version by Bagool it was more F/x oriented than M/x. Actually now that I think about it most of the games I play from this site are more F/x oriented, but that's probably because like you I prefer F/m.
May 5th, 2018, 10:59 AM
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Magus Eternal is offline
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Red Valley
Female Doms 14 - Maria, Matron, Cosmina, Claire, Jolene, Sophie, Eris, Armei, Shilva, Karen, "3 Mirror Girls", Zara
Female Subs 7 - Maria, Matron, Cosmina, Claire, Kyra, Shilva, Zara
Male Dom 1 - Rocio
Male Sub 1 - Berkeley
Oak Outpost
Female Doms 12 - Gudrid, Lidyr, Kelly, Kiki, Rada, Tawni, Veena, Meido, Suatia, Uzo, Pappi, Maz
Female Subs 5 - Gudrid, Lidyr, Kelly, Kiki, Sasha
Male Doms 4 - Canute, Valkis, Drummond, Hurris
Male Subs 2 - Canute, TJ
Coral Coast
Female Doms 5 - Mitzi, Vanice, Meredith, Su, Pamalee
Female Subs 4 - Mitzi, Vanice, Mindy, Kari
Male Doms 2 - Martyn, Brand
Male Subs 1 - Max
Birch Manor
Female Doms 3 - "Library Ghost", "Kitchen Ghost", "Bathroom Ghost"
Female Subs 0
Male Doms 2 - Count Valisi, "Punishment Room Ghost"
Male Subs 0
Frostpoint City
Female Doms 16 - Grelod, Carrie, Rose, Kira, Urika, Syrella, Britney, Miko, Autori, Elizabeth, Nicol, Carmen, Vivian, Angie, Julia, Priscylla
Female Subs 10 - Rose, Lyra, Miko, Teena, Autori, Elizabeth, Vivian, Angie, Sylvie, Mel
Male Doms 7 - Kris, Klint, Tyler, Dan, Arik, Fan, Valyse
Male Subs 6 - Fritz, Kade, Dale, Sheldon, Pitre, Ramone
Frostpoint Castle
Female Doms 8 - Matilda, Angela, Anya, Astania, Melena, Farris, "MC Mother", Bianca
Female Subs 3 - Pandora, Anya, Bianca
Male Doms 2 - Watz, Payne
Male Subs 0 - None
Frostpoint Festival
Female Doms 6 - Kimber, Danni, Natalie, Kyoka, Bakulyn, Cul
Female Subs 3 - Asura, Bakulyn, Cul
Male Doms 0 - None
Male Subs 0 - None
Female Doms 64
Female Subs 32
Male Doms 18
Male Subs 10
Here it is with Frostpoint seperated into 3 parts. Also with names being updated as well. Later I will add the switch list for those who are both.
May 5th, 2018, 11:07 AM
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flagship is offline
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Originally Posted by Magus Eternal
Yes Su is the ex-daycare worker. To unlock her have Claire in the Frostpoint Daycare spank you. Then I believe you need to have Grelod paddle you. She should mention her ex-worker. Then ask about the worker to unlock Su as a spanker.
For Pamalee the sunbather normally you can only get spanked by the opposite gender sunbather. However their is a trick to letting both spank you. In the morning travel to Coral Coast and buy both the Suntan and Sunburn oils. Then talk to the opposite gender sunbather and give them the wrong oil. After use the debug item and change your gender. Then talk to the other sunbather and give them the wrong oil. After you can change your gender back to normal. When you return in evening you will get spanked by both characters regardless of what your gender currently is.
And on that note it did irritate me you could only get spanked by the opposite gender sunbather. What about fans of F/F or M/M. For me I was using a Male MC and there isn't very many Male Doms in this game so I wanted to unlock all I could. I actually didn't think this trick would work. Thankfully not only did it work, but the correct face portrait was displayed during the spanking.
Thank you very much This is very important to me
May 5th, 2018, 12:46 PM
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Banjo is offline
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Thanks for the updated list, Magus! Don't forget to add Su to the female subs at Coral Coast (not that spanking her has much effect, even with a paddle!). Also, Oak Outpost should now be 13 female doms with Rada added (will be 14 next update with the addition of 'Meghan'!).
Originally Posted by flagship
Thank you very much This is very important to me
I sympathise with folks who want a 'pairing' that's not in the game. I've encountered that in both spanking and 'vanilla' games: i.e. can't romance a character because they're either not romanceable, gay (or straight) or both. Fallout New Vegas (all the females I wanted to romance were gay or unavailable) and Mass Effect 1 (Tali!!!) were particularly annoying to me on that front!
That said, using the debug isn't really a solution.  I will leave that little exploit in until I've made an alternative possible, however.
When I get time, I will make it so the sunbathers can spank a player of the same gender. Now, since they're straight and thus wouldn't ask someone of the same gender to rub lotion on them, I'm thinking that the way around it might be that if Martyn thinks the (male) player is annoying Pamalee or Pamalee thinks the (female) player is slutting over Martyn, they'll interfere and spank you! What do people think?
EDIT: added the mirror girls' names to my previous post.
EDIT #2: in the next update, you will not be able to "miss" unlocking Su if Carrie goes home.
EDIT #3: Magus, or anyone else, since there currently aren't many... is there any particular (existing) male characters you'd like to see available as doms? If so, let me know who and I'll see what I can do for M/x fans! (I'm thinking the prince might need to be available as both a dom and sub during NG+?). You might be happy to know though that there will definitely be two *new* male doms included for the update after next (not the next one, sorry, but the one after that), both in Coral Coast.
Last edited by Banjo; May 5th, 2018 at 07:24 PM.
May 5th, 2018, 09:02 PM
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Magus Eternal is offline
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Red Valley
Female Doms 8 - Jolene, Sophie, Eris, Armei, Karen, Cherry, Blueberry, Lemonade
Female Switch 6 - Maria, Matron, Cosmina, Claire, Shilva, Zara
Female Subs 1 - Kyra
Male Dom 1 - Rocio
Male Switch 0 - None
Male Sub 1 - Berkeley
Oak Outpost
Female Doms 8 - Rada, Tawni, Veena, Meido, Suatia, Uzo, Pappi, Maz
Female Switch 4 - Gudrid, Lidyr, Kelly, Kiki
Female Subs 1 - Sasha
Male Doms 3 - Valkis, Drummond, Hurris
Male Switch 1 - Canute
Male Subs 1 - TJ
Coral Coast
Female Doms 2 - Meredith, Pamalee
Female Switch 3 - Mitzi, Vanice, Su
Female Subs 2 - Mindy, Kari
Male Doms 2 - Martyn, Brand
Male Switch 0 - None
Male Subs 1 - Max
Birch Manor
Female Doms 3 - "Library Ghost", "Kitchen Ghost", "Bathroom Ghost"
Female Switch 0 - None
Female Subs 0 - None
Male Doms 2 - Count Valisi, "Punishment Room Ghost"
Male Switch 0 - None
Male Subs 0 - None
Frostpoint City
Female Doms 10 - Grelod, Carrie, Kira, Urika, Syrella, Britney, Nicol, Carmen, Julia, Priscylla
Female Switch 6 - Rose, Miko, Autori, Elizabeth, Vivian, Angie
Female Subs 4 - Lyra, Teena, Sylvie, Mel
Male Doms 7 - Kris, Klint, Tyler, Dan, Arik, Fan, Valyse
Male Switch 0 - None
Male Subs 6 - Fritz, Kade, Dale, Sheldon, Pitre, Ramone
Frostpoint Castle
Female Doms 6 - Matilda, Angela, Astania, Melena, Farris, "MC Mother"
Female Switch 3 - Anya, Bianca, Xev
Female Subs 1 - Pandora
Male Doms 2 - Watz, Payne
Male Switch 0 - None
Male Subs 0 - None
Frostpoint Festival
Female Doms 4 - Kimber, Danni, Natalie, Kyoka
Female Switch 2 - Bakulyn, Cul
Female Subs 1 - Asura
Male Doms 0 - None
Male Switch 0 - None
Male Subs 0 - None
Female Doms 41
Female Switch 24
Female Subs 10
Male Doms 17
Male Switch 1
Male Subs 9
Thanks for the updated list, Magus! Don't forget to add Su to the female subs at Coral Coast (not that spanking her has much effect, even with a paddle!). Also, Oak Outpost should now be 13 female doms with Rada added (will be 14 next update with the addition of 'Meghan'!).
I added Su, the Mirror girls names, and the Switch Category. I already had Rada listed though so she wouldn't affect the count unless I'm missing something.
EDIT #3: Magus, or anyone else, since there currently aren't many... is there any particular (existing) male characters you'd like to see available as doms? If so, let me know who and I'll see what I can do for M/x fans! (I'm thinking the prince might need to be available as both a dom and sub during NG+?). You might be happy to know though that there will definitely be two *new* male doms included for the update after next (not the next one, sorry, but the one after that), both in Coral Coast.
This just a few characters I can think of. In Coral Coast Waldus and the Lighthouse keeper are two that I thought of first. For Waldus use the chess game like his wife. And for the Lighthouse keeper maybe have it so if you extinguished the flame you can confess to either him or Mitzi and get punished by them instead (But keep the option of having the Guard Captain Brand punish you if you don't confess to either of them). However I also want to be able to get spanked by Rosa (Especially after she mentioned her paddle) and Kesha. There is also Turk and his wife as maybe being involved in a scene.
In Oak Outpost Luis would make a good Switch character. Have it so you can threaten to tell Veena about the panties unless you get to spank him. As for the other option you can confess to stealing his statue. Also the severity of the punishment for the statue would be worse if you both traded and stole his statues (So you ended up with both rather than one). Also possibly Sil could be a Dom and either punish you for taking his Prism Card or if you refuse he tells his parents and they will punish you instead.
Red Valley is lacking in males in general, but having a spanking scene involving either Raffel and Ellynor (And maybe using the Female Mod to determine which) is certainly an option. The only other character I could think of is Toby, although I could see him as more of a Switch character.
I really agree with the idea of Aston as a Switch. Not only was he a brat when you first met, but you could get spanked by almost everyone else in the royal family and not him. So either spanking him for being a brat when you first met or asking for a spanking as an apology would be really cool. Also I kind of wish you could get spanked by Doctor Sheldon in the hospital (The one harassing the Trainee nurse). You can either do that scene as a Dom or as Neutral, but I would also like the option of confessing to making the mess yourself and getting punished instead.
Also I am not against Female spankers, it's more the lack of males than anything. Also I was playing my MC as if he was a Bisexual Bratty Sub so he would like to get spanked by both Females and Males. In fact some of my favorite Doms are Female. One of my favorite spanking scenes was when the MC got spanked by both Bakulyn and Cul. This is because my favorite games are RPG's and the main character in those games is usually a teenager Male. I would always like to fantasize the hero in those games get spanked by the villains so being able to do that here is something I love.
And on a side note when I was playing through the game I was trying to make my MC be as much of a Brat as I could without having him be a complete jerk (Being more naughty than cruel). So I tried to avoid causing others to get spanked unless I felt they really deserved it. Like with TJ, the 3 kids who mugged you, or Geran (since you also get spanked there). But others I avoided like with Maria, Claire, and the Trainee Nurse. In fact I would do that scene by spilling the bucket (Earning me a Brat point), but would confront the Doctor (Earning me a Dom point). I wouldn't spank him though. But that was because I wanted the Brat point for the scene, but I didn't like the idea of the Trainee Nurse getting spanked. So I ended up with the following score as a result.
Dom: 14
Sub: 123
Brat: 55
Spanks Given: 13
Spanks Received: 165
I ended up repeating some spankings received scenes so that is why my Sub count and Received count is so high. I do wonder if anyone had a higher Brat score than I did though. Like I said earlier I was trying to get that score as high as possible. I do know there was some repeatable Brat scenes early in the game that you could do over and over to keep getting Brat points, but I didn't do that. And I think my Sin count was around 40 or 41 as well. Most of the Dom points and Spanks Given I was happy with, but a few I do wish I could alter (Still get the scene or item, but have some alternative).
Dom 1 - Armei and Shilva Scene (I noticed you said you were fixing this already)
Dom 2 - Geran (This scene I am fine with because you also get a Brat point, Sub point, and a spanking received)
Dom 3 - Rose (For getting the Rose Brooch. Like I've said before the option of getting spanked and still getting the brooch would be awesome. I did make sure to get spanked by her to help balance it out).
Dom 4 - Dr. Sheldon (I did this scene for the Brat point, but I do wish there was a Sub route to go through it without having to get the Trainee nurse spanked. I felt she really didn't deserve it).
Dom 5~9 - Pandora (The bane of Sub players, maybe have Melena the maid able to preform the actual spanking instead as an alternative as long as you've seen the scene with the Queen)
Dom 10~12 - Anya (Her quest is more a mutual spank quest so I also didn't mind it. I gained 3 Dom points and 2 spankings given, but I also gained 3 Sub points and 3 spankings received. And you can see a hidden spanking scene involving Matilda and her hairbrush as well. However 2 of the Dom points come from spanking her which is fine, but 1 of the points is from just telling her about Matilda. Usually when you cause someone to get spanked, but don't actually spank them yourself it doesn't give you a Dom point. It does in this scene though).
Dom 13~14 - Gudrid & Canute (This is for confronting them at the Festival. Unfortunately if you want to send not only them, but the other characters in the pageant home you have to see this scene. Maybe an alternative would be the option of either forgiving them which does not give you the 2 Dom points or saying you will deal with them later which does give the 2 Dom points).
Spanks Given 1~2 - Zara (I see her and Miko as a mutual scenario. As such even on a pure Sub run I don't mind this. Also you don't gain any Dom points for this. I do make sure she spanks me at least 2 times as well to make it even).
Spanks Given 3 - Rose (For Brooch same as above)
Spanks Given 4~6 - Miko (Same as Zara no Dom points awarded and I make sure I get spanked at least 3 times to make it even. I do make sure not to spank her after catching her at cheating).
Spanks Given 7~11 - Pandora (Again same as above)
Spanks Given 12~13 - Anya (Like I said earlier I see Anya in a mutual light and I like being able to make a friend with at least 1 female member of the royal household).
As such even though I was playing as primarily a Sub I only spanked 5 characters and 4 of those 5 I made sure they spanked me back in equal fashion (If not more). And the one pure Sub character I spanked asked for it instead of being forced. So all in all I was happy with the choices for the most part. Of course I just found out I missed a Dom, but to get her you have to spank her daughter. That would be how I missed her since I avoided most non mutual spankings.
EDIT: On 1 final note there was 1 character I really wanted the option to spank and that was Banjo. I saw him first in the Weeping Woods and I was like ok cool. Then I saw him again outside Frostpoint and I was like alright. Then again in the casino and I was like really. Then I saw him in the Marsh (Starting to get annoyed) and later the Slime Cave. By this point I was ready to give him a really good spanking. (Note this is mostly a joke although I would like the option for real though. I think it would be neat).
Last edited by Magus Eternal; May 7th, 2018 at 07:45 PM.
May 5th, 2018, 09:37 PM
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Is there currently a way to change the time? Like changing the time back to day instead of the sun being setting. If not will there be one?
May 5th, 2018, 10:11 PM
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Bagool is offline
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With the amount of passion and dedication you have for this Magus, you should think about writing a strategy guide, or a page on the spanking art wiki or something. I'm glad you're enjoying what me and Banjo worked so hard on.
May 5th, 2018, 10:24 PM
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Originally Posted by FateVoid
Is there currently a way to change the time? Like changing the time back to day instead of the sun being setting. If not will there be one?
No there is no way of changing back and forth through different times. The game goes through three time stages in the game. Morning last until you have finished your chores (Or lied and said you did) and then slept in your bed. Evening lasts until you have confronted Bakulyn and Cul at Frostpoint Festival. Then the next Morning is NG+.
Originally Posted by Bagool
With the amount of passion and dedication you have for this Magus, you should think about writing a strategy guide, or a page on the spanking art wiki or something. I'm glad you're enjoying what me and Banjo worked so hard on.
I've played a lot of games on this site and they all focus on F/F as the primary spanking pairing. With almost all Doms being Female and almost all Subs being Female. Now as a fan of x/M I didn't enjoy those games as such. And at first glance this game doesn't look any different. However the fact that you can play as primarily a Sub is a huge difference in comparison to other games. Usually if your character is a Sub that character is Female only. So being able to play as a Sub Male is a major advantage. Also being able to control the spankings in this game (As in when the MC gets spanked and by who as well as when he spanks someone else) even on a Sub route is what I enjoyed. As a Dom who enjoys seeing Males spanked I liked being able to have control over who got spanked and when. It is why I was able to enjoy playing a Sub character despite being a Dom myself. I was still in control of what was happening. And as I listed earlier most spankings I gave out where done in a mutual setting rather than a pure Dom way. And I liked coming up with a head-canon for the MC that fit how he was behaving (Bisexual Brat Sub) and having him be a true badass in the ending only made me like him better. I like the idea of a really strong character being spanked. Also I just like RPG's in general so there is that. And I am bad about over analyzing games that I like so this is nothing new.
May 5th, 2018, 10:53 PM
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