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Old February 15th, 2019, 06:03 PM   #131
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Yellow Pearl gulped nervously and nodded. "M-My Diamond?" She said quietly. "Why don't you threaten them with a public whipping if they dare to defy your orders? That way they won't care about the organics since their own gems are on the line..."

The Diamond watched her Pearl work. She seemed content with the situation and her servant seemed to have learned this lesson. "Any important news, Pearl?" She asked then.
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Old February 19th, 2019, 07:54 PM   #132
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Yellow Diamond swiveled her eyes towards her Pearl. "Pearl. When I say that I don't want any personal interjections, I do mean it. I don't have the time to attend to that now, but rest assured that there will be consequences later." She paused for a moment. "They know the consequences if they defy orders; a whipping will be the least of there problems. I see no reason for an unnecessary communique."

Blue Pearl looked up at her Diamond. "No, my Diamond. However, Jade Cut 824 Facet 46-J request a meeting one quarter rotation from now to discuss Agate output."
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Old February 22nd, 2019, 06:57 PM   #133
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Pearl squeaked and stood a bit straighter than usual. "I mean no disrespect, my Diamond!" She gulped again, her backside still smarting from earlier. "I will just... do as you say!"

The huge Diamond nodded. "I see... is it really necessary that this has to be handled by a Diamond? But yes, I will meet that Jade!" She sighed then before rubbing her temples.
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Old February 23rd, 2019, 06:21 AM   #134
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"Just like you always should. And yet it seems more and more that you are unable to do even that." She knew better than anyone that it would be a pain to replace her Pearl, but the occasional threat that her position was anything other than secure would keep her well in line. Still, she jotted down a note to have her punished later.

"Very good, my Diamond." Blue Pearl set up the arrangements for the meeting. "She will be arriving in one quarter rotation minus forty minutes. Shall I have her brought here, or would you like to meet her somewhere else?"
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aymer, homeworld, pearls, steven, universe

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