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Susan Comes Home To Daddy, |
February 24th, 2014, 02:53 PM
cyabroad is offline
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Susan Comes Home To Daddy,
Hi Tom Blake here I am on my Way to pick my 9 year old light of my life up, After 5 years Fighting for her, Her mother was killed with her so called boyfriend,
So now I am nearly there the home where Susan is was quite a way from where,
I where I live in a little town, So after a long Drive I am turning into the car park now, I look up and it looks like a big Palace, But no matter I know what is up them stairs waiting for me now,
February 24th, 2014, 07:32 PM
Arisu is offline
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Big blue eyes gazed wearily down the marble staircase as nine year old Susan Elena Blake watched as her maids and nannies finished moving her things towards the door. Being so young and facing such a tragedy of losing her mom and James (her mother's boyfriend) to a fatal car accident seemed almost too much to bare. Even if she hadn't seen her mommy much...
She did love to travel. Her mommy started dating James Williams a few years ago, and although the two weren't married yet, she had packed her daughter up and moved them both to James' vast estate. He was a well regarded lawyer.
Life seemed alright--she got everything she wanted. Toys, clothes, jewelry--nannies fussing over her, curling her perfectly golden hair into little ringlets--she was spoiled for years.
And now it seemed as if it were all over. Susan sighed, her small teacup poodle pup, Versace (the last present she received from James), nestled his small body within her little arms. She smiled, glad she'd at least have him to keep her company. It had been so long since shes seen her father...
"Susan! Your father is here darling." One of her maids called to her gently.
"'Kay." And with that, the little girl, holding her puppy, headed down the marble staircase...uncertain of her new life.
February 24th, 2014, 07:55 PM
cyabroad is offline
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Tom waited at the bottom of the huge stair case for his little Daughter seeing all this,
And Maids running about plus Butlers Drivers he could not give his Daughter any of this,
But what he could give her is love cuddles and a Daddy she could be proud of a Police Man,
He did not have any of this only a big 3 bed house with no pool but a big back lawn,
For his little girl to play on and because he as not seen her for 5 long years he remembers,
Her being very small the day he left her crying as he went away out of site, that day to go,
Into the army and go to camp first then after training he went away,
February 24th, 2014, 08:16 PM
Arisu is offline
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"Right this way Mister Blake." A butler spoke evenly as he opened the front door, allowing the police man to enter the vast manor. As Susan descended the stairs, a familiar man stood before her, and her blue eyes slowly lit up. It had been five long years...but she still missed him, even if she hadn't said anything until then. The little blond smiled shyly, her little pup in her arms beginning to growl and bark at the strange man.
"Hush, Versace. This is...." Daddy. She hadn't used such a word in what felt like years. She didn't even call James such. "Um..hi daddy." She set the pup down to hesitantly embrace her father, though she was elated to see him. After all the tragedy, she needed him more than ever. Letting go, the nine year old watched as her maids began to place her belongings in her father's car. She was always a very independent little princess, but she did get a little too comfortable being waited on hand and foot.
"Guess we should get going." She said softly, following her daddy towards his car as her puppy followed close behind. She wondered what kind of a home she'd have now...it would be nothing like her old one.
February 24th, 2014, 08:38 PM
cyabroad is offline
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Daddy took his Daughter to his car waiting by the big steps, She looked so sweet with her little, pup,
That she had in her arms Daddy says put your pup on the back seat little one for just a second,
Daddy needs to pick his little girl up for a huge hug that he had not had for 5 long years,
And being a strong man he could no problem hug her after picking her up, So he waited for,
Susan to put the puppy in the back seat, then standing there looking around this place,
That to him just a Police Man was nothing to his place, Susan" life would change because,
She would not know yet but her Daddy was still strict as he was just before he left,
He was strict with her a few times but now he thinks she is just so spoiled he will have to put rules down,
Last edited by cyabroad; September 9th, 2017 at 10:39 AM.
September 9th, 2017, 10:46 AM
cyabroad is offline
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So as he goes to pick her up he knows that he as to put is foot down right from the very start,
So looking at her as he holds her in is arms he says you know Daddy is not this rich do you Susan,
September 10th, 2017, 05:22 AM
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blitzen88 is offline
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(OOC: Was asked to take over as Susan.)
Susan looked up at daddy with big eyes.
"I know daddy. But you can still get stuff for me."
She nodded.
"Like a doll. You can get me a doll. And another puppy."
Susan - 9
September 10th, 2017, 09:24 AM
cyabroad is offline
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Daddy said you in is arms I will buy you clothes but not another puppy one is enough,
I am not as rich as your Mummies boy Friend was so we will have to just Manage with my 3 bedroom house,
I do not think she would have left me anything in her will, Like this huge place no I will stick with my home,
Putting you into the car with your Puppy, Getting in himself right lets go and engine start and off you go,
September 11th, 2017, 01:51 AM
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blitzen88 is offline
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Susan looks around as daddy drives and unbuckles her seatbelt, reaching forward and turning up the radio, before sitting back and buckling back up.
Susan - 9
September 11th, 2017, 09:00 AM
cyabroad is offline
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Susan do not ever undo your seat belt again you ask Daddy to turn the Radio up do I make myself clear little lady,
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