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Old October 12th, 2016, 03:37 PM   #21
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Emily frowned deeply at his reply. She felt as if he still saw her as the 10-year old who ran around playing hide-and-seek with him on that fateful day he returned to Dunwall those three years ago. She is clearly annoyed.

"Look, if you think that little of me, nevermind", she said with a barely concealed anger, as she stood up and headed towards her inner bedroom from the suite they were in.

"I'm tired. Maybe it's from running around and interrupting all day", she said sarcastically and closed the door to her bedroom behind her, slightly louder than she thought she had, but she didn't care right now. She hated being treated and spoken to like a little kid, and that's what she felt Corvo was doing. And it hurt her.
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Old October 13th, 2016, 10:30 AM   #22
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Corvo walks after her, because what else can he do. Even though Emily basically proven his point, it's still a good idea. But he isn't going to let her slam the door at him. "Emily!" He says sternly, pretty sure loud enough she can hear him even through the closed door. "Come out right now!" He feels misunderstood and slightly disappointed. Emily is old enough to understand these meetings aren't easy, especially for him. And she only makes it harder.

Corvo leans against the wall and waits, not exactly angry, but feeling like he saved her life few too many times for her to slam the door at him, even though he understands she wasn't exactly happy with the way he talked to her.

Maybe he should have left out the running around bit...but too late for that. Best intentions are the road to hell, or something like that?
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Old October 16th, 2016, 09:46 AM   #23
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Emily didn't move. Under normal circumstances, she would have opened the door for him immediately, always happy to see him. The circumstances weren't normal, though. She didn't blame him as such, but the stress of the day's events had gotten to her, and with that final "straw" of him talking to and treating her as if she was a child still, Emily had had enough.

"Not right now, Corvo", she said, her voice tense, but not angry. "Later, maybe", she finished, as she barely managed to contain her voice which was very clearly breaking up, the events starting to become real in her mind. It was starting to dawn on her just how close she'd gotten to getting really hurt, and she was laying on her bed shaking at the thought of what might have happened.
While she wished that she could forget, she clearly remembered much of what she had heard while she had been held captive at the Golden Cat. She had been introduced, much too early, to "adult business", and knew exactly what the men in the streets had intended to do to her.
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Old October 16th, 2016, 11:26 PM   #24
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Corvo sighs, on one hand, wanting to give her what she wants, but on the other, this is not the time to leave her alone. "Emily, come on. Let's talk about." He can hear the voice, and by that alone he can say the girl's not feeling good. It would be possible for him to simply order having the door opened, no door can be closed to lord regent, but he can imagine what that would mean for his relationship with Emily. Even if he looks at it from completely selfish point of view, he would lose the highlight of his days.

"I'll be camping here until you change your mind, just so you know. I'm not going away." Acting the way that lord regent definitely shouldn't, he sits down next to her door and leans against the wall. If anyone dares comment on it, they will have to face his wrath, for he is now feeling quite angry. Mostly at himself, for his stupidity with which he formulated the conditions under which Emily could attend the meetings.
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Old October 17th, 2016, 11:47 PM   #25
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Emily heard his voice as she lay on her bed, almost in a fetal position as the shock and trauma worked its way into her mind. She just scoffed and said:

"Fine...see if I care"...only to find herself, some ten minutes later, realizing that she does, in fact, care. She cares about him, and about his image. And if any of her chambermaids were to walk in and see him sitting there on the floor, it wouldn't do any good for his image. He knows this, she knows this, and he knows that she knows. She sighed, as she thought again and got up to head over to the door, opening it and heading back to her bed.

"You're really really stubborn", she said, her voice partly annoyed, but there was a smirk there as well. She wasn't angry with him as such, but she was annoyed at the way he'd spoken to her - both the initial treatment of how she wasn't allowed to "run around", as if that was something she'd do....and then the tone of his "open this door right now"-demand.

She looked at him.

"I'm not a child anymore, Corvo", she said with as much seriousness as a 13-year old can muster. Which, for this 13-year old, was quite a bit given her history, both very recent, and somewhat distant. "I don't "run around" at important meetings. And, I don't like the way you said that, as if it was....I mean...a great favor I was asking", she said. "I...I trust you more than anyone else, Corvo", she said, looking up at him with big eyes. "But....you...you don't seem to trust me. And....well, that hurts", she finished.
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Old October 18th, 2016, 12:11 AM   #26
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Indeed, he is very stubborn and patient. After spending six months in Coldridge, ten minutes waiting by her door isn't all that bad. Once the door opens, Corvo stands up and enters Emily's room, closing the door behind him. It would be a lie to tell he's not angry, but there's time and place. Despite all the love for Emily, he isn't going to be disrespected like this.

"I agree I should have worded that differently, Emily." Corvo has to concede this point. The way he said that was really stupid. "However, the way you ran off and refused to talk to me...sort of proves that point." But it's the claim he doesn't trust her that really stings. Corvo walks over to her bed, no longer feeling like an elite assassin or the lord regent. At this point, more like a father that needs to explain some life truths to his teenage daughter. He sits down next to Emily.

"Emily, I trust you. You are one of the very few people I can trust. And yes...sometimes, I can't help, there are moments when I consider you a child...you should be a child, at this point." Corvo sighs, regretting the brutal end to her childhood. If only he could have done something about it back then...
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Old October 19th, 2016, 09:32 AM   #27
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Emily looked at the floor as he spoke to her. She was a little bit ashamed at the way she'd just walked out on him just before, and her body language told him that she knew that he had a point, but she didn't want to admit it openly.

"I...I don't know", she said when he mentioned how she should still be a child. There was a part of her beneath her "I don't know" which was clearly audible, and which agreed with him. But ever since she had been old enough to remember, Emily had had it ingrained in her again and again that she needed to "grow up", and "Be responsible". And ever since the events of three years ago, she had been the one to push herself to do that even more. Trying her best to grow up before her time, even though she, as far as she knew unbeknownst to anyone else, still retreated to the safety of her private place bedroom to play with her dolls, especially the blonde one made of whale bone which her mother had given her for a birthday present once.

"Maybe you're right", she said eventually with a sigh.
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Old October 21st, 2016, 03:05 PM   #28
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Corvo thinks for a long time what to say to that, not being really good at family and emotional things. It's just as complicated for him, trying to rule in the name of someone who's still a child, yet forces herself, and is forced by others not to be. "I think...it should be possible to combine being a child and responsibilities. You don't have to spend all day with your tutors. So there's no reason to act like an adult the other times." That's how Corvo's line of thought on the subject goes, him not being someone who had much of a childhood.

"So in this respect, I don't think attending the meetings is what would be best for you, it would only make you even more...serious." It was her tone of voice that made him change the opinion of meetings being something beneficial to just ruining what's left of her innocence. There will have to be changes in how the court runs to accomodate his plans, but right now, he considers it to be necessary.

"I'd say you need to socialize more. Meet people. Other children." There should be some courtiers with kids, shouldn't there? How come there are never any kids around? "And...of course, with that, comes being treated as a child, when you do something stupid." This last sentence doesn't come out of him easily.
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Old October 25th, 2016, 11:24 AM   #29
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Emily didn't catch the gravity of the last part of his message to her. She caught on to the first part - the part about not attending the meetings, and she frowned for a bit. This was her Empire, after all, and she should be part of running it.
But another part of her told her to trust him, and hearing his words she allowed herself to think that, in fact, the voice in her head that told her to always push herself further, harder, faster, might not be right all the time.

She shrugged her shoulders:

"I don't think there's anyone else but me", she said in a tone that was sad, but not artificially so. She tried her best to always put on a brave face for everyone, and Corvo especially. He had enough to deal with, after all. But she couldn't keep the sadness - and, yes, loneliness - out of her voice, try as she might. She did like at least some of her tutors, though she had a distinct feeling that the High Overseeer who tutored her in the matters of the Abbey, really didn't like her. The feeling was mutual. And of course she adored Callista, Corvo, and Samuel the boatsman, who'd been made Captain of the Royal Yatch, trusting all of them implicitly. But she had to admit that sometimes she missed having someone to spend time and have fun with who wasn't an adult.

Adults were good and all, but sometimes they just didn't understand.
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Old October 25th, 2016, 11:28 PM   #30
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"Oh I think there are some people in the court who have kids. I'll just tell them to bring them here." What he doesn't say is that he sees in how dire of more socialization this girl is. And there still is the question of what she simply ignored, either by not understanding, or because she hopes he'll forget about it.

"There's still an issue of what to do with you, when you do something stupid." There are, of course different kinds of stupid. What happened today was not the harmless kind, and needs addressing. "I know you understand what you did wrong today, Emily, but I think some sort of punishment is in order as well. You can't just wander off, when we're out and undercover." If he needs to go about this bluntly, he will.

While waiting outside the door, he spent some thinking what to do about it, and a spanking occurred to him as the best possible option. Not brutal, but still painful, and something she will certainly remember for a long time. Even though they failed miserably, even before they started today, he absolutely intends to take her out again, to have a look at the city, maybe to prank the fools in the abbey. And when it comes to that, he needs her to remember to stay with him and do exactly as she's told.
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