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January 30th, 2016, 03:08 AM
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BrattyTeen is offline
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Moe nodded vigorously, agreeing to stop resisting. "I'll b-be good!" She could barely get the words out around her sobs. When he rubbed her sore bottom she whimpered, hoping beyond hope that he wouldn't return to smacking it. Thankfully, he picked her up and put her on her feet, far too effortlessly for her liking. "Aaii!" The cargos rubbing against her backside was like sandpaper on a sunburn. Tears still poured from her eyes with no end in sight as he embraced her.
Her bottom lip jutted out pitifully, she didn't hug back at first but after a few seconds she couldn't resist, needing someone to hold on to in her vulnerable state. For some reason the genuine hug and that comforting made her cry even more, though the sobbing slowly quieted. "W-why are you doing this?" The girl was really curious, and also uncertain. Who was this guy. why was he doing this, what's the point? Punishing a street rat for stealing and being defensive because you actually wanted to help them, it was unheard of, nobody reached out to people like her, gave a crap about their manners or if they got something to eat. Still, he was going to have to treat her to a feast fit for a Shinto God to make up for that roasting he handed out just now.
January 30th, 2016, 04:54 AM
#1 Onii-chan
Komuro is offline
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"Because a kid like you deserves a decent meal that is all." he explained simply with a half smile. He stands up and takes her hand "There's a small market down street with an restaurant that serves some of the best big hearty bowls of ramen in town. Let's go" he said then started walking down the dirtied alleyway. The darkness of the alley gives way to the brightness of the market. The time was seven thirty PM and the market was bustling with people going out for dinner and having a good time. They arrive at the restaurant where they are seated and given time to make their choice. "What do you like in your Ramen? Chicken? Beef? Shirmp? They have it all here." he asked her.
January 30th, 2016, 06:14 AM
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It was ironic, Moe thought to herself, his hand was still cold, even though it had just rained hell-fire down on her backside, which was still more than toasty. Walking was somewhat painful, her pants and underwear grated on the raw skin, it didn't help that she had to hustle to keep up with his long strides. Her mouth watered at his mention of food, she loved ramen!
As they entered the more frequented areas of the village she squinted, her eyes fighting to adjust to the streetlights and lanterns that lit the street. Moe wasn't use to hanging around the lived in parts of town, at least not unless there was a show or festival distracting people and drawing in tourists ripe for the picking. The preteen put that out of her mind as they entered the restaurant, when it came time to sit down she blushed and sat quite gingerly, still suffering a nontrivial amount of discomfort. Every once and a while she'd squirm but it wasn't bothering her too much, she was too focused on the menu and reading all of the delectable treats, trying to decide.
She tried to rob this guy and now he was taking her out for dinner, she felt embarrassed, because of that and because, with a quick glance at the price, she knew this wasn't a cheap restaurant either. "I'd like the shrimp ramen." Her voice was timid, she wasn't sure how to act, no one had ever one something like this before. "Thanks, Mister." The girl added, staring at her folded hands.
January 30th, 2016, 06:56 AM
#1 Onii-chan
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"That's just what I was going for." he nodded. "Do not mention it kid." he rubs her head. "My name is Takashi. And yours?" he asked. After she the waitress soon returns "Two Ebi Ramen please." he ordered. She jots down their order, then bows and leaves them alone again. "Tell me Moe, if it's not too much trouble, how did a young girl like you end up on the streets?" he asked.
Minutes later their waitress returns with their dinner. "Here, enjoy." she served them both.
"Ah thank you very much." he thanked the waitress before she bowed and left them to enjoy it in peace. He claps his hands together and thanks for the food politely then partakes.
January 30th, 2016, 05:11 PM
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She leaned into him ruffling her hair, enjoying the sensation. When he introduced himself she reciprocated. "My name's Moe. Nice to meet you." The girl spared him a small head bow just before the waitress returned to take their order. The smells of the restaurant were tantalizing, cooked meats, savory broth, eggs, dumplings...her stomach grumbled loudly, she blushed a bit as he placed their order.
Once the waitress was gone he started inquiring about her past, how she'd ended up a pickpocket and the like. Moe wasn't very comfortable talking about herself, much less about her past and how she'd ended up all alone but she endured it, he was being quite nice after all. "I don't really remember my parents." She confessed, that didn't bother her too much, she had no way of knowing if they simply didn't want her or if they'd died in some tragic way. "What I do remember is being in an orphanage." Pausing again, she took a sip of the tea that had poured for them when they sat down.
"They were terrible to us. They gave food but I was so little, the other kids would take it all before I could have any." She crossed her arms to comfort herself. "They worked us like dogs, there and they'd sell labor to outsiders too" Moe looked to see if the food was coming, hoping they'd be interrupted so she could stop, no such luck. "Factories, squeezing into places adults couldn't fit, making us pretend to be handicapped in order to beg for coins." Another sip of tea. "They took whatever money we earned." A tear slipped down her cheek but she swiped at it angrily.
"I just had to get out of there, I taught myself how to survive on my own and I left." There, it was all out on the table, it felt good to get it out, to confide in someone. "And here I am." Getting smacked by strangers for trying to steal from them. She thought that last but but decided to leave it out, best not to remind him of that. He was staring at her and she it was making her uncomfortable to sit there, center of attention, her soul laid open for the world to see, so she changed the subject. "So what's your deal, Takashi-san?"
February 1st, 2016, 06:48 PM
#1 Onii-chan
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He shook his head in disgust at her explanation of what she's been through. Humans have the gull to condemn witches and, the few who know their existance, Vampires and other monsters as evil spawns of hell while the evils of humans themselves allow certain evils they commit to go unpunished. Of course he knew not all evils commited by man go unpunished but he's seen his fair share of abuse of power and corruption that get away with it.
What was his deal indeed. For three hundred years he's constantly been having to fake his identity and even his own death from time to time, to hide what he really is. So what was his story this time around? "I'm just an honest hard working citizen with a big heart for children like you." he explained, rubbing her back. He thought that would be simple enough for a child. "I would love to adopt you but certain circumstances prevent me from doing so I'm afraid. But If you'll let me I will visit you every day and supply you with food and water and clothing." he offered. Being near immortal comes with the price of having little attachments. He wanted more than anything to have a child of his own to take care of. The thought of turning her crossed his mind, but his moral compass forbade him. He didn't want to rob this child of her humanity just to satisfy his own desires. Besides being and immortal vampire isn't all it's cracked up to be.
February 1st, 2016, 07:48 PM
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Now cocked her head, intrigued, when he'd answered her question about himself it seemed like he held back or had to think of something. She brushed it off, trying her best to trust him considering all he had done, asking for nothing in return.
At the mention of adoption she immediately shifted her eyes to her ramen, the girl had very mixed feelings. All these years she'd been taught to rely on herself and herself alone, other people would just let you down or want something from you. This man though, he claimed to be a humanitarian and she'd seen no evidence to the contrary, besides what more did an orphan want than a loving family and a safe warm home with food on the table?
Still she wasn't sure she was ready fo such a transition so when he offered to simply come visit and bring her supplies she agreed whole-heartedly. "I'd like that." She admitted, blushing a little from embarrassment at how excited she was to have someone care about her and treat her nicely.
When they finished their dinner she told him where to meet her tomorrow night, not far from the alley they first met in but a bit more towards the frequented areas. Moe thanked him again for the meal and scurried off into the night, it was getting a bit late and she was going to go home for the night, home being an abandoned warehouse in the industrial district. She didn't notice the shadows that seemed to follow her or the red eyes peeking out from the darkness.
Her gut was a bit uneasy as she moved aside the large piece of sheet metal that was covering the entrance to her little abode but she shook it off, think maybe she just wasn't use to being so full and happy. Meanwhile a very different creature of the night was stalking her, interested in why a vampire had been taking an interest in the little urchin
February 2nd, 2016, 10:09 PM
#1 Onii-chan
Komuro is offline
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Takashi was glad she was content with taking the offer of food and supplies. Soon they finish their meal and leave the restaurant. "Meet me at the water fountain in the park not far from the alley we met in. You won't be disappointed with the treats I'll bring. Be safe kid." he rubbed her head then took off homeward, a small but dark yet cozy apartment. Being a vampire meant he prefered the night over day but he unfortunate had to work during the day so he took a couple of sleeping pills and passed out.
The next night Takashi is seen exited the local convinience store, carrying two bags full of delicious snacks and treats he's sure she'll enjoy very much. As he approached the park however he began to sense something amiss. He heightens his senses and much to his dismay he senses a Lycan. Fearing for Moe's safety he hurries to the meeting place.
February 3rd, 2016, 07:09 PM
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Reikken was an old warewolf, he'd been around for a few hundred years and the thing he hated more than all else was vampires. Their kind had enslaved, hunted, and slain his people for thousands of years, some were those he knew personally. He'd watched cubs ripped to pieces, friends and allies forced into servitude and treated like the lowliest trash. The elder wolf snarled at the mere thought of it all, which was why when he'd been hunting in the forest bordering this town, and caught a whiff, the unmistakable smell of the undead, he'd tore into the town like a rabid Cerberus. All he'd been originally wanting was a nice juicy deer, or perhaps a lost traveler to snack on but now he was after a more satisfying prey, his favorite, in fact.
After a bit of tracking he found himself outside an upscale restaurant, figures, he thought to himself, vampires always did fancy themselves aristocrats. Planting himself on a rooftop, he waited, rather impatiently for his prey to emerge, but when it finally showed it's ugly face it was with a tiny human. Long yellowed nails scratched at a mangy beard, the Lycan thought long and hard about what this could mean. At first he though perhaps the leech was setting up to lure the girl away so he could drain her dry but no, he ruffled her hair playfully and they were starting to go separate ways. With a twitch of his ears, they metamorphosed, becoming distinctly canine, he strained to hear but just caught a plan to meet again the next night.
There are few reasons for a vampire to associate with a human over a period of longer than it takes to feed; a love interest, a servant, or by the looks of this scraggly, diminutive specimen, a potential fledgling. He grinned an awful, cruel, grin revealing a mouth full of dagger-like teeth, he would have some fun with this parasite by tearing out this girl's throat and then he would kill the thing itself. Following the little one to her hide-y hole was easy, from there the clever wolf simply sat and waited until the next night, he'd meet that vampire at the fountain, picking this little pet out of his teeth.
The predator tailed Moe to the meeting spot where she sat with a wistful smile planted on her face. She heard a piercing howl that seemed far too close for comfort and started to stand, adrenaline pumping through her system. A huge animal landed right where she had just been sitting, its claws digging into the stone, drool dripping from it's fangs. The girl was frozen in fear, she tried to run but it was much too fast, the claws swiped her back, leaving four huge gashes and sending her tumbling onto the ground. He picked her up in his jaws and shook her mercilessly, tossing her against a nearby bench. It had hurt at first but now she couldn't really feel any pain but it was so cold.
The air was full of moisture from the fountain, and an earthy smell hung about from the loamy soil, on a normal day one could almost say it was peaceful, but not today, today a monster loomed here, today the loamy soil was saturated with the blood of an eleven year old girl.
February 4th, 2016, 03:37 AM
#1 Onii-chan
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He started to smell the ever familiar scent of blood and fearing worst he picked up the pace. He arrived at the fountain and much to his utter dismay, he was too late, he arrived just as the lycan strike down a poor defenseless child. He grits his teeth and his eye turned blood red as he goes into his savage mode. He charges the Lycan and tackles it. Once he had it pinned to the ground he drew his tanto, coated with silver, and proceeds to stab the ever loving piss out of it, even long after it died. The Lycan's own blood splatters all over him. He finally manages to calm down as the blood lust in his eyes fades and pants heavily. Once he regained his composure he sheathed his short blade and approached the dying girl.
There was no more hesitation now. He wasn't going to let her die, she was too young to die. He kneels before the girl and lives her upper half up. "Forgive me child... when you wake up you'll no longer be human, but at least you'll live." and with that he moves his head in to her neck in, opens his mouth, bares his fangs and bites, injecting his vampire blood into hers. In mere moments the blood surges through her body, jump starting her failing heart and regenerating her wounds.
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