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Old February 18th, 2016, 09:19 PM   #31
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Moe sat there, feeling simultaneously grateful and furious that Takashi had sent away the bum; grateful because her head was now much clearer and she now realized he was right, she had wanted to murder the poor man. The fury stemmed from the new instincts he spoke of, a territorial, hungry predator whos meal had been taken away, she felt it and it horrified her. With a heavy heart she crossed the floor over to the last vestages of her past life, plucking a weathered stuffed dog from the folds of a tattered blanket. The dog was the first thing she had ever stolen, a friend to keep her company, it was old, tattered and had been thrown in the mud or had it's limbs yanked by one too many vindictive children at the orphanage but she couldn't leave it behind. She knew it was childish but she didn't care, Hanone was her lifeline, she clutched him to her chest and turned to face her Sire. "Ok." She didn't know what else to say.

Moe walked over to Takashi's side, every step bringing her away from the place she used to call home. She accepted that everything had changed, it was hard to do but it was staring her in the face, her throat burning, fangs aching more with each passing minute. Hopefully this new life would be better than her old one, perhaps being a vampire would be really cool, vampires could probably do whatever they wanted, she thought to herself, not knowing how wrong she was. The walk back to his apartment was silent and they purposefully took the least populated route to go easy on Moe's increasing bloodlust. He again offered her a glass of blood but his time she took it, well snatched it really, tossing it back and drinking it in one go. The eleven year old put the glass down as a tiny dribble of blood trickled down from the corner of her mouth.
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Old February 21st, 2016, 05:24 PM   #32
#1 Onii-chan
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Will a sigh of relief he let's her get whatever belongings she wanted. He couldn't help by form a small smile when he saw her carrying a worn and torn little stuffed dog. Most homeless orphans don't have any toys whatsoever so with that having being her only source of comfort, she must must treasure that toy very much. He makes a mental note about the stuffed toy then takes her hand and leads her back to his apartment. The door she damaged was still on it's hinges but it could still be close, barely. He makes another mental note to fix it as he closes it the best he can. "Don't worry about the door, I forgive you. just don't do it again please." he said as he then took her to sit at the kitchen table. "Now let's try this again." he makes her another glass of blood and places it before her. Much to his pleasure, this time, she imbibes the morbid beverage without so much as a second thought. "Good girl now you'll feel better." he praised, rubbing her back. He notices the dribble of blood on her mouth and takes a napkin to wipe it away. "Now little one, It's time for you to take a much needed bath." he walks over to the bathroom and holds the door open for her, gesturing her to enter. "Come now, in you go. I trust you can wash yourself? I'd be more than willing to help you otherwise." he offered.
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Old February 22nd, 2016, 01:09 AM   #33
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Moe blushed when he swiped over her mouth with the napkin, just then the effects of the blood began to kick in. It was her first time feeding since turned, as such all the enhanced senses and strength she'd felt before intensified but she also had better control of it and the monster that had moved into her mind retreated back to the corner. Her mind was much clearer and she felt much better, as he'd promised she would. It was true, the girl mulled, she was a vampire....forever.

His suggestion of a bath sounded wondrous after the day she'd had but the tone in his voice also set her on edge somewhat. "What's that suppose to mean?!" She gritted her teeth, still feeling defensive, to her it felt like he was attacking her former way of life. To make matters worse, his offer to help her wash, although well meaning, the independent eleven year old found further insulting. "Don't patronize me!" She shouted as she closed the bathroom door behind her.

She leaned against the door, sliding down it's surface until she was sitting on the floor. Wrapping her thin arms around her knees, there she sat for a few minutes, thinking. What would this new life involve? Could she go outside during the day? Would she stay with him forever? Would she ever age? After pondering a few more conundrums she began to look around the bathroom. It was pretty nice, classy grey and black stone tiles, fluffy towels hung on the towel rod. A big shower stood on the far end, frosted glass surrounded it, the bottom of it was a large basin that could be used as a tub and it was a nice size, certainly nicer than anywhere she'd been.

The young girl took a quick shower, washing away all the grime and filth as well as the dried blood from her gruesome death. There were so many different types of soap and things in there that she ended up playing with all of them and seeing how they smelled and lathered etc. By the time she was done she was cleaner that she had ever been before and the bathroom was full of steam and smelled like a perfume shop, that and half the bottles were nearly empty. She toweled off and looked around but the only clothes were her old, very dirty set, so she wrapped the towel around herself, one effortlessly covered everything from armpits to knees, and went to the door. There she cracked it open, not going outside but instead calling from the door frame. "Takashi-san," She decided to be a bit more polite, feeling better after her shower. Her voice seemed to be lost in the apartment, everything was still. "What am I suppose to wear?" The cool air from outside the bathroom streamed in through the crack in the door, she shivered, her messy, black hair was plastered to her forehead, she hadn't yet brushed it.
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Old February 22nd, 2016, 06:06 AM   #34
#1 Onii-chan
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He rolled his eyes at her reaction. "Alright then." he was just glad she wasn't going to fight him about needing a bath. He turns on the TV and sits on the couch, waiting for his turn in the shower. She then came back out and asked what she was going to wear. He gets up and approaches her "Oh yeah... well I hope you're okay with wearing clothes bigger than you... and guys underwear." he said, leading her into his bedroom. He opens his dresser and searches for his casual wear. He lines his bed with T-shirts, shorts, pants he lounges in as well as a pair of his underwear. "Take your pick. I'll take my turn in the bath now." he said before leaving her to dress in private.

Ah a much needed bath which Takashi enjoyed thoroughly for about fifteen minutes before getting out. He went back to the room well after she was done changing and changed into whatever was left. He decides on a simple all black T-shirt and stretch pants as his night attire. He joins Moe in the living room. He sits next to her and begins "Alright kid... I guess I should start explaining to you the life of a Vampire and dispel some common misnomers. For starters, we are not deathly allergic to onions and we can walk in broad daylight but you will find the sun to be a bit irritating on your skin. But nothing a little lotion won't cure. We do live forever, we can regenerate dismembered limbs vital organs and deep wounds and we posses super human strength as you've demonstrating on my door." he glances over at the damaged front door. "However if we, literally, lose our heads..." He makes the beheading gesture with his hand brush against his neck. "That's it for us. Moving on. holy water is a joke. at least the fake stuff the church uses and the real stuff is nigh on impossible to obtain. Oh and crosses? Pheh. They're just symbols they have no real power and cannot harm us. Wooden steaks through the heart only puts us in a coma not kill us. You just have to prey someone takes it out so your heart can regenerate and start back up. And you already know very well enough now we need to drink blood, at least one tall glass a day. But aside from that we can eat and drink like any normal person. Any questions?"
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Old February 22nd, 2016, 11:44 PM   #35
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He seemed a bit hesitant when offering her the clothes but she wasn't worried about them being too big or too masculine, before she'd worn whatever she could find, which was generally stuff that was too big, dirty and ripped so this was a marked improvement. To be honest sharing possessions was a bit foreign to Moe, she felt honored, as where she was from sharing was a big deal, it meant you really liked the person an trusted them. That line of thought made her remember what happened to the door, she looked over at it, wincing. She would do her best not to break any more of Takashi's stuff, she decided, feeling a bit guilty.

Once he left the room she started getting dressed, looking through the things he'd laid out, picking some blue briefs, a pair of shorts with a drawstring and a long sleeve shirt that felt like it was made of something really expensive. Over the years she'd gotten pretty adept at making whatever clothes she found work so with nimble fingers she rolled down the waistband of the shorts so the inseam didn't go all the way down to her knee, pulled the drawstring tight, bunching up some of the waistband but leaving her with a pair of black shorts that went past her knee and fit decently well, even though the leg holes were three times the necessary size. Pulling on the shirt was luxurious experience, it was probably made of a fine cotton, silk blend, it was incredibly soft and after cuffing the sleeves a couple times, they only just covered her palms.

When she was done dressing she wandered around looking at everything, there were books, some on what sounded like magic and ancient historical stuff but maybe to them that was current events, she chuckled. Some weapons were mounted on the wall but just about the time she contemplated climbing on top of something to get one down she heard the shower switch off she ran back to the living room, dive bombing the couch, not sure if she was suppose to be snooping. Not long after, Takashi came out from getting dressed and sat down with her, beginning to explain vampire life, Moe had SOOO many questions.

She blushed when he mentioned the door again. "I'm real sorry about that Takashi-san, I didn't mean to." He didn't seem to bothered, continuing in his descriptions. Finding out that she was neigh on invulnerable was great, she couldn't wait to go outside again and see what her new body could do! The eleven year old could barely contain herself to wait until he finished speaking to let out a torrent of questions but when he finally asked her, she let loose. "What do we do, like all the time, is there a vampire school?" She dreaded the idea of going to school but she needn't worry, Sire's were meant to teach their children, and there weren't hardly any as young as she regardless. "Are there many vampires, do you know more?" Her mouth never stopped moving. "Oooo, I saw weapons in your room, do you fight other vampires or werewolves or other monsters?" Just then she seemed to suddenly realize she had no idea how many things she used to think were fake might be real, eyes widening. "What other kind of stuff is real?" She might actually turn blue in the face if she still needed to breathe.

"Can you do whatever you want? Are there vampire rules? Can you hypnotize humans and make them you mind slaves?" She held her arms up, imitating a Ghoul. On and on she went with no end in sight, not really giving him much of a chance to answer between questions, she was perhaps a bit overstimulated. He'd opened Pandora's box now, normally Moe was pretty quite around others but she'd started opening up to him already and she really couldn't contain her enthusiasm and curiosity, partially because becoming a vampire magnified personality traits and emotions and it took some practice to reel everything back in.
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Old February 23rd, 2016, 02:51 AM   #36
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Takashi smiled when she apologized about the door. "Don't sweat it, I know you didn't mean too. You don't know you're own newly obtained strength yet." he rubbed her head. She went on and on asking many questions but Takashi didn't mind. Once she finished he answers "Unfortunately there is no school for vampires that I know of, however there is a coven, but most of them are in the western countries like the United Kingdom or America... and they are mainly just a brotherhood and hold no real power or authority over other vampires outside of their order."

He chuckles when she mentions his weapons. "Well, one or two vampires have tried to harm me in the past. And they are called Lycans for your information and I've noticed they're starting to pop up more and more here in Japan recently. They are our arch Nemesis. But there are also natively creatures like Onis and akuma and that pop up now and then and I take upon myself as a little hobby of mine to do a little monster hunting every now and then."

She then questions if there are any rules and chucles when hypnotizing people "Oh yes that, we can, but as for rules... there are no official rules unless you're part of the coven, which I'm not, except ones you make for yourself. I have one very strict rule: I never harm an innocent human for the sake of quenching my thirst and as effectively your legal guardian, I expect you to strictly follow this rule as well less you wish to suffer the wrath of my leather belt onto your backside understood?" he asked very seriously all of a sudden.
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Old February 23rd, 2016, 05:13 AM   #37
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The head pats mad her feel warm and fuzzy, she smiled, happy to be safe and wanted. She listened intently hanging on his every word as he described the new world she'd been born into. She wondered why Lycans and Vampires hated each other so much but shrugged it off, not liking them much herself after her last encounter with one. Her eyes turned into stars at his mention of monster hunting, that was SO cool. The girl was just about to start another line of questioning when he started talking about the rules, she closed her mouth and took heed to what he was saying. His voice had gotten quite grave, the hairs on the back of her neck stood up."I-I'd never want to hurt someone....not on purpose anyway." She said, thinking about earlier with the homeless guy. "Do other vampires hurt people?" She drew up her feet onto the couch, knees under her chin, suspecting she already knew the answer.

They sat up a while talking but before long she was yawning, pressing her long sleeve-covered hand against her mouth. When they both eventually retired to bed, she went into the spare room, her room and laid down on a cloud-like bed, Hanone tucked under her arm, feeling like she was already dreaming.

Last edited by BrattyTeen; February 23rd, 2016 at 07:43 PM.
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Old February 24th, 2016, 10:40 PM   #38
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He rids himself of the serious tone and reverts back to his loosened up self after she answered truthfully. "I know you wouldn't, I never doubted you. So long as you drink daily the beast inside you will remain sated." he assured her. It was about time she went to bed when she asked if vampires hurt other people. "Sadly yes they are the ones who give us who just want to live peacfully a bad name and force us to keep what we are a secret less we invite persecution." They spend a little more time talking before alotted time came. "Alright Moe I think it's time we get some sleep. Vampires aren't all night owls." he said as he went and set up the guest room for her. Once she got into bed he tucked her in. "Good night little one." he wished then turned out her light and left her to sleep.

The next morning, Takashi awoke first and started a fresh pot of coffee before getting breakfast started. He starts making delicious Cheesy egg omelets for the both of them, the ambrosia aroma fills the apartment. He hopes she'll wake up before he had to stir her himself.
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Old February 25th, 2016, 05:30 AM   #39
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Moe's eyes slowly blinked open, the curtains are drawn but the light seeped in around the window. She rolled over a couple times, not use to being up during the day. How ironic, the girl pondered, she was more of a creature of the night before she was turned into a vampire. She chuckled lightly, sitting up in her bed, her bed, she smiled. Thinking about last night kept the smile plastered onto her face growing wider and wider. Moe swing her legs over the side, getting up and stretching her limbs. Her medium length black hair stuck up in a couple dozen different places and the clothes were somewhat wrinkly as she made her way out to the living area, lured by the smell of eggs cooking.

Her mouth watered, the closer she got to the kitchen, the louder the smell. "Takashi-san!" The girl exclaimed when she saw him, cooking away, a real look into what the rest of her un-life would be like. Darting into the kitchen Moe wanted to help, but everything in the kitchen had been designed with a much taller person in mind, so without a second thought she jumped up onto the counter and started rooting through the cabinets for plates. When Moe found some and she was preparing to jump down but lost her footing and slipped instead, falling through the air in slow motion.
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Old February 29th, 2016, 01:30 AM   #40
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Takashi blinked when the child came darting in. "Well now glad I didn't have to wake you up myself." he chuckled. He was preoccupied with making sure the omelets were cooked to perfection as she climbed onto the counter "Hey kid wanna help me pla..." turns and catches sight of her just right as she slips. The world around him seemed to slow down as his inhuman reaction timing kicked in. In almost a short second, he catches her with one hand and the plates with the other. He let's out a sigh. "That was very dangerous, just because your near invincible doesn't me you won't feel pain. Next time, please ask." he sets her down then hands her two plates. "You may go set the table." he turns her in the direction of the dining room table and gives her a few light swats to the backside to get her moving. Once she set the table he comes out with the omelets and serves her first. "What would you like to have to drink? You thirsty for blood yet or would you like some orange or milk?" he asked. He returns with her choice and his tall glass of blood mixed with tomato juice, a combination he strangely enjoyed.

He clapped his hands together and thanked for the food before digging in. "So Moe I figured the first thing we do is get you some new clothes then you can have the rest of the day to play or do whatever you want to have fun. Sound like a plan?" he asked.
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