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February 19th, 2018, 08:56 PM
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AonDuine is offline
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Hey love the game! It is definitely head and shoulders above not just spanking games, but most erotic games in general. The game play was simplistic but fun, and the erotic parts of the story pretty much hit all my kinks. Good times and I would absolutely love to see more content in the future. Couple of quick suggestions on my part. You don't have to listen obviously, but here they are anyway lol:
1) The first one isn't game play related, but you should totally start a patreon. I know I and many others would love to support you on this.
2) In the game, it would be nice to have a few more animated humiliation scenes rather than just the spanking ones or at least some more CGs for it.
3) A few more hands-on spanking scenes and a couple more tool to play with to perhaps add some factor of humiliation to the scene. Also, from what I saw, the animation on the girls' bottoms while spanked was the same regardless of the tool.
4) You rival. When she said that I could choose the TIME AND PLACE of the spanking and go at her to my hearts content, that set certain expectations. Essentially, I would like to do just that. If I want to spank her in the privacy of the office or the public nature of the dining room or outside, or in the baths, I want to be able to do that. Also, an option to make her go to the party naked to eat or for corner time (to show all the girls/employees that she's been punished would be great.
Whatever I say though, its a great game. I hope to see more in the future. HAve a great day!
March 3rd, 2018, 02:35 AM
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trigger411 is offline
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i can't wait for your next update, i would agree that i would like more animation but thats cause thats something i really like and find it rare to see along side with someone as good of an artist as you. One way you could add more animation with less effort would be to have the animation completed while adding in a mixer that would allow you to put more characters over the knee, just make a series of heads for both sides and probably some skin tones and you can just assign those varenites to the various staff characters.
now i'm no programmer but ideally you've already done this with the various animations for the characters, when i comes to the male or female variants and the black or while main character art. Theoretically you could expand that process to all the various girls for when ever theirs a spanking just have a value system based off their hair types and skin colors and just swap in and out the heads and skin tones if you want. at least thats my thoughts on the how it could be implemented.
other then that i just can't wait till either your next game or more of your amazing art as a whole. p.s. if your adding anything have an animation where chris is finally spanked nude. just saying, she deserves it more then the others and we all know it.
March 11th, 2018, 03:34 AM
29fastly is offline
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This was fun! A different approach to a spanking game that turned out well. If this is just the beta, I'm looking forward to updates!
(I still get the empty events with the bird sprites, but they don't crash the game. They just open a window with a couple of 0/0s that only closes when you pull up the main menu.)
April 17th, 2018, 02:11 AM
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spankeds is offline
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its gonna be a while guys before another update
May 21st, 2018, 10:08 PM
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trigger411 is offline
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You should make another game like this but instead of servent's in an inn make make the player and dark lord style character and the servents his minions that are sent out on missions and punished if they fail.
been watching the anime Overlord and the idea sounds fun, which i knew how to do things like this. art, program, any would be a fun skill to use.
May 22nd, 2018, 04:55 PM
Do I need a type of program to download this?
May 22nd, 2018, 11:21 PM
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aka is offline
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You shouldn't. Should just be download and play. Why, are you having trouble running it?
May 23rd, 2018, 07:29 AM
Nope. I was able to download and play. It’s fun! I was just wondering since I’ve never done this lol
June 28th, 2018, 09:06 PM
dandyman83 is offline
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Who is the next Update for this greatess Game of Spanking
June 29th, 2018, 12:38 AM
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trigger411 is offline
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wait what do you mean Who? do you mean when? and yes it is by far the greatest spanking game around.
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