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Lion King 2..Simbas Pride (For AnimeFan23) |
April 4th, 2009, 11:48 PM
Rmonster is offline
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Lion King 2..Simbas Pride (For AnimeFan23)
Simba, King of Pride Rock, was sleeping. The sun was slowly rising over the pride lands, touching everything that belonged to Simba. He opned his eyes and yawned showing his sharp teeth and streched his body out. He looked over at where Kiara was. His eyes opned wide. He didnt see her. He sighed "where is she?"
 Spank happy AND obssesed with Phantom of the opera and im proud of it!!!
April 5th, 2009, 12:35 AM
Uncle Bill's Naughty Girl
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Kiara smirked as she watched her father look for her, it was still early and all the other lioness' were sleeping since the sun was just raising. When her father's back was turned Kiara leaped out of her hiding place and pounced on her father's back "grrr haha got you daddy!" she said loudly clinging onto his back as she bit and pulled on his ear, of course all her shouting woke everyone up but being that she was the princess she didn't seem to care she just wanted to play.
Wondering how many times I can misbehave in a day before my bottom gets numb and I can't sit down
April 5th, 2009, 12:41 AM
Rmonster is offline
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Simba was suprised when she felt something jump on his back. He had to laugh. He gently pined her to the ground on her back. He nuzzled her and purred, and licked her. "Good morning kiara" he said smileing at his amazing little cub.
 Spank happy AND obssesed with Phantom of the opera and im proud of it!!!
April 5th, 2009, 01:01 AM
Uncle Bill's Naughty Girl
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Kiara giggled and laughed as her father pinned her down and nuzzled and licked her "haha morning daddy" she cried out laughing as she tried to squirm herself free from his hold. When she finally managed she turned and faced him and got back into her pounce position her head to the ground and her backside up in the air as her tail swayed side to side "Come on daddy let's play" she said lunging at him playfully nibbling down as she pulled on his ear again.
Wondering how many times I can misbehave in a day before my bottom gets numb and I can't sit down
April 5th, 2009, 01:07 AM
Rmonster is offline
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Simba laughed, she looked so cute whenever she pounced. "Not in here kiara" He pinned her agian and gently picke dher up by her neck and carried her outside, then he set her down in the grass. He got in his pouncing position "Okay now we can play" he said swing his tail playfully
 Spank happy AND obssesed with Phantom of the opera and im proud of it!!!
April 5th, 2009, 01:38 AM
Uncle Bill's Naughty Girl
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Kiara giggled and squirmed as her father picked her up by the scruff of her neck and carried her out of the den, she playfully growled once she was set down in the grassy area facing her father who was also in a position to pounce. Kiara used her speed to lead up before her father and jumped on his back she then pulled on his tail "grr grr hehe give up yet daddy or do I have to get rough?" she asked his tail in her mouth.
Wondering how many times I can misbehave in a day before my bottom gets numb and I can't sit down
April 5th, 2009, 01:48 AM
Rmonster is offline
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Simba laughed "Im not giving up" He haipply played with kiara. Then ZaZu came along, he landed in front of simba and was almost breathless. "simba....hyenas..in the pridelands" Simba growled "Kiara stay here" Then he pounded off in serch of the hyenas.
 Spank happy AND obssesed with Phantom of the opera and im proud of it!!!
April 5th, 2009, 02:15 AM
Uncle Bill's Naughty Girl
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Kiara loved when her father played with her she always had so much fun she hated when it had to end. And sure enough she knee it would when she saw Zazu flying towards them in a panick, she slid off her father's back as Zazu explained that there were hyenas seen entering the Pridelands. Kiara looked down and put on a pouty face when her father told her to stay here "He never let's me come along" she said under her breath as she watched him run off "it's not fair I am gonna be a mighty hunter I can usually take on a few weak old hyenas" she then ran off into the tall grass following her father.
Wondering how many times I can misbehave in a day before my bottom gets numb and I can't sit down
April 5th, 2009, 02:20 AM
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Simba didnt notice that kiara was follwing him. While he was looking for the hyenas, the hynes found him, and they also saw Kiara. They grined and started chasing her
 Spank happy AND obssesed with Phantom of the opera and im proud of it!!!
April 5th, 2009, 07:10 PM
Uncle Bill's Naughty Girl
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Kiara followed along with her father at a safe distance so he wouldn't notice she was there, he went far out into parts of the Pride Lands she had never been before. Finally after a while of running Kiara heard her father stop she climbed up on a small rock so she could have a better look, she saw her father growling standing in his attack position and saw three hyenas slowly backing away from him. Suddenly one of them spotted her and began licking it's lips, once they all noticed they all laughed and ran off towards her, Kiara gasped "they're a lot bigger up close" she thought and started running as fast as she could staying within the tall grass but she wasn't sure which way was Pride Rock she started going in circles getting more and more afraid as she heard them coming closer and closer.
Wondering how many times I can misbehave in a day before my bottom gets numb and I can't sit down
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