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Old February 28th, 2019, 09:02 PM   #1
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Toph had enough from the older girl’s nagging. Katara was always at their throats and now that they had finally reached the Fire Nation it became even worse. “You’re not my mother, Katara!” The young Earthbender hissed at the older teen, the earth shaking a little bit under her feet due to her anger.

So what if they were scamming people, those were Fire Nation citizen anyway, they deserved it and Team Avatar needed the money to buy supplies such as food! Not to mention that Toph was just too great to get caught anyway, she had perfected playing the helpless, blind girl years ago when she was still living in Gaoling with her parents.

“You can’t stop me from scamming more people in the future! I’m not scared of you, what’s the worst you can do? Splash some water in my face? Send me to my room without dinner? It’s not like you could do any of that here!” Toph turned around, her arms stubbornly folded in front of her chest.
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Old February 28th, 2019, 09:28 PM   #2
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Katara crossed her arms, looking down at Toph. She was a waterbender, but right now she thought there must be smoke coming out of her ears. "Well, maybe not, but you still can't just go around pulling scams like that! We're already fugitives as it is? What would happen if you got caught, huh?" She didn't expect Toph to have an answer to that. "We would all get captured, that's what!"

"I wouldn't be as cocky if I were you! I'm a skilled waterbender, and could match you any day! And maybe I can't send you to your room without dinner, but I certainly think that I"m capable of keeping you in line!" She balked as Toph turned away form her. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!"
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Old February 28th, 2019, 09:36 PM   #3
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"Well, they won't catch me! Maybe they'd catch you, but I am not that stupid!" Toph hissed angrily, still showing Katara her back. "And you want me to look at you? Helloo~oh, I'm blind! Remember?!" She turned her head and moved one hand in front of her face to mock the older waterbender. When Katara mentioned that she'd be able to keep her in line, the younger girl suddenly started to laugh. "What? Are you serious? You snowball pitcher think you're a match for me? You gotta be joking!" And Toph turned around again so that Katara was only able to see her back.

In the background Sokka suddenly grabbed Aang and started to drag him away. "I think we should leave... I know that tone Katara uses and things are about to get ugly here."
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Old February 28th, 2019, 09:50 PM   #4
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Katara was pretty certain that, should she want to, she would be able to incinerate Toph with her eyes alone. She didn't need a reminder that the Earthbend was blind. Normally she would compliment her on how well she his it, but not today. "Oh, you're gonna find out I'm not joking!" Stepping forward, she brought her hand back, and let fly down to collide against Toph's rear end. "I think it's high time that you learn a little respect! You may have gotten away with whatever you wanted before, but that ends now!" She reached down, snatching Toph's ear. "I think you're going to learn exactly how good a match I am!"
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Old February 28th, 2019, 09:54 PM   #5
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Toph felt Katara approach, but she didn't move. The slap to her rear did startle her though, she hadn't expected that. "Woah, what in the spirits name was that?!" She hissed and rubbed her slightly smarting backside. She wanted to bury the waterbender in the ground, but just when she moved her hand, Katara had snatched her ear. "Ow! Let me go!! What are you doing and fight me like an Earthbender!!"
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Old February 28th, 2019, 10:02 PM   #6
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"That was what happens to naughty little brats when they get too full of themselves and start acting downright rude to everyone around them! I guess since you grew up as a rich girl, you don't know the first thing about a spanking. But you know what? You're going to find out a lot about it, real soon!" Still dragging her by the ear, she went over to the pack of supplies in her tent. She had a painful flashback to a similar situation when she was younger, and it gave her insight on what to do next. Reaching into the pack, she pulled out her hairbrush; a thick ivory thing which she had gotten from her mother. Of course, she knew it had other uses besides grooming.
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Old February 28th, 2019, 10:18 PM   #7
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"Just who do you think you are to treat me like that!!" Toph was still struggling, she didn't like the way her ear was getting sore right now. "And what the hell do you mean with 'spanking', I'm not familiar with that kinda punishment!" Katara was right, as a member of one of the richest families of the Earth Kingdom, the Beifong family, Toph had never been spanked before. The only kind of physical pain she had ever experienced came from earthbending and fighting. "Wait, what are you looking for?" The young Earthbender seemed even more confused now.
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Old February 28th, 2019, 10:21 PM   #8
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Still holding her ear, Katara led Toph to the stream where they had drawn their water. Forming a small walkway of ice, she led Toph out of her element and into Katara's. "A spanking is a punishment that children get. I sit down, and you lay over my lap, and I hit your bottom until you're sorry." She formed a floating platform of ice, and produced a raised section for her to sit on. "Take your pants off, now. When you get spanked, it happens on your bare bottom. Don't keep me waiting. And for your information, I was getting my hairbrush, so I could spank you with it."
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Old February 28th, 2019, 10:30 PM   #9
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Toph shivered when her sensitive feet touched the cold ice. She could barely see and she worried she might slip and fall into the water and drown. The earthbender hated being away from solid ground, but it made sense that Katara wanted her as far away from any kind of rocks as possible.
"Wait, you're going to do what? Give me a few slaps? That doesn't sound very scary." Toph huffed, she clearly had no idea just how painful a spanking could actually be. Especially considering that the waterbender had a very solid and very scary hairbrush. She also tried to ignore the 'children' part, but it did make her angry again. "And you want me to take my friggin' pants off? No way I'm gonna do that!" She was being stubborn again, but Katara had surely expected that.
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Old March 1st, 2019, 03:51 AM   #10
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Katara looked up at Toph from her seat. "Well, then that just shows that you have no idea what you're talking about. My butt used to get blistered all the time, so I know exactly how painful it is." She laughed as Toph protested baring her bottom. "Oh, I promise that that's going to be the least of your concerns." Thoroughly enjoying herself now, she reached out, taking a hold of Toph's trousers and suddenly yanking them down. Without further warning, she grabbed the earthbender's hand and yanked her over her lap. Two quick swats with the hairbrush landed on each cheek. "You have no idea how long I've though you needed this."
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