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Home » Dormant Resident Artists » Goldeagle


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War had been raging for quite some time. the Black Hole army reammerged and began its path of destruction, led this time by a new commander, Von Bolt. However that is not where are story begins.

No the war had been on the decline for some time. the allied army was beating the forces of Black Hole. Jess a commander of Green Earth was a more than capable field commander but this time she was tasked with something that she wasn't sure she could handle, yet it was her stoic determination that made her the best for the job.

No Now Jess sat at a table in a very fancy dining room. The table was dressed with the trimmings of polite society and sitting across from Jess was just about the farthest thing from polite society that one could get. Across from sat a defiant Lash.

Lash was a commander of the Black Hole army, though how she got there Jess would never know. Lash was uncouth, loud, obnoxious, rash and stubborn. the only way she was happy was when she was getting her way.

Eagle, the commander in chief of the Green Earth faction charged Jess with "taming the shrew" as it were. Though Jess thought her talents couldbe better used on the battle field. Still she was given an order so she did her duty.

"lash keep your elbows off the table, sit up straight and foronce act like a lady." Jess said coldy from across the table.

"Why I don't have to listen to you. This is stupid any way." Lash retorted folding her arms and slouching back in her chair.

Jess let out a sigh and tried again. "Look I don't know why Eagle is making me do this either, but he is, so just cooperate and you might learn something. now do as your told."

Again Lash looked across the table, gave jess a scowl and replied, "No"

"Lash either cooperate or I will make you." Jess commanded.

"What are you gonna do?"

"trust me you won't like it now sit up, hands in your lap, be quite and do as your told!" Jess yelled.

Lash did not like Jess's tone of voice and she shot up from her chair and flipped the table over, knocking all the dinner ware to the floor. Maids in a nearby room appeared at the sound of the noise.

Jess stood looking at Lash. She had really acted out of line. Like a...a...a spoiled little girl. Thats when it hit Jess. When she acted out as a child there was only one way her parents delt with it. she got a sound spanking.

Jess closed the distance between her and Lash in no time. she greabbed the younger girl by the arm and removed her over coat, it would only get in the way.

As Lash had knocked the table over, Jess went to the next best place to administer the punishment. along the wall was a sitting bech covered in a purple velvet that matched the drapes. Jess took a seat placeing Lash in frontof her.

Lash was speechless. she had no idea what was going on. this was a new experiance and she did not know how to react. Then suddenly to her horror, she felt Jess clutch her short jeans and lower them around her thighs, leaving her exposed. Then with heculean might, Jess pulled Lash over her knee.

Then to her horror, LAsh felt the first sting of Jess's hand land on her exposed bum. She felt the warmth quickley radiate through out her body. it was followed by another and yet another.

"if you wantto act like a spoiled little girl, then I'll treat you like a spoiled little girl." Jess said as she continued the spanking.

The stinging of the smacks were now making Lash's rear quite red. she felt the pain of the spanking but at the sametime, she felt another emotion, she felt shame at being exposed like this. the spanking continued for another five minutes. then Jess was done.

Lash quickley got to her feet and looked down at Jess. Jess returned the stare with an unapologetic glare. Lash then picked the table backupand replaced the chairs. she then tookher place at the end. Jess sat back down and looking back across to a thuroughly punished Lash and asked "So are you ready to becoame a member of polite society?"

Lash looked across the table and simply nodded. Lash was only happy when she got what she wanted. She knew she didn't want any more spankings.



Registered: January 2008
Location: It's a long, long way to tipperary
Posts: 47
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Date: Thu June 25, 2009
Views: 5,133
Tags: 19
Filesize: 323.6kb
Dimensions: 1000 x 750
Keywords: advancewarsspankingrequestbymina

<P>Here you&nbsp;are Mina. I hope this meets your expectations. I tried to get all of the main aspects of the charecters down. Like I said I hope it meets your approval.&nbsp;enjoy! &nbsp;</P>
#1 Thu June 25, 2009 06:26

Demonic princess
Haha, yes Eagle, you got it ! Really cute !! Lash is a brat but a real genious. She always make new machine for destroy more of our lands. But she do it for fun, cause it's just a teen. A the end of the third game of the serie of "advance war" she join the Alliance army cause Black Hole try to eliminate her, and of course, some officer want to "teach" her some things, like Jess who's trying to make her eat with manners....Maybe Lash is going to be with Green Earth in the next game ? ^-^<br><br>Again, it's really well done, Eagle, i knew that you can draw Advance war uniform ! Keep it up ! Advance war serie have a lot of spankee in stock ! ^-^<br>
#2 Thu June 25, 2009 13:40

<P>I'm glad you like it Mina. Also sorry about the wait time. </P>
#3 Thu June 25, 2009 18:58

Diamond Stud
The Pouty Artist
Amazing work.
#4 Mon April 6, 2015 04:07

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