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Home » Contests and Collections » AnimeOTK's 2009 Summer Contest


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Dungeon Keeper 2 is a strategy game developed by Bullfrog Productions and published by Electronic Arts in 1999.
players take the role of a dungeon keeper, building and defending an underground dungeon from the would-be heroes that invade it, as well as from other keepers. By luring all manner of dark creatures to work for you. In the game's campaign mode, the player is charged with recovering the portal gems from each area in order to open a portal to the surface.And defeat the faction of goodly heroes.

Ive spend more hours on this highly humorous and entertaining game then I can recall. Plus the setting lend itself perfectly for this picture

Also, watch the awesome game intro here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kT-jvJHg0Xs


The Monster Under the Bed

Registered: December 2007
Location: The Void
Posts: 2,165
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Date: Thu July 23, 2009
Views: 7,856
Tags: 28
Filesize: 616.8kb
Dimensions: 1200 x 846
Keywords: contest video game ff fairy mistress paddle

Senior Member
I love the pic. And the little green goblin-thing is funny with it's big eyes, just watching the girl get her rear turned red haha.
#1 Thu July 23, 2009 21:41

hehe, very nice! I love the foot through the hand chains, for some reason I find that really hot!<br>
#2 Thu July 23, 2009 21:47

Senior Member
<P>hmm, wonder if that spell on the paddle provides one of those timed long lasting effects...</P>
#4 Thu July 23, 2009 22:22

I find the foot through the hand chains pretty hot too. And DK2 is an awesome game. I had almost forgotten about it. *runs off to play* &lt;br&gt;
#5 Thu July 23, 2009 23:15

Ah i remember playing this years ago, it's a good game.<br>
#6 Fri July 24, 2009 06:01

Woohoo! Aprion you are a freaking GOD! This has been something I've wanted for AGES!<br>
#7 Fri July 24, 2009 06:43

Moé Princess
Pretty wings *.*<br>
#8 Fri July 24, 2009 06:56

<P>Oh yeah... I remeber that one... Never played it though. This looks fabulous</P>
<P>Aprion.. Why did you say you were'nt good at cute ? She looks very very cute</P>
<P>to me ( eh..No, I meant the spankee )</P>
#11 Fri July 24, 2009 15:45

The Oscar
<P>Ouch. That butt si so red...!</P>
#12 Fri July 24, 2009 19:16

Looks like the wizard guy thinks the paddle needs some extra adjustments....hmmm something familiar about that wizard, where have I seen that beard?
#13 Fri July 24, 2009 19:53

Sadistic Artist
<P>Whoa, very sick picture! I love all the detail, and the difference in texures, especially on the demon. The transparency in the fairy's wings looks great too.You did an&nbsp;awsome job!</P>
#14 Fri July 24, 2009 20:14

Senior Member
<P>i love Dungeon Keep one and two and wish that they did this would made it that much better</P>
#16 Sat July 25, 2009 04:18

Fool Emeritus
...<br><br>You know, we have a real size replica of the demon guy presiding the landing of my working place, which I see every day bazillions of times while at work, moving between my post and my bosses'.&nbsp; And I can say two things:<br><br>1) The likeliness is prett d#$" awesome.<br>2) thank you so very much for reminding me of my job on my free day XD<br>
#17 Sat July 25, 2009 08:30

Involving&nbsp; game&nbsp; and&nbsp; awesome&nbsp; pic!!
#18 Sat July 25, 2009 12:55

<P>You know i just gotta say there is not a thing i loved more than Dungeon Keeper 1 and 2!&nbsp;^_^</P>
<P>It loooks way to awesome bro </P>
#20 Sat July 25, 2009 18:53

<P>Very well done Aprion, your artistic genious always amazes me. The part I find the hottest about this pic is that the spankee&nbsp;has no&nbsp;panties (or anything to cover her bottom at all) in sight and her legs are shackeled, as if to say that even after the spanking is done she's not covering up for a while. I don't know why but I've&nbsp;never liked it when the panties&nbsp;are still around her knees or lying on the ground, etc. It's always more of a turn-on when they're completely out of the picture, and another turn-on is when the girl has to walk around showing off her red butt afterward. This pic satisfies both&nbsp;of those&nbsp;and then some, thank you so much Aprion.</P>
#21 Mon July 27, 2009 03:27

Senior Member
<P>&lt;P&gt;Paddle +1, +3 vs Faeriekind. So, I'll bite. What's&amp;nbsp ? A new T.V. network ? And why is the computer adding letters to it when I say it?</P>
#22 Mon July 27, 2009 04:19

Poor little fairy girl, captured by the keepers. That's a mean paddle! Nice work, the details are great, Aprion!<br>
#23 Tue July 28, 2009 03:24

Hehe, nice one, Aprion. I still remember, how disturbing were those Dark queens during gameplay. I mean, you are trying to make up some good strategy and they are constatly filling your dungeon with...erm, noises from torture chamber <br>
#25 Sun August 2, 2009 11:59

Yay! I love this Game. I wish I still had it on my computer, it was amazing. And to see a spanking in it, well, this is going to be a fav pic. Very nicely drawn. <br>
#26 Fri September 4, 2009 00:54

Too bad that Dungeon Keeper 2 doesn't work on my PC anymore. Anyway, once again, good picture you showed us.<br>
#28 Fri October 9, 2009 13:59

Demonic princess
I found a version wich work on my PC ! All the patch and the lastest version are already in, all you have to do is start as a "windows 98"&nbsp; program. Dongeon keeper is an abandon ware right now, everyone can download it free<br>
#29 Sat November 14, 2009 12:36

The Yellow Imp
Mina: where can i download it? and does that version work for windows xp? please tell me!
#30 Fri October 28, 2011 16:41

charles wilbourn
Gold Member
This is one of the evilest, FUNNIEST pictures I've ever seen here! I know I'm late responding, but I hope you get my message. Fine work, indeed!
#31 Tue January 10, 2017 07:02

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