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Home » Non-Resident Artists » Julie Delcourt (Gert Gagelmann or 'German')


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It was a warm afternoon. Gretta had just showered. She heard the two other girls in the bedroom. Martha was on her belly, bare bottom up and kissing little Germaine...
Gretta moved to her own bedroom and was putting stockings and high heels on, when she noticed the riding whip, hanging on the wall...

'Exactly what I need..! I feel like they need a spanking...'

The two other girls looked up.. Gretta held the whip high and Martha asked: 'What..?! Are you going to spank me..?!' Followed by a sharp scream when the whip slashed over her upturned bare buttocks... 'Ooouchhhh..!!'

'Yes, I'm going to...!' She whipped Martha a few more times and grabbed her. Germaine assisted her to drag Martha over the knee and soon the room was filled with the specific sounds of a firm spanking. Gretta didn't hold back, smacking Martha steadily with the palm of her hand...

Than it was Germaine's turn and this time it was Martha who spanked. The hot glow in her very own bum urging her to show no mercy and after five minutes Germaine's buttocks were as red as hers...

When finally released she almost jumped on Gretta and pushed her forcibly over Martha's knees. And again a firm spanking could be heard...

It was all part of being a sorority member...

Enjoy, Funbun



Registered: January 2008
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 520
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Date: Wed January 27, 2010
Views: 7,456
Tags: 11
Filesize: 34.3kb
Dimensions: 531 x 602
Keywords: areyougoingtowhipme

Gold Member
Makes me want to join a sorority...
#1 Sat August 21, 2010 00:03

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