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Home » Dormant Resident Artists » Rak


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A present i got from my servants over Msn. Thanks to all my littles demons !

I really like this picture and not cause i'm in, but the cause the both victims are cute when naked >: )

Glory to my demonic familly !


Demonic princess

Registered: March 2007
Location: The Forbidden Forest
Posts: 4,316
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Date: Tue September 21, 2010
Views: 8,460
Tags: 11
Filesize: 1136.1kb
Dimensions: 1496 x 738
Keywords: mina saidra demon robert mez otk

Battlemech Mercanary
Aww. Poor Robert. guess he earned it.
#1 Tue September 21, 2010 03:44

Demonic princess
Aww. Poor Robert. guess he earned it.
The both earned it for sure, At least for annoying people when they are spamming ! ^-^

But i have to say thanks to the artis and my both servant, it's a cute and awsome gift and will be my wallpaper for a long time.
#2 Tue September 21, 2010 03:46

Demonic Vassal
I'm glad you like it so much Mina-sama ^^ I didn't expect it to end up in the gallery here or to be your wallpaper, but it's a very nice suprise

And thank you so much again Rak for doing this amazingly great favour for me, I REALLY owe you xD

So everyody please comission Rak if you can
#3 Tue September 21, 2010 03:56

Dah Man!
*cheers* Horray for Mina! ^-^
#4 Tue September 21, 2010 03:59

Those are some hot buns! Looks like both generations know how to spank easily. So that's where Mina-sama gets it from... Nice work, Rak, looks really good!
#5 Tue September 21, 2010 04:18

Battlemech Mercanary
Heh. Mina you truely are evil... guess that's why i've offered you gifts but you seem to ignore me... *Vanishes to continue my duty's as the Messanger of Shadows*
#6 Tue September 21, 2010 04:39

You missed a spot, Mina. x3
#7 Tue September 21, 2010 05:10

Probationary User
You know guys, I was thinking, it's been a while since we actually seen Keane spanking Mina I thought I saw something about a rematch in a pic somewhere, and what about the annoying demon queen that went to give the Shadow King a "lesson", im still waiting from that great art Aprion promised us.

Or maybe I would love to see CC putting Mina in a promising position.

Anyway, great art and coloring Rak, good job, maybe you should do a reversal role, just for the fans that love to see our bratty princess get a good spank. >=)
#8 Tue September 21, 2010 06:25

Worst Super Hero Ever
I like the use of tails.
#9 Tue September 21, 2010 06:31

Demonic princess
maybe you should do a reversal role, just for the fans that love to see our bratty princess get a good spank. >=)
Don't push me to show you who's the princess here, Frey >: )


you, shadowsong2b, what you said about me is true: I'm Evil >: )

You Nadja, You must know that princess mIna don't miss any spot. She just....do what she want >_
#10 Tue September 21, 2010 07:09

Spankhappy Megaraptor
Never question my masteress. X3 The only person who has been past her unspanked is me....and I wish that wasn't the case. Lousy me being a dinosaur/dragon thing some three times her size. -_-
#11 Tue September 21, 2010 08:26

VIP Donator
Grrrrrrreat! I love that picture.
#12 Tue September 21, 2010 12:09

Gold Member
Just wait one day for her birthday her mother will give her steel armor plates for her hands sheesh :O
#13 Tue September 21, 2010 13:40

VIP Donator
That's totally cute and full of win! *__* And yeah, this "tails-up" is great ^__^
#14 Tue September 21, 2010 21:32

howwww poor boys! that is the problem while serving a demonic brat: you have only twi choice of color for your behind red or deep red^^ very nice draw i like it!
#15 Tue September 21, 2010 23:13

Artist of the Damned
The backgrounds are really creative ! ^__^
BTW, will you develop horns someday Mina ?
#16 Wed September 22, 2010 00:24

Probationary User
what can I say guys, I'm in love with the idea of princess Mina getting punished, If im not in love with the princess yet hahaha, nice to meet you all, looking forward for nice art, btw, any good roleplaying forum I can get invited in? im a good player

Mina, I dont want to sound a bit concerned, but Robert hasnt commented about the idea of the reversal maybe he does want that reversal
#17 Wed September 22, 2010 03:06

Demonic Vassal
*Swats Frey* Heh, you're not the only one around her in love with my mistress you know, and sadly not the only one in love with the idea of her being spanked >: \ Anyway, nice to meet you, and don't promote yourself here, make a RP recruitment thread to find people to RP with ^^

And NO, I don't want that reversal xD
#18 Wed September 22, 2010 11:57

Probationary User
*Roundhouse kick Robert in the face!" very cute but i think that last "xD" naughty face, needs more discipline than the one shown at the picture hahaha get back to your little intruder invaded forest I think Mina wants you to wash the dishes again
#19 Wed September 22, 2010 17:18

Demonic Vassal
*Dodges and bends Frey over his lap*

Mina-sama's forest is not intruded, idiot >: D *Begins to spank Frey hard*

And the comments cut off the ">/////////
#20 Wed September 22, 2010 17:56

Probationary User
*Pokes Robert's back", What are you spanking? *Frey's doopleganger ACME doll explodes*, see ya later, slowpoke >=D
#21 Wed September 22, 2010 18:05

Battlemech Mercanary
shield blocks blast from hurting Robert* Nice try Frey, but noone is allowed to hurt my friend's. *Traps Frey in a Nightmare bubble from witch there is no excape* and before you say anything. know that that bubble is locked onto your life energy of whatever form of lifeform you are. as long as your alive there is no excapeing it....
#22 Sun September 26, 2010 05:55

Hmmm....Mina's mum is HOT!
#23 Thu December 23, 2010 15:44

Senior Member
Lucky boys serving strict beauties
#24 Mon November 29, 2021 00:57

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