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Been ill with flu and a fever so i thought I'd try to occupy myself and relax by colouring it.
Because when you feel like shit you obviously start colouring in porn.

Anyway so here's Michael and Mestopheles again.
I decided on a green background, for the two redheads, though it does give it a bit of a christmas vibe, lol.

[copy n' paste]
"I have a lot of angel and demon characters knocking around that need to be loved and used more than I do, and these two are easily some of the most spankable.
Plus I love AOTK's Mina and Keane, and my angel character seemed a perfect match for them :P
(hell, I'd love to see him lose as much as win)

The angel is Micheal. He's probably the third in command in heaven and has a fantastically black or white view of justice. Unlike many angels, this firey redhead actively despises demons and adores humiliating them. If he had his way they'd be all wiped out, but since he's not allowed to kill them he instead settles for giving them one hell of a spanking.
Frankly, the other angels view him as too agressive, haughty and impulsive, but he's a fantastic warrior and his method IS effective, so they tend to let it slide.
he's using his hand here, but he's also very partial to using the blade of his sword or a riding crop.

The demon he's spanking is Mestopheles, a much loved character of mine. He's the joint second-in command in Hell, though sort of fell into the position due to having the bad luck of being the first person that Satan revealed his plan to kill God to, due to him being in the wrong place at the wrong time and satan needing an ally. he's a relatively good guy at times, but is very greedy and enjoys his rather beureucratic position in Hell. He has a low view of humans so likes to torture them when he's bored (which is often), but he's viewed as a weakling by most of the otehr demons even though he's a beefy guy. So extra humiliation from Michael never goes down well.
He and michael now have quite a rivalry.
he has bat-wings, but adding them would clutter the picture ><"


Roleplayer and Artist :3

Registered: July 2009
Posts: 25,586
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Date: Wed December 29, 2010
Views: 7,794
Tags: 4
Filesize: 1137.4kb
Dimensions: 865 x 644
Keywords: mm angel demon spanking otk hand michael mestopheles

The Yellow Imp
wow the collors looks really really great ! everything about the picture is awesome
#1 Wed December 29, 2010 22:41

It looks so nice coloured in ^^ I especially like the red wings and how their faces look. Very well done.
#2 Thu December 30, 2010 03:46

VIP Donator
Looks very nice colored. I didn't expect Micheal is ginger. ^^ And color of the wings is really beautiful.
#3 Thu December 30, 2010 17:51

Yaoi Fangirl
Beautiful! Michael's expression and curly hair and those gorgeous ears~ Uwah~ Plus the little devil-tail-curling-around-Michae'ls-arm thing~ SO pretty...

Oh! Oh! I especially love how hs hand is holding up Mestopheles' chin, with that one tiny little tear~~~~~ love it.
#4 Thu December 30, 2010 21:34

Roleplayer and Artist :3
@Jacolin - aww thanks, i'm glad you still like it
@Said - thanks, I always imagined Michael with red wings, though now it seems (added to Mestophele's poor behind) that there's an awful lot of red in the picture. lol
@Jinchu - Thankyou. When i first madde Michael ginger was a bit of a random choice, but now I can't imagine him with any other hair colour. Also, ginger haired people tend to get picked on quite a bit when they're younger...maybe that has something to do with why he's so badass now. he fights back! lol
@Ichigo - Aw thankyou so much, I'm really glad you like it
#5 Fri December 31, 2010 11:10

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