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Home » Dormant Resident Artists » Dave Mire


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Registered: June 2010
Location: everywhere and nowhere
Posts: 599
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Date: Sat February 26, 2011
Views: 10,629
Tags: 12
Filesize: 20.9kb
Dimensions: 631 x 455
Keywords: jbelt2colorgif

Immortal Commenter
Hmm...seems a bit harsher than some of the other stuff, but hey, he was well-done ^_^
#1 Sat February 26, 2011 23:38

The Monster Under the Bed
harsh is fine with me. the real brats deserve it >=3
#2 Sun February 27, 2011 00:10

VIP Donator
umm...wouldn't it be easier for her to be a good girl?
#3 Sun February 27, 2011 03:25

Senior Member
Be a good girl?! Blasphemy!!
#4 Sun February 27, 2011 06:21

Green Imp impgreen
I like this girl, she's tough.
#5 Sun February 27, 2011 06:42

agree with jinx. this is not the place for good girls.
#6 Sun February 27, 2011 08:01

The Yellow Imp
Totally agreed Dave_mire
#7 Sun February 27, 2011 12:40

Artist of the Damned
The poses that you put your bratty girls in are just hot as hell. I always look forward to new art from you, hon. ^-^
#8 Sun February 27, 2011 15:02

If every girl were a good girl there would be a site like this. It would be a sad world indeed. Btw Dave great as usual, I always look for your posts, I like the way that you keep it clean and funny.
#9 Sun February 27, 2011 16:04

VIP Donator
Don't begin the war you can never win, Jessica!
I really like this a light pink skirt - how it becomes dark pink after a good belting. ^^ You make spanked butts so sexy even without nudity!
#10 Sun February 27, 2011 16:07

Senior Member
Very nice, Dave!

I am looking forward to what may naturally follow this!
#11 Sun February 27, 2011 19:52

Gold Member
Awesome as always, Dave! This is one brat who can take it !!!
#12 Tue March 1, 2011 00:09

VIP Donator
Great positioning as usual, Dave, and the expressions convey the intensity of the experience for both participants. I don't see how Jessica could have held out, and for her sake, she shouldn't have. I always tell my spankees not to be too stoic, because I don't want to be harder on them than necessary.
#13 Fri March 4, 2011 20:40

VIP Donator
to my spankees I let her to cry, plead, shout and ask for pardon or stop all the time... is part of the game and I countinuos the spanking on and on... but they have a magic word we agreed before: "NARANJA" (= orange in spanish) if she shouts "Naranjaaa!!!" when she can´t really take any more.. I stop inmediately (well ..sometimes I cant and a few spanks more are performed!)
#14 Wed April 13, 2011 22:08

Very intense! Many thanks! :-)
#15 Sun May 15, 2011 12:05

Probationary User
Did you deleted this one ?
#16 Fri November 27, 2020 04:29

yes. i wanted to move the Pep Squad girls away from the spanking thing. I want their series to be more family friendly.
#17 Sun November 28, 2021 16:41

Probationary User
why is it removed
#18 Fri May 12, 2023 13:30

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