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Home » Dormant Resident Artists » Kira_Wolf_Cub


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Okay allow me to explain. Denmark is one of the worlds most know lands with troll lores. Not all of them are mean, only the big ugly ones are, but acording to danish fairy tails, most trolls are playful and naughty beings and as you can see, this girl's a tease.

Tsk tsk.

It's an lod pic, hence why the coloring is different, but I'm proud of it because it's sort of from my home. Hope you like.


The Only Danish Wolf

Registered: March 2007
Location: Denmark
Posts: 7,501
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Date: Mon July 2, 2007
Views: 2,871
Tags: 4
Filesize: 184.3kb
Dimensions: 800 x 494
Keywords: troll spankable sexy girl

I don't know much about troll lore; but this is beautiful. She had a lovely figure, and the information on trolls is nice. She definitely looks teasing - jutting her backside out like that and then looking back. :3 Great work.
#1 Tue July 3, 2007 00:13

The Only Danish Wolf
#2 Tue July 3, 2007 00:25

Cannibal Khan
I lived in Europe (Germany) for 7 years and I never met a Dane who wasn't friendly, outgoing, and cool. Drinking, motorcycling, playing paintball, going to concerts, I always had a great time with folks from Denmark. I really regret that I haven't had the chance to visit that country...yet.
#3 Tue July 3, 2007 06:11

~Sweetest Cyanide~
In the case of Kira and Denmark... I think there's some very good reasons for visiting. Some pursuits to undertake there that are... just as entertaining as Motorcycles and paintballing.
Wouldn't you agree... Kira? ^__^
#4 Tue July 3, 2007 08:52

The Only Danish Wolf
(looks innocent) I have no idea what you're taking about RobM. But it can be nice over here. I have to admit though, I'm not much of a partier or drinker. I can drive a motorcycle though, but I don't own one. Too exspensive.
#5 Tue July 3, 2007 09:06

~Sweetest Cyanide~
Well, I wouldn't go so far as to call you a troll, but this girl certainly is.
She is very cute and I really like her. If I, for some inadequatly explained reason ended up under a bridge with her, I'm quite sure I'd not come to regret it, she looks very helpful and fun loving. Like all Danes, at least, like all the Danes I've met.

I'd just hope if I found myself lost, under a bridge with her, she'd be good at directions which NOT all Danes appear to be ^__^.
#6 Wed July 4, 2007 00:48

Pervert Persona
[Pushes RobM out of the way] MINE, biotch!

I love this one, Kira - perhaps my favourite of all! The long, splayed tresses, the cute tail, the perspective and choice of character is very appealing, and I feel that you really have excelled yourself this time! X3 Thank you for sharing!
#7 Tue July 24, 2007 19:49

Junior Member
i met somebody who iz from denmark
#8 Tue August 14, 2007 09:11

Junior Member
back at my old country motorcycles r afordable.practacly everbody has 1.it cost 9million rupeas(900 u.s. dollars)
#9 Tue August 14, 2007 09:13

Wow, what a beautiful drawing~ You draw lovely adult women!! ^_^ I really like the perspective you chose, and the background info you provided to add to the picture. This pic belongs here because she looks like she could definately use a spanking. Tehee..or maybe even wants one. ^.^ Great work! I really like the coloring and way you did her hair!

#11 Tue December 18, 2007 23:02

Gold Member
Are you from Denmark?
#12 Sun April 12, 2009 19:47

VIP Donator
Wow, good, really good! *__*
#13 Sat November 27, 2010 16:12

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