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A commission I purchased from Dondanparakikay over at Deviant Art. Here's a link to his page: http://dondanparakikay.deviantart.com He had a lot of fun with this pic and even went above and beyond the call of duty by making more than one version of it. (which I plan to upload and share)

This pic features Ragna the Bloodedge spanking Platinum the Trinity with a belt, both from the BlazBlue fighting game series. During the story mode she really gives him a lot of grief, and I really wanted to see this happen. Now I can!

Anyone notice what's scribbled across the wanted poster?

Karnacht av Visp

AotK's Resident Slasher Movie Villain

Registered: November 2007
Location: the 7th Circle of Hell: TN
Posts: 1,144
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Date: Mon January 27, 2014
Views: 7,650
Tags: 80
Filesize: 1115.4kb
Dimensions: 1397 x 1969
Keywords: ragna platinum blazblue belt otk spanking panties

VIP Donator
The quality of art is brilliant and the scene is really cute!
Thanks a lot for sharing!
#1 Mon January 27, 2014 21:47

Yes! I've always imagined this scene, she deserves it quite a bit. Let's hope he's spanking Luna and not Sena in this pic. XD
#2 Mon January 27, 2014 22:24

Sadistic Artist
Great idea. And the artist did an awesome job of creating it
#4 Tue January 28, 2014 00:49

Karnacht av Visp
AotK's Resident Slasher Movie Villain
You all got right on the ball with commenting on this one, and thank you all for your kind words! I had it done in honor of the upcoming Blazblue game because I'm very excited about it, and I imagine Platinum will continue to pester Ragna.

@awkward asian - I thought the exact same thing! Or imagine if Trinity's personality came forth right as it started and wondered what the heck was going on O_o Nah, this is Luna all the way, but from the looks of it that bottom will be hurtin' for a while so they may feel some aftermath sting.

BTW, I'm already contemplating my next pairing. Rachel Alucard is obviously in my crosshairs, but I'm rolling around the idea of Iron Tager/Kokonoe.
#5 Tue January 28, 2014 03:22

@bassboi - Hehe, that would be cool, especially since I hate fighting Kokonoe. She's hard. >_<
Buuuut, Bullet is best waifu. :3
#6 Tue January 28, 2014 03:42

Karnacht av Visp
AotK's Resident Slasher Movie Villain
@ awkward asian - an artist buddy of mine on here was just telling me that Kokonoe is one of the most broken characters to ever grace BB which is a shame because I've looked forward to playing as her for so long. I would like to see her spanked, but I may hold off on it til I play the game and experience the story mode so I can really let my imagination run wild. Have you ever been to diaperedanime? I don't know if it's your thing or not, but I know there's a pic or two on there of Kokonoe in a diaper. How fitting :P
#7 Tue January 28, 2014 03:55

Kokonoe needs to be hit with the nerf paddle. >:I
I'm actually not a fan of diapers, it's not for me.
#8 Tue January 28, 2014 04:10

Karnacht av Visp
AotK's Resident Slasher Movie Villain
awkward asian, I think you've given me a wonderful, awful idea. *Grinch smile*
#9 Tue January 28, 2014 04:12

I feel special now. :3
Kokonoe seems more like top material than bottom, but hey, she needs it. :3
#10 Tue January 28, 2014 04:18

Gold Member
Lol , I first thought the spanker here is that chick from Tales of Symphonia ... turns out I was wrong . Still , I really love this picture . Great work !
#11 Tue January 28, 2014 15:13

Karnacht av Visp
AotK's Resident Slasher Movie Villain
@ awkward asian - I kinda gathered from the get-go that Kokonoe would definitely be a top if ever involved in spanking, but I agree that she definitely needs it! We don't have BlazBlue: Chronophantasma yet here in the states so I don't know about the new characters yet. However I just saw Bullet and remembered that you mentioned her in a previous comment. She has definitely piqued my interest. I eagerly await the game tho.

@ Fenrir13 - I know exactly whom you speak of, and I love Tales of Symphonia. I kinda thought Ragna looked like combination of her and Vash the Stampede the first time I played Blazblue. BTW, they're re-released both games of it in HD pretty soon. I got my collector's edition already pre-ordered.
#12 Wed January 29, 2014 03:12

Gold Member
Hmm Speaking of Bullet reminds me of Makoto too, those two would be good in something together. xD

I always thought exactly this thing when I reached this scene in the games. -w-
#13 Wed January 29, 2014 04:15

Senior Member
Oh man...I seriously hate the belt, but what I wouldn't do to one day find myself in that position! >///
#14 Thu January 30, 2014 08:34

Senior Member
I would so love to be him - wonderful image!! Don't let up even after the tears!
#15 Wed February 26, 2014 19:39

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