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Home » Dormant Resident Artists » KingCrowley


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A commission from a user who wishes to remain anonymous.

This took a lot longer than originally planned, my software was acting up and some bad family problems came about. I don't know how often I'll be posting art, I'm still not confident with them

This certainly isn't my best, but there are some things I like about it. The commissioner asked for there to be a story included, I'm not sure of their names, so I'll just make it up.


Kami was really excited for prom, she'd spent two weeks with friends just constantly looking for that perfect dress. Prom was a big deal to girls her age, and not only that...but finding a prom date, too. All her friends were snapping up guys in a hurry and Kami knew she needed to be quick. Who was left without a date? Oh that's right! That new kid in her class...er...what was his name again? Shin or something?

She walked quickly to her next class and sat down beside the young man, he was quiet for a while, but eventually started rambling about computers and other stuff Kami wasn't really interested in. The two got talking and Kami expertly moved the conversation along to the upcoming prom.

"Do you have someone to take?"

"Not really...I wasn't even planning on going, to be honest." he answered with a shrug.

"Well, we could go together...I mean so we don't look like losers and all.." Kami suggested. "Erm...what's your name again?"

"Hiro." he answered and smiled, "I'd like that, I guess I'l see you there then." he added, getting up at the sound of the bell to head home for the evening.

Kami spent all night trying on her outfits and hair accessories, she wanted to look perfect. She could hardly sleep, she was just so excited! The next morning she went to school same as always, but there was no sign of Hiro. Kami started to worry, especially by third period. Where the hell was he?! She had no number to contact him on, she didn't know where he lived. What if he didn't show up?!

The day went by all too quickly and Kami rushed home to change for prom. Hopefully ...just maybe Hiro would turn up there and she wouldn't have to be there alone. Her Dad drove her down to the convention hall, and she nervously flattened the creases of her dress.

"You look fine sweetie." Her Father assured.

"I'm just nervous...." Kami answered and got out of the car once he pulled up, "See you later." she walked into the building and started looking for Hiro, no sign of him. Well she had arrived a little early, maybe he was still getting ready or something.

Two hours she waited, Hiro had completely stood her up. Kami was upset and embarrassed, she walked into the hall and sat down, watching the other couples dance with an ache in her chest. That damn jerk. Kami took out her phone to text a friend, but then something caught her attention. Something loud and just plain annoying. She looked up and her mouth fell open when she saw Hiro surrounded by ten other girls, five on each side. He looked smug as anything. Kami was outraged!

"Hiro!" she stormed over, hands on her slender hips. "W-What's going on?! We were meant to meet up here, the prom's almost over!"

He stared at her and then at the women surrounding him. "I had a better offer..."

That did it. Kami wasn't sure what made her do it, but she grabbed him by the ear and marched angrily to one of the rooms upstairs. "A better offer?!" she snapped at him, practially throwing him inside the nice, pink room. "I've been waiting all night for you to show up!"

"Let go of me! Just get over it okay, it's not like prom's a big deal." Hiro snapped.

"I'll show you a big deal!" Kami snapped, sitting on the nice but cheap looking bed and throwing the guy over her lap. She wasn't sure what was going through her mind in order to come to this conclusion, but it couldn't be helped. She raised her left hand and started firmly spanking the young man. Though she was thin and nimble, she had a powerful swat behind her. "When you agree to something, you have to stand by it." she scolded, trying to keep calm and not let him get to her, but she was planning on making sure he learned a good lesson.

And he did. Three years later, Kami and Hiro even began a relationship, helplessly falling for one another, and while Hiro is faithful, he still ends up over Kami's knee now and again when he doesn't stick to his word.


I do what I want ♛

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Date: Fri March 13, 2015
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