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Another down! I may or may not be on a roll |D I hope I am =I we'll see if I have something for you guys tomorrow. lol

Anywho, in this pic, we have Kai. in the story he was originally from he was famed as a demon slayer, and leader of a small army that spearheaded a massive resistance against a tyrannical, powerful (and quite mad) necromancer. Though internally, he's soft-hearted and little more than a coward, he can put up quite the front of stern leadership and courage. So taming a demonic brat like little Drat, here should prove rather simple, no? =o My guess is he doesn't approve of her outfit, in all honesty. :I He's a modest young man usually. So its easy to get a stern 'talking to' for baring too much skin xD

Drat, who reminds me of a mini Mina or even Etna, belongs to http://drykid12.deviantart.com/

Kai belongs to me.



Registered: August 2007
Location: Redding, CA
Posts: 8,696
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Date: Thu March 26, 2015
Views: 3,306
Tags: 22
Filesize: 197.6kb
Dimensions: 1000 x 1000
Keywords: bare bent cute demon devil hand over succubus

Battlemech Mercanary
almost looks like a winged Mina. Who's still not scary BTW.

Very nice picture.
#1 Thu March 26, 2015 20:25

Ultra-Supreme Lil Bro
She reminds me of a fusion dance between Etna and Raspberyl. ^_ ^
#2 Thu March 26, 2015 21:20

Gold Member
Oh how I approve of this. Those pointy tailed brats are the perfect spankees. X3
#3 Thu March 26, 2015 21:21

It's Morphing Time!
What's up with demons and pigtails? Is this just a popular style I don't know about? She looks like...well, Mastervegeta above me said it first. Not that any of these are criticisms.

Well, either way, this is a pretty nice pic to look at.
#4 Thu March 26, 2015 21:32

Demonic princess
No that's not me >:

But still, that's a reall cute pic ! ^_^
#5 Fri March 27, 2015 04:42

@Shadowsong: XDD Only a tad. More like Etna. =p

@Mastervegeta: Actually yes, I could totally see that xP lol

@Archer: I can wholeheartedly agree there xP demon/imp girls are pretty cute overall, but also, very deserving 99% of the time. =p

@Jac of Dragons: Thats a pretty good question really xP I'unno. They seem to fit well though. =p And glad ya like it. x3

@Mina: Hahah, not at all. =p Couldn't be a Mina in such a position. -3- *shakes head* Clearly she is too polite for such a thing to happen. XP lol but nah, glad ya enjoy it, once again. =3
#6 Mon March 30, 2015 01:30

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