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Home » Active Resident Artists » Okamishonen


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Yeah, Sissy may be a dom at heart, but no amount of attitude or tech can save her from the fiery justice of an older sibling's authority. Danny is by no means a tough or even stern sorta guy. At least until it come putting Sissy in her place. Then he's a regular boss. And Sissy genuinely respects the natural order of things. She wouldn't dream of seeking revenge on her big bro.

this took some time but I'm mildly pleased with it.




Registered: August 2007
Location: Redding, CA
Posts: 8,696
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Date: Tue April 7, 2015
Views: 3,466
Tags: 30
Filesize: 301.3kb
Dimensions: 769 x 1000
Keywords: bunnies bunny cute otk rabbit siblings

Immortal Commenter
Hugs and kisses?
#1 Tue April 7, 2015 08:39

The Yellow Imp
Aww this is so sweet! ^_^ I love the colours, they look so nice
#2 Tue April 7, 2015 10:02

#3 Tue April 7, 2015 14:59

VIP Donator
Aww this is an adorable little piece. Poor girl shouldn't have acted up then big brother wouldn't have to take her over his knee. I really love the color job the expressions and the detailed panties she is wearing. The whole thing is very well done.
#4 Tue April 7, 2015 16:27

@Cante: Right and wrong, actually. Originally it was gonna be donuts :I but then I thought of something that may be more appropriate xD I just assume those panties are merchandise from a Japanese gameshow. :I Clearly thats a thing.

@Jalocin: X3 Glad ya like it. I'm not 100% pleased with it, but I don't hate it. =p

@Sheamachost: "Act up" X3 thats an amusing understatement. xP Don't feel too bad for her, if Danny thinks she deserves a bun warming, then she prolly deserves a jail sentence. >.> lolol Oh well, this is more fun. x3 Glad you like the coloring, I was pretty unsure of it. XP Nice to hear good feedback about it. And them undies amuse me muchly, yus. X3 thank you! ^^
#5 Tue April 7, 2015 18:26

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