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Home » Active Resident Artists » Barky


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The plan was to spend a great time in the large and newly remodeled Lowee amusement park, Supernittenland, and all seemed to go really well until the twins, Ram and Rom, decided to leave Uni and Nepgear to enjoy the park's attractions by their own. Realizing this event, Nepgear and Uni went into shock, and with good reason since they were responsible of the twins and their safety, and in case something would happen to the twins, they would be in really big troubles with Blanc, and by really big troubles it means that both teenagers wouldn't sit for at least a week

After a few hours, hours of a lot of fun for the little twins and hours of anguish for the pair of teenagers, Nepgear and Uni finally found the girls, they were having a snack in the fast food area of the amusement park.

The following events were more than obvious, first Nepgear Uni and went to hug the little girls, the teens showed a big relief in their faces; after that they scolded the girls for what they had done and finally punished the little twins. Maybe a few smacks with the bare hand and the hairbrush would make them to remember that little girls must be always accompanied by an adult or at least a teen and never wander alone in crowded places.

Fan-pic of "Hyperdimension Neptunia"



Registered: May 2013
Posts: 441
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Date: Tue April 7, 2015
Views: 8,711
Tags: 55
Filesize: 627.2kb
Dimensions: 1200 x 777
Keywords: hyperdimension neptunia uni nepgear spanking rom ram diaper pullups panties outdoors

Like how Rom is being forced to hold the brush, knowing that it will soon be tanning her little bottom
#1 Tue April 7, 2015 07:01

Is it a game or a anime? Great pic by the way, I love the different expressions of the twins.
#2 Tue April 7, 2015 07:47

VIP Donator
I really like how upset spankers look, those are truely "Did you have to spoil the vacation day for yourselfs?" and "we were so worried!" expressions! ^__^
#3 Tue April 7, 2015 09:20


It started as games released on the PS3, but there's also an anime adaption out. I highly recommend both!

@Barky this pic is amazing. As a Rom/Ram fan, I'm very glad they're getting their bottoms reddened. It's so cute~
#4 Tue April 7, 2015 09:34

@Fib112358: Glad you like it that little detail.

@Jinchu: Well no one want to punish naughty kids but someone has to do the dirty work.

@Terra: Glad you like it, I'm too a Rom/Ram/Blanc fan, they are so spankables.
#5 Fri April 10, 2015 02:18

Gold Member
GREAT !! Am a big fan of double spankings !! We don't see them enough at this site !! So much good stuff here: facial expressions, use of the hairbrush & classic OTK position, etc etc etc !! KUDOS !!
#6 Sun April 12, 2015 17:37

Senior Member
Poor baby girls!
#7 Sun April 12, 2015 19:29

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