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Lillian Woods after being paddled in a public spanking booth. I'll admit I don't know a lot about the character, but she's very cute and spankable nonetheless! Done by Ashion @ deviant art: http://ashion.deviantart.com/

Here's an alternate version where she's wearing My Little Pony panties to any who are interested: http://i.imgur.com/ycDCg0P.jpg

Karnacht av Visp

AotK's Resident Slasher Movie Villain

Registered: November 2007
Location: the 7th Circle of Hell: TN
Posts: 1,144
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Date: Thu September 22, 2016
Views: 8,987
Tags: 66
Filesize: 656.1kb
Dimensions: 836 x 1181
Keywords: spanking paddling blushing embarrassed bra panties stockings blond freckles lillian

The Oscar
Hahahah. Good
#1 Thu September 22, 2016 19:38

VIP Donator
ok, porn used for political startements is always kinda weird, and this leaves me kinda conflicted.... but the art is sexy, that's a fact.
#2 Thu September 22, 2016 20:58

Karnacht av Visp
AotK's Resident Slasher Movie Villain
@Jinchu, I'm not really a political person myself, and porn isn't really a good way to make a legitimate political statement. From what I know this is a political character of sorts (who's also very cute and spankable!), and the scenario fits her character. To me spankings are so much sexier when they make sense while fitting the character, and that's about the depth of its meaning.
#3 Thu September 22, 2016 21:20

Senior Member
Feels pretty weird seeing Gamergate after this long of a while.
#4 Thu September 22, 2016 21:36

Senior Member
The lack of Vivian James spanking art is a bummer, but it's very nice to at least see Lillian on the receiving end
#5 Thu September 22, 2016 23:58

VIP Donator
Ehh... yeah. The vibe is... not good. Dunno. Not really digging this one much at all.
#6 Fri September 23, 2016 04:42

It's Morphing Time!
I hate to be the odd man out...but I'm really enjoying this pic. XD Probably more than I should.
#7 Fri September 23, 2016 05:29

Senior Member
Not so odd, after reading a few of the comics, she kind of needed this xD
#8 Fri September 23, 2016 07:35

Good work..I like it.
#9 Fri September 23, 2016 07:47

happy pippy puppy
The GamerGate topic's kind of meh, but everything else about it's v. nice
#10 Fri September 23, 2016 08:59

Fool Emeritus
To be quite frank, anything that hints at all that Gamergate is even tangentially on the right is not anything I'm willing to touch with a 52,000 feet pole, good as it might be art-wise.
#11 Fri September 23, 2016 10:42

Mr. Random

Can tell the heavy tumblr users from the comments.

Though yeah to be fair nicer without politics.
#12 Sat September 24, 2016 03:19

Senior Member
I really enjoy this. Great Art and
I don't give a damn about gamergate but #SpankAFeminist is something I could get behind.
#13 Sat September 24, 2016 16:53

The artwork is well-done, even if the (unintentional, from what I understand) political message behind it is crooked
#14 Sat September 24, 2016 23:00

VIP Donator
Spank an obnoxious, man-hating feminist - great idea!
#15 Sun September 25, 2016 13:38

Fool Emeritus
I don't give a damn about gamergate but #SpankAFeminist is something I could get behind.
I see two possibilities here based on what you believe feminismo to be.

1. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means
2. You could get behind people who advocate equating the rights of women to those of men. In that case, do get behind. Do get behind as well on the queue to forming our gene pool. All the way to the back. Actually, drop out of it entirely.
#16 Sun September 25, 2016 17:33

~Sweetest Cyanide~
Y'know, I gave 50/50 odds that this pic might turn be a shitshow within a few hours - it wasn't a certainty.
I've been glad to see it hasn't instantly done that.

So far comments have managed to be fairly consistent in keeping to the theme of this being a picture of a fictional character getting spanked and is actually a very nice, colourful picture and I want to keep it that way~ We don't get into politics here and we try to avoid refighting the same battles that are keeping various sites and image-boards toxic swamps even now... and that's a good thing.
Maybe we can keep a positive tone here and continue onwards with people enjoying or not enjoying a piece of art and not get drawn into evaluating each others reasons for liking it as wrong or ill-informed (unless they're specifically trying to draw RL parallels - which I discourage strongly).

Normally, I have observed, nothing on this earth is as quickly triggered as an MRA Menanist who thinks the SJWs are about to start posting and they 'must immediately pre-empt them' by making everything resentful and sulky first before anyone else gets a chance to drain the fun out of proceedings, that they have largely held off and the counter-reaction has been equally muted so far cheers me up~

It's worth remembering that 99% of all images - including this one - on this site are fantasy and concern peoples own, personally derived fantasies which are not real and characters which someone made up.

For every hyper-masculine guy with a dream of a white-picket fence, a gingham-dress pin-up wife whom he wants to spank the feminist out of there's at least one femdom empowered female with a private fantasy of taking those obnoxious twitter and chan-dwelling sexist scumbags and demonstrating to their backsides that while human binary females are on average weaker she in specific is stronger and more authoritative and will be punishing them for their abuses.
I myself have all sorts of spanking fantasy's that are not consensual but they don't relate to real-life where, any attempt at acting them out is only in play with a willing, consenting and informed adult partner.
Judging people for this is not a slope I'd want to be on so long as it's all in a persons head.

Much as I consider the whole gamergate thing to be little more than a cynical drape over a briefly heart-felt and sincere exploration of real problems hijacked all-too-quickly by misogynist monomaniac's I don't want to see RL politics legitimising the decrying of those who enjoy depictions of feminists being spanked while they mouth-off and give lip.
Especially not when spanking this sassy, back-chatting character looks as satisfying as it does here~
#17 Sun September 25, 2016 21:52

Karnacht av Visp
AotK's Resident Slasher Movie Villain
@RobM- Wall of text..... O-o; I'll admit I just skimmed it ^^; I honestly wasn't expecting many comments at all, just the usual 'nice pic' or 'sexy spanked girl!' from the ones who usually like the things I post.

Once again Lillian Woods is a GamerGate/Feminism related character who also happens to be a very cute and spankable girl so it'd only make sense that a pic of her being spanked is GamerGate/Feminism related. I honestly thought her character was an anti-feminist at first until I learned a little about her, and I still wanted to see her spanked either way. The concept just had to be tweeked a bit. I'm barely familiar with identity politics anyway so that's the extent of any political intentions. If someone as a counterbalance posted a pic of a Wonder Woman or She-Hulk type character spanking a chauvinistic man it wouldn't bother me in the slightest. In fact that'd be kinda awesome. That's not a request for pic btw, so don't bust my ass for attempting a request on here. O.o
#18 Sun September 25, 2016 22:28

Senior Member
1. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means
2. You could get behind people who advocate equating the rights of women to those of men. In that case, do get behind. Do get behind as well on the queue to forming our gene pool. All the way to the back. Actually, drop out of it entirely.
1. Nice meme there, but "feminism" in the western world today is only a farce in comparison to women who really fought for equal rights(Voting, Independence etc.) modern "feminism" isn't about equality. It's a buzzword you can scream when you bitch about something that you don't want to hear or see. Most of these so called feminists doesn't give a shit about opression in countries where it's really a problem.

2. I'm all for equality. The subject of gamergate is a very bad example for that. But I see, everybody who doesn't share your twisted view shouldn't procreate. That sounds very reasonable.
#19 Tue September 27, 2016 07:59

It's Morphing Time!
It's over, isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it over~?
#20 Tue September 27, 2016 08:02

Fool Emeritus
1. Nice meme there, but "feminism" in the western world today is only a farce in comparison to women who really fought for equal rights(Voting, Independence etc.) modern "feminism" isn't about equality. It's a buzzword you can scream when you bitch about something that you don't want to hear or see.
I could care less about what "buzzwords" make terms out to be. There is an official, sanctioned definition of what "feminism" is, collected in most dictionaries I own or have seen. If people thinks it's cool to misuse them and don't want to be responsible of the implications of misuse, more power for them, but it STILL does not mean what they think it means. Mandy Patinkin still stands.

And if you are actually that aware of misinterpretation, that only means you should have known better before typing.

Of course, someone who knew better than that would also knew better than to justify a claim cramming the no true scotsman and the burden of proof fallacies in barely two lines of text...

Most of these so called feminists doesn't give a shit about opression in countries where it's really a problem.
and I'm sure you have the data to back up such a serious claim against a millions-wide collective, or at the very least you personally know a large enough section of that demographic. You do, right?

2. I'm all for equality
So far, you seem to have a peculiar way of showing it.

The subject of gamergate is a very bad example for that
And also not what we were discussing in this particular stage of the debate, but do go on.

But I see, everybody who doesn't share your twisted view shouldn't procreate. That sounds very reasonable.
I'm pretty sure it's something I can "get behind".
#21 Tue September 27, 2016 19:57

Senior Member
Should take the debate banter to PMs, public comments section, which is meant to comment on the art, isn't the place for it.
#22 Wed September 28, 2016 01:05

Probationary User
This picture accurately describes what all those tumblr feminists need
#23 Sat October 1, 2016 08:06

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