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Last page, drawn by misstayco
Awww, look! Pima and JoJo are having a moment!
Good guy, JoJo. Always there for your beloved cousin

You see, it's been pretty tough on Pima at school. Her 2 biggest flaws is that she keeps quiet when she should talk to people, and she gets physically violent if she gets angry enough. Both of those flaws were brought out in her little incident at school.

Yeah, she got spanked and all, but once the truth was finally revealed, Zylmaidra understood why Pima initially kept quiet.

"I was being made to feel like an oddball because I don't match your or JoJo's skin color, mom." Doesn't really come easy to say. :'(
Fortunately for all, JoJo came through


Junior Member

Registered: January 2017
Location: Australia
Posts: 14
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Date: Thu February 16, 2017
Views: 5,840
Tags: 23
Filesize: 654.0kb
Dimensions: 1000 x 996
Keywords: pima bare hug love comfort zylmaidra jojo misstayco

VIP Donator
That's rather sweet.
#1 Thu February 16, 2017 10:34

Gold Member
I'd like to see Or know what happens to that bullying-jerk!
#2 Thu February 16, 2017 15:36

Gold Member
Justice must be delivered...and I can't imagine what Mom must be going through right now.
#3 Thu February 16, 2017 16:19

Beautiful ending!^^
#4 Thu February 16, 2017 20:09

JoJo JoJo JoJo
Gold Member
Jinchu: I always end on a sweet note

cyber27: Zylmaidra reports back to the school, he gets 2 weeks detention + a black eye and a bloody nose XD!!!!

sieti: Zylmaidra tends to harangue herself for spanking Pima. She hates it, but it's a necessary evil

nelson1977: thanks!
#5 Thu February 16, 2017 21:11

Dysgraphic Brat
No it's not understandable about why she kept quite about it. Her guardian was asking her why she chose what is considered normal an unacible action. just saying "if you knew you would agree" but refuse to inform isn't understandable, If nothing else she deserved that spanking more for refusing to talk to her guardian. If she talker to her she might have no at home punishment, letting the school punishment surphise, and have her aunt work with her from the start at fixing the underling problem
#6 Thu February 16, 2017 21:43

JoJo JoJo JoJo
Gold Member
rogue-kun: She kept quiet because she knew how it would make her mom (not her "aunt") feel. Pima's been teased in the past before about her adoptive relationship with Zylmaidra, and whenever she told, Zyl's entire mood would go dark. In their family, it's a taboo that goes far beyond what we see here, to be honest. There's a long explanation for why Pima wouldn't talk.
#7 Thu February 16, 2017 22:01

Gold Member
I think Mama Z's making a phone call or 2......................
#8 Thu February 16, 2017 22:45

Gold Member
Actually I was referring to Pima reasoning for her fight.
#9 Fri February 17, 2017 04:45

Gold Member
Well, she still could.......................
#10 Fri February 17, 2017 06:16

Lizardopholus Pervi
Great comic - and beautifully drawn. I'm always opposed to violence but I love the fact Pima stood up for herself and her family. The ratbag deserved a thumping much more than Pima deserved a spanking!
#11 Fri February 17, 2017 09:21

Demonic princess
damn, that's so cute et the comic is well done, really good ! Damn i so hate bullies.
#12 Sat February 18, 2017 10:20

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