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Home » Dormant Resident Artists » Cc's Gallery » - Cc's 2008 Calendar


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Heylo everyone! Happy New Year!

Well as decided here's the first to my series of calendar pages. I hope you all enjoy it. All upcoming updates may or may not be quite so on time as this, so please bear with me.

A New Year party theme--she red spilled wine all over his rented tux, and dress shirt, either drunkenly or maybe during a fight. You decide! ^_^
I had issues with the layers and lines if you can't tell--dumb scanner.

Either way, it's more or less on time~ Rob made sure of that! -Rubs bottom- ^^;

Hope 2008 is great for you all!



Registered: July 2007
Location: USA
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Date: Tue January 1, 2008
Views: 11,989
Tags: 23
Filesize: 366.9kb
Dimensions: 600 x 1131
Keywords: january 2008 calendar m new year bare otk

The Only Danish Wolf
LOL! How cute. I'd say pure carelessness. She was talking happily about something and then swung her glass to the side without looking, splashing the wine on him. Looks awesome and I can tell it's a different couple then your normal ones that's for sure.
#1 Tue January 1, 2008 11:51

Demonic princess
The first spanking of the year ! Congratulation ! ^^
#2 Tue January 1, 2008 12:02

Now that's funny , keep up the Great work! Happy New Year!
#3 Tue January 1, 2008 13:32

Blue Moon
Cc, what program are you using to paint these?
#5 Tue January 1, 2008 14:29

Thats a good question, which program is it?
#6 Tue January 1, 2008 14:57

Hooray, the first calendar pic! Conveiniently, it'sthe first pic submitted all of 2008. This is gonna be a wonderful year with material like this. I so wanna print this and use it as an actual calendar.
#7 Tue January 1, 2008 18:17

Woo hoo! I look forward to the rest of the year!
#8 Tue January 1, 2008 19:27

Super Moderator
This is great
I'm looking forward to february
#9 Tue January 1, 2008 19:50

This is greatI'm looking forward to february
Ms or Mr February probably isn't so entusiastic.
#11 Tue January 1, 2008 20:24

Lovely! ^_^ It's really cute. I can't wait to see the rest of the months!
#12 Tue January 1, 2008 20:42

Super Moderator
Originally Posted by zac
Ms or Mr February probably isn't so entusiastic.
Ms february as Cc drawings are always M/f
but you have a point
altrough I wouldn't bet on it
we don't know yet if it's going to be a disciplinary spanking, so she may enjoy it
#13 Wed January 2, 2008 00:38

Senior Member
Respect, Cc - it's super cute as usual, I love it!

Am I wrong, or is it the same couple from the pool spanking, some time ago? It would be nice, to use the same characters often (and by the color of her hair...don't forget the big fanbase of the smiling, blue haired girl from ADD #11).
#14 Wed January 2, 2008 10:21

Smart boy, Look. Sehr gut. But I'm not giving too much away on future plans. Patience is a virtue, afterall! ^_^ Teehee. Thanks for all the comments, everyone!

To _cf and fox105: I use Adobe Photoshop Creative Suite 2. (CS2)
#15 Wed January 2, 2008 20:40

Pervert Persona
Haha, so CUTE! Of course, that guy needs a smack for being so short-tempered in my opinion, but I'm painfully biased, so ignore me. Red hair is in, yo.

I adore the design of that girl. She seems very endearing, her hair colour is the loveliest (XD) shade of blue, and the lipstick is a miraculous little trick in anime that makes a character seem that much older/more mature. >3 I lurves it. Gorgeous sandals, too.

The way she clutches the bedclothes is so energetic, in-the-moment... it's touches like these that set your work apart and make them so enjoyable to M/F DD fans. ;>

I don't like carnations. Xp Stargazers, darned it, you cursed month!!

[Staples the token nickname to RobM's forehead]
#16 Sat January 5, 2008 19:22

~Sweetest Cyanide~
Aha! Really beautiful image~! I see he's raising her up with a pillow - we can only imagine (And be thinkful) that the party guests have gone home for the night already.
Yes, the lipstick and hairstyle does make her really mature seeing - a welcome change on this site, I can say.
Her panties don't quite match the dress in colour but she probably thought they'd remain hidden.
A fine start to a fine year.
[Stapes two Garnet bracelets around Cross's ankles]
#17 Sun January 6, 2008 20:55

haha this looks like my new years, great picture
#18 Thu January 17, 2008 16:33

this is my fav calender one ... maybe, they are all so good
#21 Thu September 16, 2010 19:43

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