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Home » Active Resident Artists » Okamishonen


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Yeah, I know, it's late. but uhh, better late than never, huh? ^^ Ok, so apparantly, Amaya has been caught rummaging through Kai's drawers, no doubt searching for his nice and naughty lists... she found em'... not that it matters, she knows which one she's on now that he's found her out. this is one of the few tmes you'll see Kai and Amaya with their hair down... heheh... enjoy!

Next: A late New Year pic!! ^.^



Registered: August 2007
Location: Redding, CA
Posts: 8,696
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Date: Thu January 3, 2008
Views: 2,545
Tags: 1
Filesize: 146.2kb
Dimensions: 833 x 878
Keywords: kai amaya christmas

Hehe, very cute. Nicely sketched, The PJ's are really cute and you did good detail on the hands feet, and clothing. Proportions are well-drawn, too! Love that position, with the spanker down on a knee, the other raised, and the spankee over the leg. ^_^ Kudos!
#1 Thu January 3, 2008 04:37

hey, thanks for the comment. ^^ I'll be posting the colored version soon.
#2 Thu January 3, 2008 06:40

It's about time you came out with that christmas pick. Very nice drawing, and it's to my liking in various ways. Nice work as always.
#3 Fri January 4, 2008 01:56

Haha, glad you like it Xam. ^^ and I'm glad you insisted that I do one... I'll have to put up a new year's pic soon. ^^
#4 Fri January 4, 2008 02:31

Ouf. I prefer this one. Excuse me, but the last, between Hakujin and Hikari was... limit bondage, in my view.
#6 Sat January 5, 2008 00:03

Hahaha, yeah, it came pretty damn close... XD glad you like this though.
#7 Sat January 5, 2008 07:16

Kai randomly had santa hat on at this point in time =o XD Naughty and nice lists should not be sought out. Otherwise things like this happen. ._. not good. Nope. Well, not good for her anyway.
#8 Sat September 22, 2012 05:04

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