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Home » Active Resident Artists » Okamishonen


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Haha, this is a request from Xam, really a cute idea! ^^ Coco focuses too hard on her hair and not hard enough on her inventions.. so ol' Xam is turning her hairbrush against her..

Coco is a character from the Crash Bandicoot videogame series. this pic is a little light in sme parts.. I'm working on the inking and coloring soon. Hope ya like it Xam. ^^



Registered: August 2007
Location: Redding, CA
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Date: Sat January 19, 2008
Views: 3,278
Tags: 9
Filesize: 116.6kb
Dimensions: 663 x 999
Keywords: xam coco request

Of course I love it! This is freaking awesome, and past my own expectations yet again! I'm going to save my wildly large amount of comments (like I always tend to have for your pictures) for the color version, which I'm sure is soon to come. Thanks for doing this for me dude, I always wanted to see Coco Bandicoot get spanked, and by the looks of it I took matters into my own hands and did it myself. Awesome.
#1 Sat January 19, 2008 22:13

Awesome! I'll have the pic colored soon then! ^^
#2 Sat January 19, 2008 22:14

Spankhappy Megaraptor
You know, this reminds me not only of a piece of artwork I saw on Deviantart (which also featured Coco getting spanked, this time by Nina Cortex*), but also of one of my own Crash fangame ideas where one of the moves involved spanking your oppodent (it was a fighting game, you see). There's also the point that "Xam" is very similar to "Zam", yet another character in the series.**

Yeah, I'm a Crash Bandicoot fanatic as well. And your artwork is great, this being no exception.

For those not in the know...
*Nina Cortex is the gothic niece of Dr Neo Cortex, the main antagonist in the series. She is a fairly recent character in the series, but very well established, being the main bad guy in "Crash of the Titans", the latest game.
**Zam is a character featured in the racing game "Crash Nitro Kart" and plays henchman to the main baddie there. He's a sort of alien dinosaur who acts like a dog.
#3 Sat January 19, 2008 22:45

Yo CBFan! Thanks for the info.. I haven't been keeping up with the series lately.. ^^ glad you like my work, also.
#4 Sat January 19, 2008 22:47

Spankhappy Megaraptor
That's OK. The "CB" in my name does stand for "Crash Bandicoot", incidently.
#5 Sat January 19, 2008 22:53

Yes.... I'm an alien dinosaur who acts like a dog.... I'm serious. I actually imagined myself like that in my youth. To be honest, Xam is just my name backwards. I didn't know there was a Zam in that game, since I never played it, or most of the crash games for that matter. I'm a huge crash bandicoot fan myself, and it saddens me to know I've yet to play most of the games in his franchise. Someday I'm going to go online, or to a gaming store, and buy every crash bandicoot game there is and get caught up with the series. I love Coco, shes so cute, so I requested this picture.
#6 Sat January 19, 2008 23:14

great work!

thank you

hope you go for more

#7 Sat January 19, 2008 23:25

Spankhappy Megaraptor
I love Coco as well. She's my second favourite character in the entire series. Possibly unique to the characters, she's actually "aged" as the series went on. These days, she's more of a teenager rather than the little girl she was in the older games (and as shown here), and has also ditched her overalls (now she wears jeans and a T-Shirt). Even more recently, she's abandoned the ponytail and wears her hair free-flowing.

Yeah, I could go on about her. But hey, it's the sort of thing I'd do. She's a great character, and she just gets better as she ages.

I, incidently, have played 12 of the 14 games in the series (currently) and own 11 of them. My favourites are "Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back", "Crash Nitro Kart", "Crash Twinsanity", "Crash of the Titans" and, to a lesser degree, "Crash Bash".
#8 Sat January 19, 2008 23:28

Thanks Toma! there's always more to come. ^^
#9 Sun January 20, 2008 15:09

Hahaha. I suppose that's what happens when one is preoccupied with their hair =o XD A little bit of.....okay brain where'd you go ._. I find Xam's idea here pretty amusing.
#10 Sat September 22, 2012 06:09

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