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Yeah I can't Background, didn't want to ruin the final product, plus I could get it done faster.

I wasn't happy at all with the way I drew Tonks in the last page, I'm still trying to get used to drawing women, I like this version a lot better


I do what I want ♛

Registered: December 2012
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Date: Tue February 12, 2019
Views: 5,822
Tags: 34
Filesize: 751.6kb
Dimensions: 1920 x 1576
Keywords: gonnagetburned2of3

Gold Member
Very nice.
For that kids sake, I hope she finishes this herself.
#1 Tue February 12, 2019 03:26

Personally I can't wait until his father gets home.
#2 Tue February 12, 2019 03:31

The Young Bratling
I want those undies :3
#3 Tue February 12, 2019 04:40

Gold Member
I tend to agree with remo, if Tonks is dealing with her son Todric's misconduct, she should be able to punish him sufficiently--all it would take is for her to firmly apply a hairbrush or paddle to his bare bottom after she's finished smacking it with her palm.

I've never liked the "Just wait until your father gets home" cop-out in dealing with domestic discipline, in real-life or fiction, because it can make Dad's arrival home into an occasion for children to be fearful of, instead of happy about.

Beside which, Tonks has always struck me being emotionally stronger than Remus, thus if they would've survived to have offspring, I'd have figured her to end up being the kids' primary disciplinarian... --C.K.
#4 Tue February 12, 2019 05:37

Battlemech Mercanary
Poor Teddy. I totally can see this happening. Tonks was a bad ass on more levels then one. and my money says she'd have made an awesome Mom.
#5 Tue February 12, 2019 06:46

How could metamorphmagus abilities be used in a spanking? Longer, thinner fingers? Extra weight to the hand and thicker skin?
And Daddy (Remus Lupin) has werewolf strength and pack instincts for dealing with a disobedient cub who endangered both himself and the pack...
#6 Tue February 12, 2019 12:02

I do what I want ♛
@ Remo1 - Thanks, and nope Tonks and Remus are a parenting 'team' which means when Tod does something to endanger himself or others, he gets punished by both of them ^^

@ Spankfriends - Haha well that'll be the next page

@ Nerokun - Yessss if I was a boy, I would too haha

@ CrimsonKidCK - Sorry but I disagree with you completely. Remus and Tonks parent Tod in a team and they can both handle his punishment. Tod is Remus' biological son, and Tonks' step son, so the discipline gets left to Remus most of the time as they have a stronger bond and know one another better.

It all depends on how the Father disciplines. If a child respects his Father then they will fear the punishment, not the man himself.

As for being emotionally stronger they both have their flaws. Tonks is young and clumsy and Remus is weighed down by his condition and self loathing. Thanks for taking the time to comment tho.

@shadowsong2b - Haha thanks, well this isn't Teddy, his name is Tod and he's Remus' biological son that he had with another woman before he met Tonks. Tonks is still finding her feet being a new Mum

@ Temochin - ooh those are definitely interesting factors :3 thanks for sharing
#7 Tue February 12, 2019 14:19

Senior Member
Is Tod a werewolf?
#8 Tue February 12, 2019 14:28

I do what I want ♛
@ Corkscrew - Nope, he's a werefox xD
#9 Tue February 12, 2019 14:43

Oooh poor boy, this definitely gonna be a hard punishment for him. I'm soooo excited to see Lupin in the next page

oh, and can I just say how much I love the undies? such a cute and funny touch
#10 Sun February 17, 2019 17:15

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