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Home » Active Resident Artists » CM_Zero » - Dark Passion


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Scream if you must. I tried my best to draw a mysteriously looking castle thingie. Making it all blurry helped a bit to make it half way decent, but well, just bear with it.

Cloé in her “nightwear”, cause a sensual, young, French woman always sleeps naked, obviously. That’s as much a known fact as that all Germans wear leather pants and eat Weißwurst and Sauerkraut every day ^^

She also loves looking at the moon very much. And since we on this site love all kinds of “moons” I thought this a fitting beginning for my little comic. Beware of the approaching fangs Cloé!

Be careful, the next page may contain a bloody mess… ^^


Shadow Artist

Registered: March 2007
Location: Germany
Posts: 1,568
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Date: Tue March 18, 2008
Views: 8,544
Tags: 13
Filesize: 140.6kb
Dimensions: 700 x 1000
Keywords: ff otk hand brush cons fantasy vampire nude

~loves lilies and roses~
While the castle seems to be missing a tower(perspective), the picture works, in my opinion. Hey, everyone got to start somewhere. We now know we are in a german-y castle, with a name that is, well........................................
But when the name is the only silly thing in a picture, it's fine(reality has even more absurd sounding names for real places, after all)

The teeth also look painful XD But I suppose vampires SHOULD look like that-

I believe, the MOON pun was done before, hehe. The moon in question looks nice, although oddly, only "one" is red. That probably shall change, if we were not mislead by your description =O

all Germans wear leather pants and eat Weißwurst and Sauerkraut every day ^^
You don't? You're a bad german. I do it all day not not ewwwwwww ewwwwwwwwwwwww go away Sauerkraut EWWW.

#1 Tue March 18, 2008 20:33

Ooo~creepy. Yes, stereotypes are always fun. Lol, love the German one. Indeed I knew that one already, Zero, no need to clarify hehe, jk. Anyways great work, lovely panels a very nice page to start off with--Cloe looks wonderful and very sexy, too.
#2 Tue March 18, 2008 20:46

Heh, pun. Do french woman really sleep naked? Thats... very hot... The blurry-ness to be honest just obscures the detail. To me it says "I couldn't draw this very detailed so I half fasted and made it blurry." Terribly sorry, it's not you it's me.
#4 Tue March 18, 2008 22:32

~Sweetest Cyanide~
Well, I make the mental note to never try to borrow whitesausage (Good translation?) off of you, CM.
I also make the mental note to send lots and lots of Sourcabbage to Macha at every opertunity possible.
And... it wouldn't *suprise* me if you wore tight leather pants Macha - CM's characters often do~!

I often think of being bitten by a vampire as being like self-harm. There's something in the cutting and running blood thats really more relaxing beyond the endorphine rush. Vampires as a sexual element is something I approve of. Lesbian vampires night after night more so.
#5 Wed March 19, 2008 02:12

~loves lilies and roses~
Tight leather pants are for yaoi.
Also remember: I am NOT a character by CM_Zero ;P One can notice that because, unlike other people, there are no pictures of me on this site, especially not of me involved in a spanking :3
#6 Wed March 19, 2008 08:43

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