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Home » Dormant Resident Artists » Goldeagle


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The peaceful quiet of the lazily afternoon was suddenly disturbed when the the sound of the front door bursting open could be heard thorugh out the entire mansion. Soon after A mans angry voice followed by the pleading wimpers of a teenage girl, trailed up the stairs and into the governer's office.

Capt. Howe Drug Sarah by the arm into her fathers office and thrust her before, as he began to lay the charges of his daughter before him.

"Lord Kensington, I caught your daughter fiddleing with my horse." Capt Howe said, pionting out to the stables.

"What did she do, Capt.?" Sarah's father asked puting down, a piece of paper that came from England.

"She was...she was rearranging my horses appearance so that it no longer resembled a proper horse of war." Capt. Howe said somewhat embarrased.

"What do you mean?" Lord kensington asked. Then Capt. Howe pionted out to the stables where sure enough, three stable boys were trying to remove all the bows and ribbons from Capt Howe's Horse.

Loed Kensington went to the the window, saw the sight for himself and then turned to his naughty daughter. He was quite Angry Sarah could tell by the look on his face.

"Sarah Ann Kenisngton. I brought you and your sister to America so that I could remove you from the temptations of England and even here you find ways to make trouble. You are fifteen years old, when are you going to start acting like it." Sarah's father yelled at her.

Sarah could tell she was in trouble, All she wanted to do was make the horse look pretty. She resinged herself that soon she would be sent to the tree in the back yard to fetch a switch. Her father tunred to her again and she braced herself for the order.

"Sarah, I...I think you know what you did was wrong. I want you to know that it will cost a very large sum of money to fix the damage you have done, and you have removed at least one horse from the use of the Brittish Military. Now go to your room and don't leave it until instructed." Her father said calmly.

sarah was pleasenatly surprised while Capt. Howe was uterly left speechless.

"Sir My Horse..." He said befor Lord Kensington cut him off.

"Will be taken care of Capt. Now go tend to your duties." Lord Kensington said returning to the letter he was reading.

Capt. Howe was furious, but at the same time could do nothing. He angrily saluted and stormed out of the room. Sarah Left soon after.

She was in her room and thinking about what she had done. She didn't mean to cost the empire any money and she surely didn't want to deprive the brave soldiers fighting the American rebels. She ate her dinner in silence and when it was over returned to her room and went straight to sleep.

For three days the guilt had slowly built in her. She couldn't do anything without thinking of the cost of her misdeed. Finally she went to the only other person she could talk to, her older sister Elizabeth.

She found her reading her favorite book out in the garden when she came up to her.

"Elizabeth, you heard about what i did to Capt Howe's Horse right?" She asked meekly.

Elizabeth put down her book and replied. "Yes I did, and I talked with Capt. Howe this morning and he is still furious."

"Well I know what I did was wrong and I thought Daddy would punish me for it, but he won't. At first I was very fond of the notion but now, it;s all I can think about. Will you help me?" Sarah pleaded.

"Father isn't punishing us!? Maybe now would be a good time to tell him I have fallen in love with an American continental." Elizabeth said side tracked.

"What, no...There will never be a good time to tell that to father. Please stay focused." Sarah said confused.

Elizabeth thought for a moment and then told her sister to meet her in the stables in an hour. She would be able to wipe away her guilt.

Sarah did as she was instructed and after an hours time had passed, met her sister in the stables. She found Elizabeth sitting in the middle of the stable on a small milking stool as she motioned for her to come to her.

"All right sarah, I want you to completly disrobe." Elizabeth instructed.

"Elizabeth, I don't see how that is nessecssary." Sarah said.

'Do you want my help or not, I could just leave you know."

sarah relented as she removed all of her clothing. in one minutes time, she stood in front of Elizabeth completly nude.

"Now come over my knee. If father won't give you a spanking, then I will." Elizabeth said as she patted her knee.

Sarah not wanting to do it but also wanting to wipe away her guilt slowly positioned herself across her sisters lap. Out of now where Elizabeth's hand smacked sharply against her unprotected rear.

smack...smack....smack....smack...smack.... Elizabeth contiued for five minutes before she stopped. Sarah now crying, was in pain but the guilt of her misdeed was no longer there. She had been properly punished and she felt better for it.

Sarah got up from Eliabeths lap, hugged her sister and then went to put jer cloths back on.

"Elizabeth, do you know where capt. Howe is?" sarah asked.

"I think he is in his office at the barracks, why?" Elizabeth asked helping her sister with her things.

"I have to go appologize to him."



Registered: January 2008
Location: It's a long, long way to tipperary
Posts: 47
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Date: Thu March 20, 2008
Views: 5,969
Tags: 7
Filesize: 504.8kb
Dimensions: 1000 x 1000
Keywords: spank english switch punish

Wow, i didn't mean for the story to be so long. Ever since my fist pic, with the illegdable text, I think this way works best to provide insight behind the picture. Please excuse the story length. Thanks.

#1 Thu March 20, 2008 04:32

Shadow Artist
Another nice one. I like how the picture is accompanied by a story.

Oh, and a naked spankee is another plus ^^
#4 Fri March 21, 2008 12:09

Gold Eagle I think you definitely submit enough art to have your own gallery~ not to mention a lot of talent. I would request one in the forums if I were you: https://animeotk.com/forum/forumdispl...-18/index.html
And don't worry about the length of the story, it adds a lot to the pic! Good work and the coloring is beautiful.
#6 Sat March 22, 2008 02:46

charles wilbourn
Gold Member
not only is the pic exciting; so is the story. great overall job! it's true: a sound spanking can help wipe away guilt.
#9 Sun January 6, 2013 17:19

Diamond Stud
The Pouty Artist
It's a nice thought to know that her sister will always be there for her when she needs it. That horse is very pretty though...
#10 Sun April 5, 2015 19:49

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