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Home » Active Resident Artists » Funbun


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Which for the one might be the HARDEST moment is often the FINEST moment for the other..

It always is embarrassing and painful for the spankee to feel her pants pulled down. Making her bare buttocks extremely vulnerable.. All spankees dread this moment as they know the exposed orbs will soon be the target of a long and painful exercise with hard smacks landing on the tender bum-cheeks.

The spanker however LOVES this moment. She has full power over the girl across her lap. She feels she has to do justice to the situation and baring the buttocks makes her feel in command.! Often there will be mixed feelings; the sight of the velvety soft pale buttocks will soften her and at the same time make her aware the girl needs to be firmly punished. Slapped on those very bare buttocks as the well-rounded curves seem to beg for slaps. Firm slaps..!!

In most cases the reverberating slaps will dampen the anger as does the redness on the buttocks that is getting deeper and deeper.
So after a few minutes she will stop, lift the girl of her lap and pamper and cuddle her...

Enjoy, Funbun
PS: What about your feelings when you are upended over the knee of somebody or look at the bare buttocks of a girl across your own lap..? Please let me know.



Registered: January 2008
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 490
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Date: Mon July 5, 2021
Views: 3,795
Tags: 22
Filesize: 32.9kb
Dimensions: 500 x 612
Keywords: otk spanking ff

Senior Member
when my grandmother put me on her knee, I was stamping like a horse
but when he pulled down his pants, my heart raced. at the drop of the panties a few spanks later, here came the tears. I was crying hard just to hear them go down.

I felt shame and repentance

good pic
#1 Mon July 5, 2021 16:31

It's Morphing Time!
Ooh, this pic is good, but the story blurb you put with it is so fucking raw, mate! It's beautiful!
#2 Mon July 5, 2021 17:13

Gold Member
Always love your otk positioning and bottoms.the coloring and story are outstanding.Thanks for sharing and have a great day.
#3 Mon July 5, 2021 18:30

Lizardopholus Pervi
Oh yes - the baring of the bottom is the most erotic and exiting part! Lovely work
#4 Tue July 6, 2021 13:29

Junior Member
As a spanker, the whole experience is very powerful and exciting. Seeing her lip quiver, possibly already beginning to cry, as I make her stand in front of me as I bare her bottom. Then telling her to bend over and lay across my lap as I place a hand across her back to hold her still. Then watching her bare bottom bounce and her legs kick as I spank her over and over again, until her cheeks are red and burning hot, before letting her up and sending her to the corner or upstairs to her room.
#5 Tue July 6, 2021 18:30

Indeed, Baring the bottom is the best. Slowly, take the time for it and than the first Smack: Magic!
#6 Sat July 10, 2021 19:47

Gold Member
I love to undres her or make her undres herself, while I watch how her eyes looks down. She realize what will happens in few seconds
#7 Sun October 15, 2023 21:19

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