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Home » Active Resident Artists » Slowth Kun


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Poor Jasper can't catch a break.
After being spanked to tears, he's made to sit in the corner with soap in his mouth. Even when his fellow co workers come in to chat with the boss, much to his embarrassment. Hopefully, the little satyr can catch a break soon..

Totally not fixated on my oc right not and drawing a whole bunch drawing with my oc jvufdi

Slowth Kun


Registered: February 2016
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 628
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Date: Sat September 25, 2021
Views: 1,882
Tags: 10
Filesize: 546.3kb
Dimensions: 1000 x 1000
Keywords: oc satyr spanking soap cornertime

How great is to see another pic with your Satyr!
Well deserved...a good red and sore spanked bottom and some soap in his mouth will teach him a good lesson!^^
#1 Sat September 25, 2021 16:36

Slowth Kun
How great is to see another pic with your Satyr!
Well deserved...a good red and sore spanked bottom and some soap in his mouth will teach him a good lesson!^^
Nelson1977 : He's Definitely going to think twice before talking back! X3
TBH you and Max have also really encouraged me to keep drawing him!! I have a lot of ideas that I wanna draw out!!
#2 Sat September 25, 2021 16:45

Slowth Kun:No problem!I know will be more from you with this great character!Have fun!^^
#3 Sat September 25, 2021 17:35

this is definitely your best so far, I can tell you really put a lot of effort into it...all the little details like the seat of the stool being scrunched up from his clenched butt cheeks...great job.
#4 Sat September 25, 2021 18:11

Slowth Kun
this is definitely your best so far, I can tell you really put a lot of effort into it...all the little details like the seat of the stool being scrunched up from his clenched butt cheeks...great job.
Max: Thank you very much!! I find small details helps add to the narrative that you try to tell! when people notice them, it makes the hard work worth it!!
#5 Sun September 26, 2021 02:59

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