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Home » Active Resident Artists » CM_Zero » - CM_Zero's: Mina - The Forbidden Forest

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Ouch. Mistress Rosewhips does some more workout, and she enjoys it.

Poor Mina, what will happen to you?

Well, I'm sorry if this is too harsh, but it's more in character for an evil demoness to dish out harsh punishments. To have a crying Mina instead of an angry or spiteful one is a seldom opportunity. She can't always be in control so totally. And if Mina wouldn't cry a bit, Rosewhip wouldn't stop the strapping ever.


Shadow Artist

Registered: March 2007
Location: Germany
Posts: 1,569
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Date: Sat May 31, 2008
Views: 12,986
Tags: 36
Filesize: 310.5kb
Dimensions: 720 x 1200
Keywords: mf ff hand strap whip switch otk bend over standing nc bondage humiliation demon mina

Get over here~!
so its not over, O_O mina Crying?!?! my hart is broken. Il post the last say at the end.
#1 Sat May 31, 2008 15:57

Legendary Beast Tiger
most of the people mina has spanked would be laughing
#2 Sat May 31, 2008 16:10

Harsh, yes, but like you've said...a demoness is dishing out the punishment so it's not like she can be merciful. Demons...just aren't like that. ^^;

Still, the art is very amazing - you did a great job with the movement of flesh as the leather contacted her bottom. The figures of the women you draw are beautiful. ^_^ Poor Mina, being reduced to tears like that.
#5 Sat May 31, 2008 16:54

Spankhappy Megaraptor
Actually, I feel sorry for Mina. Her victims were never spanked THAT badly, last I checked.
#6 Sat May 31, 2008 16:59

Demonic princess
most of the people mina has spanked would be laughing
THE FIRST who laugh, i'll do the same on him !!!
Damn ! a strap ! it hurt !
#7 Sat May 31, 2008 17:00

Gentleman Spanker
Yeah no kidding I mean that demoness went for frontal strapping as well. Thats brutal but still an excellent picture.
#8 Sat May 31, 2008 17:01

Senior Member
Mina obviously can't be in control for this story, but I think it would be more in-character for her to look and act defiant (at least a bit).

It's a very nice page, no question, but I don't really feel like I'm looking at the demoness you depicted in many previous drawings.
#9 Sat May 31, 2008 17:02

Oh yeah? I'm not laughing. Okay, I don't care how harsh a 'true demoness' would spank anyone, it's not like this is real. Seeing not only her butt but her entire backside so mercilessly hurt doesn't feel necessary or right. I only wish that I could enjoy this rather than feel the pain in my stomach I feel now. I literally would not be able to stand it if this ended with Mina, ruler of her own forest, deciding to serve this sadistic bitch.

I will admit to liking seeing Mina's rear smacked, but not her back like as if she was some sort of slave. You even got a smack mark on her boob! I know Mina cries, I know she doesn't always have full control, but it doesn't change my feelings that this goes a little too far. I like the comic, but it really affects the soul you know? Really gets to you. Makes you feel so bad for her. But when that happens it feels more like a sad cruel story than a sexy fanservice. And thats not what we want to see with our beloved demoness.
#10 Sat May 31, 2008 17:04

~loves lilies and roses~
I literally would not be able to stand it if this ended with Mina, ruler of her own forest, deciding to serve this sadistic bitch. Question: Why does anyone think it will end like this? I kinda don't get this sentiment xD Xam, you're just overreacting.
THE FIRST who laugh, i'll do the same on him !!!
*laughs* Luckily I'm a she, so I'm safe :> Not to mention that demons can't hurt Paladins anyway, ha ha.
#11 Sat May 31, 2008 17:12

Shadow Artist
Ah, I see, I did something real conrtroversial for a change. Well the Mina pics always were among the more harsh and painful pictures of mine. I do prefer my other romantic and playful storylines most of the time. But Mina gives me the opportunity to draw the darker more sadistic sides of this fetish.

It is all a matter of taste of course.

I personally consider a strapping, even if it's on the back and the breasts like this not as bad as a real hard caning with bruises and welts on the bottom and thights. Despite all the red color this is NOT a real whipping in the medieval sense which breaks the skin and draws blood (I'm not THAT sadistic).

If I compare the hard canings or birchings to the full body strappings I've seen in the real actor spanking videos (since I lack the personal experience to judge this matter first hand), the caning seemed more uncomfortable. I find a strapping which reddens the whole spankees body much more sexy than, say, a birching or 20 strokes with a cane.

As for the "Mina enslaved question". Do you really think I would turn Mina's character into a slave without her consent? If she requested it I might but she didn't. Please remember that this is actually more or less a request by Mina, which she told me when I first started drawing her demoness. She wanted that just once her demoness should be overpowered and treated harshly like her victims.

This is just my way of providing the humiliation, spanking and helplessness, she wanted for this special comic.

I'm sorry if I disappoint some of you, but since it's impossible to please everyone all the time and this very fetish of ours is pretty borderline anyway, I will stay true to me and continue as I see fit.

I do thank you for your thoughts though. I do appreciate the feedback, be it praise or criticism. It is much more fun to know what you like or dislike than it is not to.

So, enjoy or wait for other more gentle pictures of me.

#12 Sat May 31, 2008 17:46

Gentleman Spanker
Valid points, although as a joke for the gentle pictures, you can always spank someone with a teddy bear.
#13 Sat May 31, 2008 18:07

I was just giving an opinion. You draw what ever you want and don't let anyones opinion change that. And who said anything about the strap? Thats my favorite implement. And we never thought this would expect blood since we're non violent here (I know you know what I mean). We all have or morbid and sadistic sides. I have one too. Don't be afraid to show it, but expect a few confused or uncomfortable posts. And I was unsure if Mina even wanted this so thanks for clearing that up.

-The End-.... of the evil step mother. Said I'll huff and puff and give you three wishes. The beanstalk turned into seven dwarves and... okay, sorry, I just wanted to lighten the mood a little.
#14 Sat May 31, 2008 19:59

*Horo`dae laughs at Mina*
#15 Sat May 31, 2008 20:29

Junior Member
Comeuppance comes to us all...I'll bet Mina never expected her lil bottom to be this color! EXCELLENT series!
#16 Sat May 31, 2008 21:04

Legendary Beast Tiger
yeah, a strap would hurt
#17 Sat May 31, 2008 22:48

Artist of the Damned
Beware the demoness brought low. Mina will only become more powerful from this...
#18 Sat May 31, 2008 23:10

Legendary Beast Tiger
yeah, but it is fun to watch
#19 Sun June 1, 2008 00:44

Gold Member
I think the comic is very well drawn so far, and really enjoyable to read. If anyone has a problem with it, they just can stop looking. xD
#20 Sun June 1, 2008 01:19

The Monster Under the Bed
its nice to see something different for a change. i dont mind the harshness. in fact i think its mild compared to some of the stuff ive seen ( and drawn ) so i say good going. and those that cant stomach it should just look away.

Edit: Also i love her facial expression in the second panel. Pure gold 10/10
#21 Sun June 1, 2008 01:52

It's a ten! Please don't ban me or nuffin, I really didnt mean it like that! ; - ;
#23 Sun June 1, 2008 02:21

Legendary Beast Tiger
yeah, but once Mina gets loose she'll give it back tenfold
#24 Sun June 1, 2008 03:07

The Master Writer
"yeah, but once Mina gets loose she'll give it back tenfold"

This was a given from the beginning of the story. It makes the story a little flat, but I'm guessing thats not what everyone was here to see.

Comeuppance is what everyone was here to see. The story was pretty much obvious from the beginning. :
#25 Sun June 1, 2008 03:20

Gold Member
Honestly, I'm disappointed in you Zero. Your art is phenomonal, but your mean streak is very limited. And you people, all this commotion over a strapping on the breast? It'd hurt, but it's really not the worst thing possible. If you disappoint me, I'll be forced to upload images, and you don't want a talentless, former-troll to be posting terrible sketches.
#26 Sun June 1, 2008 05:12

Legendary Beast Tiger
anyway, to get revenge she'd have to cornor rosewhip alone
#27 Sun June 1, 2008 05:21

Senior Member
looks like Macha and i are due over Mina's lap for a 'we're sorry' spanking.
#28 Sun June 1, 2008 06:06

~loves lilies and roses~
Luckily, I refuse punitive spankings. So nah
#29 Sun June 1, 2008 06:25

"And you people, all this commotion over a strapping on the breast?"

Okay, I mention that once and you think thats why everyone is uncomfortable? I'm not even going to say anything, I'm sorry.
#30 Sun June 1, 2008 07:06

Shadow Artist
... a normal human being can't enjoy such things, its simply horrible.
Well, so I, to have drawn this, must either be a real deviant or an alien.
I wonder what really bothers people the most. Is it the bondage part? The strapping on back and breasts? Or that is it that Mina the demoness is the one to recieve this? I don't really see THAT much difference to other pictures by me or other artists on this site that have a crying spankee and some bondage.
#31 Sun June 1, 2008 08:23

hehehe as someone who got pounced on by mina i think she got what she her come uppance, might be an unpopular comment but i only speack the truth. i love the art work here but i do think we should have atleast seen the first lash. this rosewhip looks like a perfect chioce for a darklord haha
#32 Sun June 1, 2008 08:31

Senior Member
And on that note CM, Mina has alot of people who are too loyal too her and take the forest too seriously. it's not like this is cannon in the forest or vice versa. some people are just too sensitive. and i have noticed while most people here are spankos some are amazingly vanila and this might be too offensive for them, which is a real shame. i love your work.
#33 Sun June 1, 2008 08:33

Get over here~!
Yea, its honor and respect for Mina-sama so its a heavy thing that whey's on the hart and its coz its Mina getting the spanking, its not that we don't diss-approve of your art at all (some ppl like it on the back to but that works only when they ask for it not any other way) any we thank you for doing the request since you rune ^-^ and we all I think gave you a rating of 10 Zero so its Mina's defeat that is so unsettling thats all, normally everyone wouldn't say so much, its coz we lover her ^-^ same withe many other ppl.Minas a evil demoness hero to me!!

From a friend and supporter
#34 Sun June 1, 2008 09:05

It is Mina. Thats all that makes me sad. I could've enjoyed seeing her get spanked, several times over in fact, but not like this. Mina is my friend. I love your work more than anyone, I'm just sad to see her get it 'this' harshly. You may love it, but I don't expect you to understand that simple feeling of care for a friend we have as thorkitty seems to understand. I know that sounds harsh, but understand our words are out of compassion and sympathy, while yours are horny statements of enjoyment or (highlight 'or' so that you know I'm not pointing fingers at anyone) revenge. Mina is probably the most famous person on the site, it's only natural some of us respect her. I'm sorry, I don't like to be serious, but I just wanted to say we're just expressing our feelings and put and end to all this 'love hate' talk. We may all feel however we desire about an image or comic like any other on the site. I know theres worse "looking" pictures here, but we're not talking about those. We all love bondage, we're spankos for pete's sake, and how else are you going to bind Mina other than the magic barriers and runic stones it took the last time (Yes, for those of you not getting it or new here, shes been spanked several times by plenty of people in the past, and never once was it this harsh). Thats all. Please stop argueing on the subject.

I look forward to the ending. I really do. Hope to see it soon CM Zero.
#35 Sun June 1, 2008 09:07

Pervert Persona
Zero, your style just gets better and better. It's amazing to witness, it really is. I have always adored your ability to manipulate tones into such a superb 'cel-like' quality, your bold lines are admirable rather than gaudy, and your voluptuous feminine bodies never cease to make me swoon (possibly because I'm a colossal pervert, but nevertheless!) The ripple of flesh in the first panel could have been a real disaster, but you perfected it so that it worked wonderfully – excellent. I enjoy a lot of things, I don't mind a bit of hard stuff on occasion, but even bearing that in mind, I feel that this wasn't as terrible as it could have been. The whole strapping of the back is something that I have tried recently, obviously not THIS hard, so perhaps I'm more desensitized than others in that respect. I think you could have gone easier on the deepness of hue, though. XP She's turning into a strawberry!

Poor Mina, but then again, 'your' Mina is different from 'the real' Mina others seem to revere and know so well – this is something that people really need to bear in mind. Your intention was not to hurt Mina, not even your version of the character, rather, just to do a strong persona justice, perhaps. The Mina you portray is a spanker, the epitome of power, a tower of strength. Perhaps the austerity was the only way that you could reason as breaking down that blockade, if only for a little while (your Mina is too rigid and potent a character to be beaten so swiftly) – don't be offended or disconcerted when people seem to get over-emotional and defensive about it. Don't be put off drawing what you want to draw.

Mina looks very sexy here, although Rosewhip's lost her charm to me, personally. ._. Let's see her get it. I wanna see that purple dude punished, too (love his design). Look at his face. Somebody better teach him a lesson. [Vein pulses] Brava!
#36 Sun June 1, 2008 09:39

Shadow Artist
I think it's kind of unfair to say "I don't understand that simple feeling of care for a friend" as you put it, Xam. I didn't intend to make "horny" statements void of compassion or friendship. It makes me sad to realize I made that impression to you. I just thought the reason for the earlier dislike of this scene was because the method of punishment was considered "unsexy" by some. I didn't realize it was because you considered this a personal attack on Mina as a person.

You make it sound like I'm exploiting Mina for my personal satisfaction. That I do not. I consider Mina a friend of mine too and I chat with her regulary.
But for me Mina the demoness and the real Mina I chat with are NOT one and the same person. I realize the demoness has become an alter ego to her, even shares the name and that people tend to see her as one and the same, but essentially it would be like confusing me with my Vikki or Amaya characters to say the demoness is Mina.
So I'm NOT living out my "darkest fantasies" on my friend Mina here. I'm doing a comic on behalf of the demoness' creator and I hope to do it like she intended me to. If she is dissatisfied with my work she has just to say it and I would take down this comic at once and only do further work at her directions.
I do not know much about the universe that has grown around Mina's adventures in chat, so I have to do this freely and on my own judgement of what Mina requested.
I have to admit I feel hurt after your latest statement and just wanted to make clear how I see it.
#37 Sun June 1, 2008 09:53

~loves lilies and roses~
Please stop argueing on the subject.
our words are out of compassion and sympathy, while yours are horny statements of enjoyment. You honestly expect people to drop it after you write a line like that? Oh my, what a cheap attempt at getting the last word. Xam, before you explode on behalf of a friend and accuse another friend of your friend like that - maybe just ask your friend about it first. It'll make you sound way, way, way less overly emotional and more rational, no?
We all love bondage, we're spankos for pete's sake
Oh, and don't speak for me, I don't love bondage. So "we" definitelly all don't.
Somebody better teach him a lesson. [Vein pulses] Brava!
Sounds just like a job for Cross-chan! >=)
#38 Sun June 1, 2008 10:29

Demonic princess
Yeah everyone....fight each others....demons love that >: )

Even if i'm the one behind the demoness, i really loved theses pages.
#39 Sun June 1, 2008 10:58

~loves lilies and roses~
Discord forever? ^^
#40 Sun June 1, 2008 11:45

Demonic princess
Listen, it's the very first time where the demoness assume her proper medicine, after that, she certainly learn a lot of things ! She gonna be more powerfull and serious ! Don't worry, a demoness like Mina never let down and live in revenge ! >: )

.....well.....already 37 comments just for me ? i really have an EMPIRE !
#41 Sun June 1, 2008 11:54

VIP Donator
Thank you Mina for stepping on the fanboys. I meant to post yesterday, but the demons of sleep caught up with me and clubbed me unconscious.

Mez, seriously, with comments like "a normal human being cant enjoy such things..." you are courting a ban. this is NOT a place to slam other people's kinks. Period. Is that clear enough?

As tho the outpouring of 'poor Mina' I am surprised to say it a little, but I find myself in complete agreement with thorkitty, you guys take the forest WAY too seriously, and it just induces a headache in the rest of us. Let Mina defend herself if she is offended by an image. She is a demon after all, I think we can trust her to speak her mind.

More to the point, Awesome artwork as always, Zero. I stand in awe of your talents.

and that is my 2 cents.
#42 Sun June 1, 2008 13:28

Legendary Beast Tiger
like I said yesturday, she'll get her vengence...eventually. Until then she'll take it out on someone
#43 Sun June 1, 2008 15:32

Gold Member
Sorry about yesterday; wasn't feeling good. In a mood, you know.
#44 Sun June 1, 2008 18:35

Whoo, 42nd comment! Wow this must be one of the most-commented pics on the site Zero! I'll shy away from the controversy that appears to be going on and just say that this is a wonderful work, showing the contact of the strap, Mina's shocked and pained expression, and finally how CUTE Mina looks in the final panel, though I am a little sad she looks so pained! Poor little thing! I suppose Mina has spanked her share of people, but to see this spanker spanked and so embarrassed is a little satisfying, but I still feel for her. Looking forward to the end, hehe! Wonderful artwork!!
#45 Sun June 1, 2008 20:04

Legendary Beast Tiger
yeah. I never thought I'd see Mina cry. First time fore eveything
#46 Sun June 1, 2008 20:27

Guys, I think you all need to realize that images are just images; they are not real.
#48 Mon June 2, 2008 09:40

Senior Member
So Mina lost one battle. It will just make her better prepared for the next one. And what a fight that is going to be!
#49 Mon June 2, 2008 14:15

Get over here~!
On second though, I opinion is now voiced, this was wrong even if Mina supports it and that is that, anyone arguing will be stomp and switched, this is not a threat its a warning.Enjoy it if you want , I don't. get over it YOU.

The pic's are relay good and there is no doute that Zero did a tremendously good comic.

(Mina, Zero, Eva1,Xam, and others that supports)Cant you see? We fucken rock, We fucken role out of control.
#51 Thu June 5, 2008 23:32

Gold Member

Mina got owned.

....go rosewhip
#52 Tue July 29, 2008 02:32

Demonic princess
Drane....beware to yourself......now.
#53 Tue July 29, 2008 12:59

Gold Member
.... can't we.... talk about this?


..aw shit....
#54 Tue July 29, 2008 16:22

Senior Member
<P>YYeeehaaa, this was very entertaining to read, thank you for the wonderful controversial picture.</P>
#57 Sat August 1, 2009 15:42

Senior Member
I wish to see more of this Rosewhip lady ^^
#58 Fri February 26, 2021 07:49

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