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I don't see this as a bedwetting.
Does anyone Really want to ruin that head-pat that made little Raphtalia warm up to him so much?

So what happened?
Well. I recon after the first dose of medicine tasted so horrible, she refused to take a second. Poor girl.
I might ask for Filo to get her does of discipline too.
But should daddy or big sis Raph do that spanking? Hmm...

Source: The Rising of the Shield Hero
Spankee: Raphtalia
Spanker: Master Naofumi
Artist: https://www.fanbox.cc/@eery

SpecificInter3sts Edit P

Senior Member

Registered: February 2018
Posts: 822
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Date: Tue October 18, 2022
Views: 7,959
Tags: 96
Filesize: 340.1kb
Dimensions: 1710 x 2160
Keywords: naofumi raphtalia pixiv rising of shield hero

Gold Member
This looks great! Are the characters from an anime or videogame? Or are they OCs?

And I agree...I hate bedwetting in spanking stories. Refusing to take her medicine, is a much better reason for a spanking.
#1 Wed October 19, 2022 00:32

SpecificInter3sts Edit P
Senior Member
The Rising of the Shield Hero
#2 Wed October 19, 2022 00:49

Gold Member
Whatever the reason, she has the cutest little bottom!

(In all seriousness though, spanking for bedwetting is just cruel in my eyes... I say that because I had a bedwetting problem myself for quite a while)
#3 Wed October 19, 2022 01:11

OMG! I love it! It's so hard to find stuff of young-Raphtalia. Thanks so much for sharing!

That's a really good question about who should give it to Filo. Hmmm. I'd vote for Raph.

@Nitrogen From all I've seen, Japan is actually pretty sensible about bedwetting. It's not something that's punished, but it is always really seen as an embarrassment when a wet bedding is hanging out to dry, which is what happens in the show for like a 2 second clip in a montage.
#4 Wed October 19, 2022 12:45

VIP Donator
Thats great. I loved the manga and the pairing is great. Thank you
#5 Wed October 19, 2022 13:08

SpecificInter3sts Edit P
Senior Member
I was thinking her too. Hmm... Plan.
First Raph spanks Filo because she's jealous of Naofumi's affection needing to be split between the two, then Naofumi spanks Raphtalia again because Filo didn't deserve it.
#6 Thu October 20, 2022 16:23

SpecificInter3sts Edit P
Senior Member
To be honest, when I asked for the picture, I did request that it take place in the woods. To fit the scene when he gave her medicine. I didn't want it to be in an Inn because I was afraid of bedwetting being accused for the reason.
#7 Thu October 20, 2022 16:24

I like that plan :-D
#8 Fri October 21, 2022 01:48

Probationary User
Happy to see Raph get punished for something, honestly if not for the bed wetting she is either to good a person Or has trauma to excuse her for the few times I have seen her lose it.

But both happy and sad to see you share this as I support the artist and do not remember seeing this in the monthly booklet I suppose.
So either this is old and just don't remember or you can go for private.
#9 Fri October 21, 2022 05:18

SpecificInter3sts Edit P
Senior Member
If I'm not mistaken, are you saying you're only looking at the paid packages?
Because if that's so, I have amazing news.
I did that too, for so long. I thought, why look at the free stuff? It'll be included, right?
Go back, go all the way back. None of the free stuff is included in the paid package. They're all separate content.
If you've been surfing around seeing RWBY characters getting spanked by some dude in a mask, it's in the free stuff.

If you have made this mistake like I did, then you've got Months of content to look at :P
#10 Fri October 21, 2022 10:11

Senior Member
Great art, but is Raphtalia aged down in this picture?
#11 Sat October 22, 2022 16:14

SpecificInter3sts Edit P
Senior Member
Has anyone seen the show??
#12 Sun October 23, 2022 00:30

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