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Home » Non-Resident Artists » Ai (Japanese Artist)


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This artist's name is Ai. Yes, like the person who runs our lovely site here. No, it's not the same person. Confusion reigns!

We had several pictures scattered around the site already so I condensed them into this folder here. I figure a few more wouldn't hurt. They are quite talented, after all...

According to their site, this is from Kare Kano, which you might also know as "His and Her Circumstances," probably the best anime romance ever produced. I watched the show, I read the comic, and I'm still not sure who these characters are... But there are an awful lot of couples in that series after all. It wouldn't be surprising if I missed one.

Artist's site here:


VIP Donator

Registered: February 2007
Posts: 2,364
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Date: Tue June 17, 2008
Views: 10,497
Tags: 28
Filesize: 84.4kb
Dimensions: 400 x 585
Keywords: mf hand otk boyfriend girlfriend

Very cute comic...if only I knew japanese. I watched that anime too, but the ending episodes I remember being disappointing and confusing, though I really love it in the beginning.
#1 Tue June 17, 2008 05:11

Blue Moon
IIRC Karekano is a contraction for "boyfriend and girlfriend", so that these characters may be an original couple.
#2 Tue June 17, 2008 06:17

Aw, this is so cute and sweet. Yet another artist I've really liked, and seen their stuff posted around over the last couple of years or so. x3
#3 Tue June 17, 2008 10:14

Lord Atomosk
It's possible these two came from the oneshots she used to put at the end of the first couples volumes of the KareKano manga.
#4 Wed June 18, 2008 21:44

Not the same Ai? Ho boy...
#6 Fri June 20, 2008 22:28

I have a question: Why did he breathe on his hand then smack her butt?
#7 Mon June 23, 2008 00:01

He blow on his hand, because his hand is warm?
#8 Sat August 16, 2008 19:46

VIP Donator
I think Facteur Rien is right; seeing how red and hot is the girl's bottom, I guess his hand must be a bit hot and sore, too. So he blew on his hand, before resuming the spanking.
#9 Tue September 9, 2008 10:23

I think too
but it is strange

great comic !
I enjoy when the spanker comfort the spankee after
#10 Mon October 27, 2008 16:04

- How many times does this make that you've been late?
- F-five times.
- What did I say I'd do if you're late this time?
- Kyau! Tha-that you'd punish me. - I said I was sorry... Kyan!
- The last one. Make sure that you remember this pain.
- Yaa! Uwaan!
- There, there. Don't be late again, okay?
#11 Sun November 27, 2011 23:47

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