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So there's a Canadian television show called The Big Comfy Couch that I watched a lot as a kid. This clown girl named Loonette and her doll Molly have a bunch of activities that they do in their house with their big couch, which has a bunch of stuff buried in the cushions. At the end of every episode, Loonette yells "Who made this big mess?!" And then in a very timid voice as the camera zooms in says "...me?" It was always pretty cute and as I got older, spanking thoughts permeated my brain as I watched. So have this.


I traced over the logo and added the Spanky part.

Might have a follow up if I can manage it.



Registered: July 2007
Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 773
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Date: Tue June 27, 2023
Views: 2,421
Tags: 3
Filesize: 998.0kb
Dimensions: 960 x 760
Keywords: big comfy couch loonette

Teee,heee!Cute and nice!^^
#1 Tue June 27, 2023 17:11

Senior Member
This is coincidental, I was watching a documentary about this show a while ago. I think the lady who played Loonette was also a VA for the Beetlejuice animated series
#2 Tue June 27, 2023 23:46

Senior Member
Good lord core memory unlocked! Well done
#3 Wed June 28, 2023 00:10

@nelson1977: thank you!
@theredbarn: good to know she had some more success after that. She was pretty likeable.
@Kelsec: thanks! I had to reach pretty far back in the memory banks for some of it.
#4 Wed June 28, 2023 21:45

Gold Member
surprised that hairbrushes aren't on the arms!
#5 Thu June 29, 2023 02:41

@cyber27: that would have been a good idea! I'll keep that in mind for next time.
#6 Fri June 30, 2023 13:44

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