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Home » Active Resident Artists » Barky


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After 100 swats of a paddle each, both Kyoko and Chiaki were blubbering messes - even the stoic detective Kyoko was squirming and crying like a child. The caning on top of that had them screaming, almost completely broken.

But as long as they had their dignity there was still some hope - Unfortunately Junko knew that more than anyone, and went to work to strip both girls of that completely.

Still rubbing her sore bottoms, Junko took both girls by the ear and marches them into the next room, where a changing table waited for them.

Soon Kyoko found herself laying on her back, legs forced in the air, with a diaper underneath her and this evil witch changing her

Kyoko: Please...stop this. Is this really necessary? You already spanked me to tears

Junko: Oh but I really want to break you little one, and what else can be so humiliating, a lady like you reduced to nothing but a sniveling little brat in a diaper. Yes keep crying for me, I want you to know how hopeless this is for you.

Kyoko: *Sob* *Sob* *Sob*

Junko: That's exactly what I wanted, oh the despair. Don't think I can't see you peeking over there gamer geek! Nose to the wall I said. I'll give you plenty of extra slaps when it's your turn now. But don't you dare look away now! I want you to see what's in store for you next

Chiaki: Yes Ma'am.

Commission from the Amazing Barkyhito. With the spanking (mostly) concluded, it's now time for Junko to finish them off by stripping them of their dignity

(This is an AU without the killing game, but still with Junko obsessed with despair, but more as a bully here)



Registered: January 2010
Posts: 101
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Date: Tue September 26, 2023
Views: 6,362
Tags: 33
Filesize: 416.3kb
Dimensions: 2500 x 2009
Keywords: danganronpa dangan rompa kyoko kirigiri chiaki nanami junko enoshima diaper corner time spanked humiliation

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