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Home » Active Resident Artists » CM_Zero » - Macha Story Collaborations


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Page 3, where Kyuubi tries to coax Hisui into a spanking, but has to realize she doesn't quite understand human society as well as she thought.

This marks the end of the all-chibi prelude. The next pages will be non-chibi and carefully cell-shaded again ^^

The first batch of this beatiful comic.
Story, Characters and Planning by Macha;
Art by CM_Zero


Shadow Artist

Registered: March 2007
Location: Germany
Posts: 1,569
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Date: Fri July 4, 2008
Views: 6,327
Tags: 7
Filesize: 737.1kb
Dimensions: 800 x 1000
Keywords: kitsune ff hand brush nude cons

Get over here~!
This is almost to cute *Eva will probably go blinde withe the next comic XD*
#1 Fri July 4, 2008 13:38

Gold Member
Love it also!
#2 Fri July 4, 2008 15:13

Wonderful, just wonderful. Poor Kyuubi that doesn't understand people quite enough to get it.
Can't wait 'til she succeeds. This is lovely work, story and idea.

Ten thumbs up from my mutant slave that does the voting.
#3 Fri July 4, 2008 15:34

The Oscar
lovely. CM, your character's design is precious
#4 Fri July 4, 2008 15:38

I like chibis, but now it's time for the comic to begin. Poor kyubi can't get what she wants that easily. That Hisui is one tough nut to crack. I wonder how this all will unfurl.
#5 Fri July 4, 2008 17:09

I think chibis were perfect for the beginning of this comic. A lot to be said in little time, so seeing the cute story line so far with these works well. Plus, they are SO cute. Great expressions and lay out again. Hehe, the Merchant part makes me laugh. Nice job, both of you! Deutschen Macht zuzammen! haha!
#6 Fri July 4, 2008 17:13

They look so cute. I'm having a hard time reading it though.
#7 Fri July 4, 2008 19:00

Mr. Random
The chibis are super cute. I think I'll be almost sad to see them go away. This comic is hilarious. I love the exaggerated chibi actions.
#8 Fri July 4, 2008 19:28

Just follow the arrows Inuyasha2cute.
#9 Fri July 4, 2008 23:30

I did. I just noticed them. Thanks.
#10 Sat July 5, 2008 01:55

Senior Member
still i want the original stories if anyone has them. this story sounds awesome.
#11 Sat July 5, 2008 03:08

The Monster Under the Bed
hilarious and lovely
#12 Sat July 5, 2008 11:04

Hehe! Oh my, poor Hisui! She just cries and doesn't want bullied. ;-; And poor Kyuubi too! Hrm, I wonder what method will work for her to successfully catch a spanking?

I can't wait to read more. Thank you, Zero, and thank you Macha, for sharing this on AOTK. It's cute and awesome!
#13 Sat July 5, 2008 17:29

A Real Role Player!
KAWAII! This is so cute! You have to continue really soon!
#14 Sun July 20, 2008 00:26

charles wilbourn
Gold Member
very exceptional, very good work!
#15 Mon July 14, 2014 19:47

Senior Member
i remember this comic, this was a really good work
#16 Sun August 15, 2021 00:28

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