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Home » Active Resident Artists » Starila


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Registered: November 2019
Posts: 198
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Date: Mon August 26, 2024
Views: 3,238
Tags: 7
Filesize: 2678.7kb
Dimensions: 1700 x 2400
Keywords: oshinoko211

Senior Member
ah yes, if she doesn't enjoy receiving harsh caning, make her feel guilty for that
#1 Mon August 26, 2024 14:50

Gold Member
Yeah. The comic is great. But I would have also preferred a less manipulative solution.
#2 Mon August 26, 2024 22:26

Gold Member
Hmmm... here's a Dom who doesn't know what he's doing. I want to be careful with throwing out words suggesting abuse though because this site is for living fantasies.

As I've learnt with my own bottom, you can't just start with something harsh like a paddling or a caning... you have to build up, like a hand-spanking, then a hairbrush, then a paddle or strap etc. Even school paddlings tend to start with just 3 smacks over clothes!
#3 Tue August 27, 2024 11:20

Senior Member
I think it should be counted as abuse, he started definitely too hard and when she told him that she wants him to stop, he started manipulating her into feeling guilt for not enjoying it.
Also he really wants her first time to be as painfull as possible.
From what i have counted, he prepared:
5 paddles, 6 canes, 9 tawses and a cat-o-nine tails,
this makes, 21 tools, and i'm not sure how much he strikes he planned to deliver her with each one (since he canned her over cane marks) but i counted around 10-11 cane marks, Assuming that one or two marks could not be visible becouse of the skirt and the fact he hits on the marks, it would be safe to assume that he planned to deliver her at least 15 smacks with each tool (being most generous for spankee).
Since his every smack is powerfull (based on the fact that the first strike of the cane has left a deep red mark on her behind, how much she jolted from it and how much the cane itself has bented from the strike) She'll definitely need an ambulance after this session becouse she'll receive at least 315 strikes, each one delivered with great force and with hard and painful tool.
#4 Tue August 27, 2024 12:49

Gold Member
It's interesting gauging people's reactions to pictures sometimes. There was an old Palcomix picture (one from the Jade Rejuve Universe series) that I think got taken down because of context, and one of alt_cor's pictures got a massive amount of debate and anger because of the theme of a young boy pinching a teenage girl's bottom, the teenager slapping him across the face, the boy calling for dad and the dad spanking the girl (the words for "SA" were thrown out there). The comments got pretty ugly over time.

I don't know if this is the place for me to be questioning such things, since I'm not quite sure where the line is drawn in regards to pictures that show an abusive or at the very least unfair scenario for the characters. Then again, art is designed to evoke emotion.
#5 Tue August 27, 2024 14:52

Senior Member
i think there is not one clear line, but just many smaller red flags that accumulated into one larger problem.
and there are two problems here, one smaller one and one larger one. The smaller one is the fact that dom is too harsh for a beginner (it is a problem but since it's an art we can just not mention it) and the bigger problem is manipulation, spankee clearly shows that she doesn't want to continue, says it out loud and spanker responds with trying to inflict guilt on spankee for not giving consent for receiving harsh beating. And this, this is the main problem of this pick.
And both of these problems together give an impression that spanker doesn't want to introduce his partner into world of spanking and allow her to settle herself but he drops her into deep ocean and tries to force her into enjoying it.
#6 Tue August 27, 2024 15:09

Starilia has pretty consistently depicted her spankees being on the receiving end of punishments featuring excessive number of hits, with excessively harsh implements, and by spankers being on a position where they unreasonably abuse they authority to dole extra severe punishments, often unrealistically suited to the offences.

It is what she does. Whoever comes into here knows what to expect and she has been consistent in her contributions. Sparking a debate about fictional abuse yet another time on an author that has made its niche frankly sounds like just itching to pick a fight

You have plenty of artists that cater to your moral sensibilities. Watch them instead. And if you are here because you like the authors style, have enough respect to not question its choices publicly.

As the bardess once said "Love then the way you made them, ot make them the way you love them"
#7 Tue August 27, 2024 16:23

Senior Member
There's nothing unrespectfull in sharing my opinion.
After all, not every opinion must positive and encouraging, those negative opinions also can be considered respectfull as long as we express ourselfes in calm way.
If you consider any of my words offensive towards the author, i apologize for them to both you and Starila.
#8 Tue August 27, 2024 16:46

Senior Member
This is surely abuse, but I think it's not wrong to picture abuse in art if there is a disclaimer. It could help people differentiate between abuse and play. If we never get to talk about abuse, it would be more difficult to recognise.
Anyway I'm glad everyone in the comments is recognising it as such.
#9 Wed August 28, 2024 08:24

Nothing wrong with enjoying fictional abuse. Nothing wroing with not enjoying it either.

But criticism and opinion should be on how it is portrayed, fits the narrative or is executed. Not in whether one personally likes it or not. Opinions are like dicks. It's fine to have one and like it but don't wave it in front of someone out of the blue, don't force them on other people, and keep them away from children.

That said, and with that I hope to close the topic, after some thought I think obelus is right in that, as long as a purely subjective opinion is voiced respectfully and not used to personally attack anyone, there is no valid reason to not do so. Anbd since I don't think s/he has been disrespectful at any point, I hereby stand corrected of my claim.
#10 Thu August 29, 2024 18:57

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